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Places you’ve been in jail...

Im loving the C6 so far.
I’m in CO want me to go grab it?

LOL... It’s in a basket in a storage unit in Greeley.

Keep meaning to have it shipped out here and either restore myself or have it done, but it’s just always on the back burner.... Meanwhile, cost me $1300 a year in storage fees. Used to stored in my mothers three car garage in Greeley prior to her passing away three years ago.

Would love to go into a partnership with someone who restores such vehicles... Have them restored at their expense, and then split the auction proceeds with them.


LOL... It’s in a basket in a storage unit in Greeley.

Keep meaning to have it shipped out here and either restore myself or have it done, but it’s just always on the back burner.... Meanwhile, cost me $1300 a year in storage fees. Used to stored in my mothers three car garage in Greeley prior to her passing away three years ago.

Would love to go into a partnership with someone who restores such vehicles... Have them restored at their expense, and then split the auction proceeds with them.


My neighbor has three or four corvettes, he’s got a couple 70s he’s restoring currently. I can hit him up if you want
I once for caught stealing baseball cards from the shop at Cash Wa in Kearney...was like 8. The dude told me to get out of there or he would call my mom. That's the closest I've come to jail...

Loll... Something somewhat similar happened to me. Was like six years old and took little crap toys (like the green army men, balsa wood glider and such) from the local grocery store. Stashed them in my bedroom...My sister found them, and ratted me out my parents. Mom made me gather everything up and take it back to the store, talk to the manager, apologize, return the items, and pay restitution with money my parents provided (which I then paid them back over the next several months through allowance confiscation). First and only wages I’ve ever had garnished. 😂

Last time I ever stole anything (other than a couple of virginities)


I've legit had a swat team called on me.

Buddy and I were running around the small town park playing with airsoft guns when I was like 12. Pool manager saw and apparently thought they were real rifles. Called 911. Town cop was first on scene, followed quickly by 3 deputies and 2 state troopers. Stared down the barrel of 6 pistols that day. When they realized it was just a couple Jr high kids playing with toys, they relaxed and NSP guys called off their SWAT guys. Needless to say, we didn't get to play airsoft in the park anymore.

Closest I've came to jail.
I have gotten a cop ride to detox in Lincoln once. Does that count?

This is where I'm at. Friend of mine gave me some special vitamins (read: drugs), we went out on O St and got all sorts of dickered up. Blacked out HARD. Lived out in North Lincoln at the time and had the great idea to walk home on 10th St/180. Got the the parking garage at the corner of 10th and Q and decided to take a nap either in between or underneath a car. I don't remember exactly. Ended up getting woken up by a car started up near me, folks calls the cops and I took off. I got about a block and the first thing I remember is the police lights. They were super cool to me. Just threw me in some cuffs and took me to detox. Luckily my brother was on call that night and was able to come and get me. Cost me $10.

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