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Ncaa 24 still a go for this summer (9 Viewers)


Elite Member
I'm sucking at recruiting. Given, as Nebraska, you're only given like 750 call points or w/e its called, but man, I'm really struggling at pulling in top tier talent. Always seems like if I lead for a 4 or 5 star, they always lock me out eventually or commit somewhere else to someone in third place.

Not to mention, it says when you're in top 5, you can schedule a visit. But I've had it locked out for me when I've been number 1, have 40 or 50 call points to schedule, but still nothing.

I can't find the hookers and blow buttons


Elite Member
I’ll be starting a ps5 dynasty august 2nd when I return to the states.

Dm me if you want in.

Advancing twice a week for now.

If I should just do a separate thread to organize I can.
I'm an Xbox guy but hopefully they have patched some of the dynasty fuckery by then. Gameplay is absolutely awesome, easily best of any football game I've ever played. But super underwhelmed with dynasty as a whole

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
I'm an Xbox guy but hopefully they have patched some of the dynasty fuckery by then. Gameplay is absolutely awesome, easily best of any football game I've ever played. But super underwhelmed with dynasty as a whole
Can you elaborate? I'm deciding whether I'm going to drop the money on an Xbox S or X just for NCAA football and dynasty is basically the only thing I ever play


Elite Member
Can you elaborate? I'm deciding whether I'm going to drop the money on an Xbox S or X just for NCAA football and dynasty is basically the only thing I ever play
The actual in game gameplay is fucking awesome. Graphics are crazy, very smooth, it's fun. Challenging because some things are different than old ganes but once you get used to it it's fun. Some glitchy stuff but not too bad for a initial release.

The commentary I've found to be super repetitive. They hammered on how they had 5 studio guys record hundreds of hours of commentary but it's pretty lackluster to me. Small bitch but it's pretty much my only one of the actual gameplay.

Dynasty is super bare bones. The recruiting is cool and pretty fun but there's nowhere near the depth they advertised or what it could be for the mode as a whole. The UI is shitty and clunky, the Sim engine is totally fucked. 3 loss teams regularly in the top 5. Rankings don't make sense and so then playoff seeds often don't either. There's must not much immersion in the actual dynasty gameplay which is a little lame.

Overall it's super fun, hopeful they fix some of the bugs with patches this year and then more substantial fixes in subsequent games, but they definitely sold us a way deeper dynasty experience what they had actually developed


Elite Member
Made a dynasty with Georgia to compare. A ton of S-tier pipeline blue chips recruits from Georgia and Florida. Year 2 I was pretty much done recruiting by week 6 and had twelve 5 stars. Definitely a different experience.

The hill I will die on is pipeline tiers should adjust based on user recruiting trends and program success. It shouldn’t be easy to develop but you should be able to gain an advantage over other schools by recruiting a region heavily each year to establish or improve your tier in that region.


Ziggy Stardust
Elite Member
So far I’m only playing on All American without any sliders. Game hasn’t gotten too easy. Passing and making adjustments at the line is super fun. Running is easier just not as fun.

I’ve played Nebraska vs Colorado like 10 times. Pretty much all I’ve done (one game as navy to try the triple option out). I’m Learning the controls and trying to get comfortable in no huddle defense. I’ve had games that were 20-10. And I’ve had 42-32. And I’m probably just barely over .500 in this series. So, not great. But I really like the wide range of outcomes I can be dealing with. For example, one game CU ran the ball on first down almost every series. The next game, they barely ever ran the ball. But I had gotten use to committing to the run on first and got torched a lot.

But surprisingly I’ve found offense to be harder than defense so far. I’m still getting back into trying to read the defense and it’s probably just my last two games that I’ve got audibles, hot routes, and line protection going. Still, if I don’t establish a run game it’s a lot harder to pass on them. What I want to get more comfortable with is motions and knowing when to go max pro. When I read cover 2 I hot route into a longer developing crossing route, read the safeties. and inevitably get sacked because they blitzed. Need to get better on keeping the back in to block and having a quick slant to give me a bail option.

I’ve not had any luck on deep routes. I see press and what looks like 1 high, whomever is on a go ends up getting doubled. Or Hunter just intercepts it.

On defense, i have to guess what’s happening accurately. Against Colorado I commit to pass a lot. If I’m in underneath then I grab a safety and make sure Hunter doesn’t get me deep. If outside then I take a LB and hunt the crossing. If inside I just hope I guessed right and control a lineman. What I want to play with is more player based adjustments. Like playing inside but shading Hunter outside. I don’t even know if it’s possible but I do know there are pre snap buttons I haven’t messed With so I’m betting it can be done. I also want to try out playing with the camera behind the defender and see if that is easy.


Run The Damn Ball
Elite Member
So far I’m only playing on All American without any sliders. Game hasn’t gotten too easy. Passing and making adjustments at the line is super fun. Running is easier just not as fun.

I’ve played Nebraska vs Colorado like 10 times. Pretty much all I’ve done (one game as navy to try the triple option out). I’m Learning the controls and trying to get comfortable in no huddle defense. I’ve had games that were 20-10. And I’ve had 42-32. And I’m probably just barely over .500 in this series. So, not great. But I really like the wide range of outcomes I can be dealing with. For example, one game CU ran the ball on first down almost every series. The next game, they barely ever ran the ball. But I had gotten use to committing to the run on first and got torched a lot.

But surprisingly I’ve found offense to be harder than defense so far. I’m still getting back into trying to read the defense and it’s probably just my last two games that I’ve got audibles, hot routes, and line protection going. Still, if I don’t establish a run game it’s a lot harder to pass on them. What I want to get more comfortable with is motions and knowing when to go max pro. When I read cover 2 I hot route into a longer developing crossing route, read the safeties. and inevitably get sacked because they blitzed. Need to get better on keeping the back in to block and having a quick slant to give me a bail option.

I’ve not had any luck on deep routes. I see press and what looks like 1 high, whomever is on a go ends up getting doubled. Or Hunter just intercepts it.

On defense, i have to guess what’s happening accurately. Against Colorado I commit to pass a lot. If I’m in underneath then I grab a safety and make sure Hunter doesn’t get me deep. If outside then I take a LB and hunt the crossing. If inside I just hope I guessed right and control a lineman. What I want to play with is more player based adjustments. Like playing inside but shading Hunter outside. I don’t even know if it’s possible but I do know there are pre snap buttons I haven’t messed With so I’m betting it can be done. I also want to try out playing with the camera behind the defender and see if that is easy.
1. Colorado is way overpowered in the game. It’s stupid.

2. The backwards pass breakups the DBs do - like they have eyes in the back of their heads - is infuriating .


Elite Member
On all American I’ve been crushing it on offense but the years of not playing defense on madden have caught up to me.

I can easily score 60-94 depending on the level of the other team and how motivated I am.

I need to practice the hell out of defense before I’m serviceable online if I don’t want constant shootouts.

Best advice to those struggling on offense. Learn to read coverages and audible. Try to develop an actual scheme for yourself.

When running to not hit turbo until you hit the first line of defense. Let the block develop. Learn to use the skill stick and the touchy control stick.

Passing read coverage. Move players, and audible to a good read. Play to your strengths. If a team is in press coverage and the safeties are giving cushion run slants or change your te’s route to a deep corner.

If it’s press and safety looks weak, let that shit rip on a go.

Go routes hit about 60% of the time if you have a good wr and a cannon arm.

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