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Places you’ve been in jail...

Will be in South Dakota late next month pheasant hunting.

I just got back from Oahe fishing. We should have taken out shot guns. I’ve never seen so many pheasants. Nebraska sucks! You should be able to limit our in an hour or maybe less. We could have gotten our bag limit in fish and pheasant every day. It’s an amazing state as far as hunting and fishing. I wouldn’t want to live there, but damn.
LOL... It’s in a basket in a storage unit in Greeley.

Keep meaning to have it shipped out here and either restore myself or have it done, but it’s just always on the back burner.... Meanwhile, cost me $1300 a year in storage fees. Used to stored in my mothers three car garage in Greeley prior to her passing away three years ago.

Would love to go into a partnership with someone who restores such vehicles... Have them restored at their expense, and then split the auction proceeds with them.


My cousin Doug Pederson in West Point. NE. Check out his work, one of the best in the Midwest. Heck Jay Leno flew him out to Cali to work on the vintage cars in his garage for a week. He started the Car Show in West Point that became one of the biggest in the Midwest. He loves that vintage era of cars. If interested let me know and I will get you directly in touch with him. His son kinda runs the day to day right now but Doug would love to get that mint.

Oh, I forgot. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor when I was 21 in Lincoln. I gave my best friend a sip of my jack and coke in BW3s because he said he’d never tasted jack. I handed him the cup, he took a sip and handed it back. That was it. They had an under cover in there. He turned 21 the next day. He got MIP’d.
Oh, I forgot. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor when I was 21 in Lincoln. I gave my best friend a sip of my jack and coke in BW3s because he said he’d never tasted jack. I handed him the cup, he took a sip and handed it back. That was it. They had an under cover in there. He turned 21 the next day. He got MIP’d.
Serves you right you scofflaw.
Oh, I forgot. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor when I was 21 in Lincoln. I gave my best friend a sip of my jack and coke in BW3s because he said he’d never tasted jack. I handed him the cup, he took a sip and handed it back. That was it. They had an under cover in there. He turned 21 the next day. He got MIP’d.
We both had to do diversion

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