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Breaking Nebraska trying to get out of Oklahoma game 2021 - Updated 12:24 with teams being contacted (1 Viewer)


Running Back
Elite Member
Say we go 4-0 and are ranked, you’re really going to still be whining that we didn’t play OU?

Take an extended break from message boards. Cancel your RSS sub, read football stuff on TPB sparingly and you’ll find that people who don’t spend ridiculous amounts of time here aren’t that upset and won’t give two fucks if we start 4-0

That may be true if we start 4-0.....however, I remember Riley starting 6-0 and most people knew that was a smoke and mirrors 6-0. I think a 4-0 against a schedule that doesn't include Oklahoma would be very similar no?


Running Back
Elite Member
Honestly, this doesn’t bother me in the slightest that we might not play this game and it wouldn’t have bothered me if we played. I expect(ed) us to clear the bowl eligibility threshold pretty easily even when I expected we were playing OU. You didn’t expect us to be bowl eligible and I think you’ve posted we’d win 4 games in 2021. I could be wrong there, however.

That being said, why do you care this much? You’ve completely written this staff and team off and with or without this game you expect them to miss a bowl. Which places Frost squarely on the hotseat if not potentially gone. Which appears to be the result you’d like to see. So again, why do you care? You believe you’ll get what you want either way.

Nobody here now had any hand in scheduling this series.
I'd like to see Nebraska be Nebraska. Full stop.

Get outta here with the RSSian you're either with us or against us ploy. When you first started posting on here, you frequently (and by and large, correctly) called out some people for acting like they were still on RSS. Now, you're doing the same RSS thing with this situation.

If I remember right, you're a bit younger than me. Perhaps you only remember OU from TO's 250th win in '97. That said, neither of us were alive in '71, but we've both known Bremser's call from an early age. I know you know the history. I know you care about competition. Why are you excusing this bullshit?

And to your last comment, knowing that you do have connections to this staff, that tells so much of the story. Fucking weak ass bitches with no sense of ownership. No sense of responsibility. Blame. Blame. Blame. Pass the buck. Make every excuse.

Faux Sean Callahan

Head Coach
That may be true if we start 4-0.....however, I remember Riley starting 6-0 and most people knew that was a smoke and mirrors 6-0. I think a 4-0 against a schedule that doesn't include Oklahoma would be very similar no?
You are still 4-0.

Are Nebraska fans going to really bitch about how it looks after the last 6 years?

Yes it is similar, but I don't care.

Frankly they could find themselves 8-0 going into OSU. Now that involves a ton of positive assumptions and them doing their part, but a lot of doable games on that schedule then.


Running Back
Elite Member
That may be true if we start 4-0.....however, I remember Riley starting 6-0 and most people knew that was a smoke and mirrors 6-0. I think a 4-0 against a schedule that doesn't include Oklahoma would be very similar no?
Honestly, given where the program is now, I'd be impressed with 4-0 without OU. I'll be impressed with 3-1 with OU, which is moderately sad, but alas, that's where we are now as a program. I hope I'm impressed.


Wide Receiver
Say we go 4-0 and are ranked, you’re really going to still be whining that we didn’t play OU?

Take an extended break from message boards. Cancel your RSS sub, read football stuff on TPB sparingly and you’ll find that people who don’t spend ridiculous amounts of time here aren’t that upset and won’t give two fucks if we start 4-0
My dad is a pretty standard non-internet-obsessive NU football fan. He's not a Frost Is Untouchable guy but he's more than willing to be patient and see if he can turn things around. His responses to me verbatim when I texted him earlier today:

"For real?!... If we aren't up for the task we still need to go down there and get our asses kicked. You don't run from competition - man up and get better!!! Just looking for a different game will cost us dearly in so many different ways. I can't believe Frost is actually doing it."

Then he sent me Dirk's piece about the situation and said "Spot on."

So no, I don't think it's just a bunch of message boarders making a big deal about nothing.


Graduate Assistant
I'd like to see Nebraska be Nebraska. Full stop.

Get outta here with the RSSian you're either with us or against us ploy. When you first started posting on here, you frequently (and by and large, correctly) called out some people for acting like they were still on RSS. Now, you're doing the same RSS thing with this situation.

If I remember right, you're a bit younger than me. Perhaps you only remember OU from TO's 250th win in '97. That said, neither of us were alive in '71, but we've both known Bremser's call from an early age. I know you know the history. I know you care about competition. Why are you excusing this bullshit?

And to your last comment, knowing that you do have connections to this staff, that tells so much of the story. Fucking weak ass bitches with no sense of ownership. No sense of responsibility. Blame. Blame. Blame. Pass the buck. Make every excuse.

My premise wasn’t “with us or against” us at all. It was “In the scenarios that you believe are going to play out, this game is inconsequential. So why are you being such a whiny little bitch over this?” You more than anyone on the board appear to be really upset over this to the point you’ve challenged anyone who disagrees to physical altercations (half joking I think?).


Graduate Assistant
My dad is a pretty standard non-internet-obsessive NU football fan. He's not a Frost Is Untouchable guy but he's more than willing to be patient and see if he can turn things around. His responses to me verbatim when I texted him earlier today:

"For real?!... If we aren't up for the task we still need to go down there and get our asses kicked. You don't run from competition - man up and get better!!! Just looking for a different game will cost us dearly in so many different ways. I can't believe Frost is actually doing it."

