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tMB exodus?

The new board has become so popular they will have to upgrade their servers due to the traffic. It's a fun place and many have migrated over including Mahler and Fish in a barrel as well as the entire LAC/Fraqqle Rock crew. Kind of reminds me of the events that created the My Little Pony thread.

There are 2 websites, one is a discord server and the other is a regular site. I won't post the urls as I don't know if that's appropriate but they are all over tMB in threads.
The new board has become so popular they will have to upgrade their servers due to the traffic. It's a fun place and many have migrated over including Mahler and Fish in a barrel as well as the entire LAC/Fraqqle Rock crew. Kind of reminds me of the events that created the My Little Pony thread.

There are 2 websites, one is a discord server and the other is a regular site. I won't post the urls as I don't know if that's appropriate but they are all over tMB in threads.
Always good to see you posting, amigo.
An update on the demise of tMB. Over the weekend hundreds of members left and in true main board fashion many made their final posts a profanity laced rant with both middle fingers fully extended. Several posted ghey porn at 1 AM and apparently it stayed up for several hours as the mods were sleeping.

For many of us tMB was a big part of our life for many years. I'd like to take a moment to give an obituary that hopefully has some meaning for you. So many memories needs to be memorialized.

I joined RSS in 2004 and was lukewarm about the national board. What changed all that was perhaps the greatest thread ever posted over there, the Texas Football Statues. Someone on RSS posted a link to it and I literal lee laughed until I was crying and it went on and on for more than 20 pages. I was hooked.

So many characters. Nascardawg who used the Twitter handle 3-Year Letterman, a kind of a Faux Pelini type shtick, identified himself as a high school coaching legend who would troll the crap out of celebrities and politicians with outrageous replies and often got them to reply.

Steve Cook, a restaurateur in South Carolina who had so many troll handles people lost count.

Chauvinist Pig, who would get hundreds of likes just from his gif placement in response to posts. Guy is a genius.

So many others.

Velo1 and bamaman1977 who were part of the Viet Nam thread we started that went 37 pages over the years. Velo was an ex-Green Beret who went to Viet Nam with 40 men in his unit and came home in 1969 with only 4 left including him. I arrived in Viet Nam as he was leaving in 1969. I was no Green Beret and ended up as an Intelligence Advisor on a MACV Advisory Team in the Mekong Delta from 1969-1971 and didn't see even 1/10th of the stuff he did. But he always treated me like a brother and we became quite close.

bamaman1977 was younger than Velo and me but he became the pillar of that thread and kept everyone focused. He's the only person from tMB I ever met IRL. We met up for lunch at the Bluebird Cafe in Huntsville, AL when I was visiting my brother in Nashville. I came away from our lunch thinking he would be the perfect neighbor, he was that kind of guy.

tMB was the best place for breaking news on the internet. It seemed one of the guys lived wherever things were popping off and was ahead of every other news outlet. So many examples but as recently as the Nashville bombing we had a poster named Boom (can't make it up) who lived on 2nd street in a loft a block away from the bombing. The blast shook him out of bed and he went straight to tMB and started posting ahead of any news outlets.

Finally, a salute to the My Little Pony Fan Club which started after the mass banning/purge on RSS, after Sam-I-Am left and Dean came down with new draconian rules. It became the longest running thread with the most posts on tMB. The only thread that came close was the Beer thread which was really the beer snob thread. What started as a refuge and alternative to RSS, eventually morphed into a virtual small town Nebraska tavern. Leery of strangers but like family once you were in. A special shout out to our very own Mr. McGibletts who as a tMB mod kept the trolls out for the most part.

We talked about farmin', huntin', fishin', the weather, Dean, everything except football, usually. We welcomed many newly minted Husker babies and provided support and and a shoulder when someone lost a loved one. I'll give the last word to LaJolla Husker who functioned kind of as our big brother and attempted to keep us out of trouble with Dean, and kept us updated on our penalty points on RSS. He said in one of the last posts upon reflection of the inevitable end of the MLPFC, "It was a good run". Yes it was.

Thanks for the memories and thanks for indulging me as I reminisced.
An update on the demise of tMB. Over the weekend hundreds of members left and in true main board fashion many made their final posts a profanity laced rant with both middle fingers fully extended. Several posted ghey porn at 1 AM and apparently it stayed up for several hours as the mods were sleeping.

For many of us tMB was a big part of our life for many years. I'd like to take a moment to give an obituary that hopefully has some meaning for you. So many memories needs to be memorialized.

I joined RSS in 2004 and was lukewarm about the national board. What changed all that was perhaps the greatest thread ever posted over there, the Texas Football Statues. Someone on RSS posted a link to it and I literal lee laughed until I was crying and it went on and on for more than 20 pages. I was hooked.

So many characters. Nascardawg who used the Twitter handle 3-Year Letterman, a kind of a Faux Pelini type shtick, identified himself as a high school coaching legend who would troll the crap out of celebrities and politicians with outrageous replies and often got them to reply.

Steve Cook, a restaurateur in South Carolina who had so many troll handles people lost count.

Chauvinist Pig, who would get hundreds of likes just from his gif placement in response to posts. Guy is a genius.

So many others.