Then he sent me Dirk's piece about the situation and said "Spot on."

So no, I don't think it's just a bunch of message boarders making a big deal about nothing.

It is. It also won’t matter to anyone if we start 4-0.

Fargo Husker

Elite Member
I’m at the point that I just don’t really care anymore
This is me too. Like, do I think it’s completely non-sensical and 100% the wrong decision? Yes. But I’ve reached the point too where I just can’t get too worked up about any off-field drama because until we get the on-field stuff figured out it doesn’t really mean shit anyway.


Running Back
Elite Member
My premise wasn’t “with us or against” us at all. It was “In the scenarios that you believe are going to play out, this game is inconsequential. So why are you being such a whiny little bitch over this?” You more than anyone on the board appear to be really upset over this to the point you’ve challenged anyone who disagrees to physical altercations (half joking I think?).
No shit I was joking. I ain't risking an anal probe for any of you soft ass bitches (this last part is also a joke, could even consider it a full one).

It's beyond pathetic that you or anyone is trying to excuse this move. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills that anyone is actually coming down on the side of supporting this. We've fallen so damn far.

I said this to two of my best friends from home on a text earlier, but the only positive I take from this is that I still somehow care. Honestly, the last decade or so, my biggest concern is that all of the embarrassment would stop being embarrassing. At least that hasn't gone away yet.


Elite Member
We are a couple touchdown underdog at OU this year. I think a lot of people would say just being competitive would be a win.

Momentum plays a whole lot bigger of a role in college football than anyone really cares to admit. I was pissed after the Northwestern game this year because it looked to me like we were the clearly better/more talented team and we managed to fuck it up. Northwestern obv had their best year since 96.

PJ Fleck pretty much owes everything he has at MN right now to an extremely favorable season and favorable bounces in 2019. Dude was squarely on the hot seat going into that year. They lose either of their first three games, which they absolutely should have, and that season is completely different.


Running Back
Elite Member
This is me too. Like, do I think it’s completely non-sensical and 100% the wrong decision? Yes. But I’ve reached the point too where I just can’t get too worked up about any off-field drama because until we get the on-field stuff figured out it doesn’t really mean shit anyway.
This is also quite true. Not playing Oklahoma in favor of playing a nobody isn't going to make us better. Competitors know this.


Graduate Assistant
No shit I was joking. I ain't risking an anal probe for any of you soft ass bitches (this last part is also a joke, could even consider it a full one).

It's beyond pathetic that you or anyone is trying to excuse this move. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills that anyone is actually coming down on the side of supporting this. We've fallen so damn far.

I said this to two of my best friends from home on a text earlier, but the only positive I take from this is that I still somehow care. Honestly, the last decade or so, my biggest concern is that all of the embarrassment would stop being embarrassing. At least that hasn't gone away yet.

Im not really defending this as I have a neutral feeling to it completely. Does it slightly annoy me? Probably. Am I so okay with it that Im arguing this is a good thing? No. Am I so upset that I call this a “last straw?” Absolutely not.


Wide Receiver
In my opinion, it's pretty clear that 3-1 with an expected loss to OU >>>> 4-0 after making the batshit decision to run scared from OU, and the ongoing PR embarrassment that would come with it. I don't know how people can't see that. Think about it:
  • 50th Anniversary of the Game Of The Century, probably the most famous game in NU history
  • Historic rivalry
  • Been on the schedule for a decade and was rightly celebrated as a huge deal when it was announced
  • OU rivalry is as much a part of Husker lore as anything Frost did as a player
  • Tom Osborne prioritized getting it on the schedule before retiring as AD
This isn't just switching around some games. The desire to cancel this game, with all the context surrounding it, is so transparently cowardly that it's indefensible. I'm only 32 I barely care about the OU rivalry, but this completely flies in the face of everything Nebraska/Frost/Moos have supposedly stood for. It makes me wonder more than ever if Frost is legit or up to the task of being our coach, much more than a blowout loss to OU would have.


Running Back
Elite Member
Im not really defending this as I have a neutral feeling to it completely. Does it slightly annoy me? Probably. Am I so okay with it that Im arguing this is a good thing? No. Am I so upset that I call this a “last straw?” Absolutely not.
You also think the program is in a good spot. Of course you're not close to a last straw.


Running Back
Elite Member
In my opinion, it's pretty clear that 3-1 with an expected loss to OU >>>> 4-0 after making the batshit decision to run scared from OU, and the ongoing PR embarrassment that would come with it. I don't know how people can't see that. Think about it:
  • 50th Anniversary of the Game Of The Century, probably the most famous game in NU history
  • Historic rivalry
  • Been on the schedule for a decade and was rightly celebrated as a huge deal when it was announced
  • OU rivalry is as much a part of Husker lore as anything Frost did as a player
  • Tom Osborne prioritized getting it on the schedule before retiring as AD
This isn't just switching around some games. The desire to cancel this game, with all the context surrounding it, is so transparently cowardly that it's indefensible.
Yeah, the lack of acknowledgement of what OU-NU is historically probably underlies the gap in understanding why this is so despicable.

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