Velo1 and bamaman1977 who were part of the Viet Nam thread we started that went 37 pages over the years. Velo was an ex-Green Beret who went to Viet Nam with 40 men in his unit and came home in 1969 with only 4 left including him. I arrived in Viet Nam as he was leaving in 1969. I was no Green Beret and ended up as an Intelligence Advisor on a MACV Advisory Team in the Mekong Delta from 1969-1971 and didn't see even 1/10th of the stuff he did. But he always treated me like a brother and we became quite close.

bamaman1977 was younger than Velo and me but he became the pillar of that thread and kept everyone focused. He's the only person from tMB I ever met IRL. We met up for lunch at the Bluebird Cafe in Huntsville, AL when I was visiting my brother in Nashville. I came away from our lunch thinking he would be the perfect neighbor, he was that kind of guy.

tMB was the best place for breaking news on the internet. It seemed one of the guys lived wherever things were popping off and was ahead of every other news outlet. So many examples but as recently as the Nashville bombing we had a poster named Boom (can't make it up) who lived on 2nd street in a loft a block away from the bombing. The blast shook him out of bed and he went straight to tMB and started posting ahead of any news outlets.

Finally, a salute to the My Little Pony Fan Club which started after the mass banning/purge on RSS, after Sam-I-Am left and Dean came down with new draconian rules. It became the longest running thread with the most posts on tMB. The only thread that came close was the Beer thread which was really the beer snob thread. What started as a refuge and alternative to RSS, eventually morphed into a virtual small town Nebraska tavern. Leery of strangers but like family once you were in. A special shout out to our very own Mr. McGibletts who as a tMB mod kept the trolls out for the most part.

We talked about farmin', huntin', fishin', the weather, Dean, everything except football, usually. We welcomed many newly minted Husker babies and provided support and and a shoulder when someone lost a loved one. I'll give the last word to LaJolla Husker who functioned kind of as our big brother and attempted to keep us out of trouble with Dean, and kept us updated on our penalty points on RSS. He said in one of the last posts upon reflection of the inevitable end of the MLPFC, "It was a good run". Yes it was.

Thanks for the memories and thanks for indulging me as I reminisced.
I regret that I only have one “like” to give to this post.
tMB was the best place for breaking news on the internet. It seemed one of the guys lived wherever things were popping off and was ahead of every other news outlet. So many examples but as recently as the Nashville bombing we had a poster named Boom (can't make it up) who lived on 2nd street in a loft a block away from the bombing. The blast shook him out of bed and he went straight to tMB and started posting ahead of any news outlets.

Bin Laden
An update on the demise of tMB. Over the weekend hundreds of members left and in true main board fashion many made their final posts a profanity laced rant with both middle fingers fully extended. Several posted ghey porn at 1 AM and apparently it stayed up for several hours as the mods were sleeping.

For many of us tMB was a big part of our life for many years. I'd like to take a moment to give an obituary that hopefully has some meaning for you. So many memories needs to be memorialized.

I joined RSS in 2004 and was lukewarm about the national board. What changed all that was perhaps the greatest thread ever posted over there, the Texas Football Statues. Someone on RSS posted a link to it and I literal lee laughed until I was crying and it went on and on for more than 20 pages. I was hooked.

So many characters. Nascardawg who used the Twitter handle 3-Year Letterman, a kind of a Faux Pelini type shtick, identified himself as a high school coaching legend who would troll the crap out of celebrities and politicians with outrageous replies and often got them to reply.

Steve Cook, a restaurateur in South Carolina who had so many troll handles people lost count.

Chauvinist Pig, who would get hundreds of likes just from his gif placement in response to posts. Guy is a genius.

So many others.

Velo1 and bamaman1977 who were part of the Viet Nam thread we started that went 37 pages over the years. Velo was an ex-Green Beret who went to Viet Nam with 40 men in his unit and came home in 1969 with only 4 left including him. I arrived in Viet Nam as he was leaving in 1969. I was no Green Beret and ended up as an Intelligence Advisor on a MACV Advisory Team in the Mekong Delta from 1969-1971 and didn't see even 1/10th of the stuff he did. But he always treated me like a brother and we became quite close.

bamaman1977 was younger than Velo and me but he became the pillar of that thread and kept everyone focused. He's the only person from tMB I ever met IRL. We met up for lunch at the Bluebird Cafe in Huntsville, AL when I was visiting my brother in Nashville. I came away from our lunch thinking he would be the perfect neighbor, he was that kind of guy.

tMB was the best place for breaking news on the internet. It seemed one of the guys lived wherever things were popping off and was ahead of every other news outlet. So many examples but as recently as the Nashville bombing we had a poster named Boom (can't make it up) who lived on 2nd street in a loft a block away from the bombing. The blast shook him out of bed and he went straight to tMB and started posting ahead of any news outlets.

Finally, a salute to the My Little Pony Fan Club which started after the mass banning/purge on RSS, after Sam-I-Am left and Dean came down with new draconian rules. It became the longest running thread with the most posts on tMB. The only thread that came close was the Beer thread which was really the beer snob thread. What started as a refuge and alternative to RSS, eventually morphed into a virtual small town Nebraska tavern. Leery of strangers but like family once you were in. A special shout out to our very own Mr. McGibletts who as a tMB mod kept the trolls out for the most part.

We talked about farmin', huntin', fishin', the weather, Dean, everything except football, usually. We welcomed many newly minted Husker babies and provided support and and a shoulder when someone lost a loved one. I'll give the last word to LaJolla Husker who functioned kind of as our big brother and attempted to keep us out of trouble with Dean, and kept us updated on our penalty points on RSS. He said in one of the last posts upon reflection of the inevitable end of the MLPFC, "It was a good run". Yes it was.

Thanks for the memories and thanks for indulging me as I reminisced.

Excellent post. I called it quits on tmb a few years ago when they switched to what I understood as a computer mod (?)... idk, whatever it was changed that place big time and I just stopped spending time over there. I think they quit doing them a long time ago but some of my favorite threads were the weekly YLYL threads. That place used to be legendary. RIP

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