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Ncaa 24 still a go for this summer (9 Viewers)


Elite Member
So far I’m only playing on All American without any sliders. Game hasn’t gotten too easy. Passing and making adjustments at the line is super fun. Running is easier just not as fun.

I’ve played Nebraska vs Colorado like 10 times. Pretty much all I’ve done (one game as navy to try the triple option out). I’m Learning the controls and trying to get comfortable in no huddle defense. I’ve had games that were 20-10. And I’ve had 42-32. And I’m probably just barely over .500 in this series. So, not great. But I really like the wide range of outcomes I can be dealing with. For example, one game CU ran the ball on first down almost every series. The next game, they barely ever ran the ball. But I had gotten use to committing to the run on first and got torched a lot.

But surprisingly I’ve found offense to be harder than defense so far. I’m still getting back into trying to read the defense and it’s probably just my last two games that I’ve got audibles, hot routes, and line protection going. Still, if I don’t establish a run game it’s a lot harder to pass on them. What I want to get more comfortable with is motions and knowing when to go max pro. When I read cover 2 I hot route into a longer developing crossing route, read the safeties. and inevitably get sacked because they blitzed. Need to get better on keeping the back in to block and having a quick slant to give me a bail option.

I’ve not had any luck on deep routes. I see press and what looks like 1 high, whomever is on a go ends up getting doubled. Or Hunter just intercepts it.

On defense, i have to guess what’s happening accurately. Against Colorado I commit to pass a lot. If I’m in underneath then I grab a safety and make sure Hunter doesn’t get me deep. If outside then I take a LB and hunt the crossing. If inside I just hope I guessed right and control a lineman. What I want to play with is more player based adjustments. Like playing inside but shading Hunter outside. I don’t even know if it’s possible but I do know there are pre snap buttons I haven’t messed With so I’m betting it can be done. I also want to try out playing with the camera behind the defender and see if that is easy.
Just wait until you play your first game on the road at the Shoe.


Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
So now that the newness of NCAA FB is wearing off and the bugs and quirks of the game are becoming more apparent....should I still drop $600 to buy an XBox...or maybe a PS5?

Or maybe I just add another 4 grand to that and buy another pinball machine. I'm kind of leaning this way right now. Does anyone have a spare bedroom for when my wife kicks me out? It will need to be big enough to hold a few pinball machines.


Ghost of Kiev 👻
Elite Member
So now that the newness of NCAA FB is wearing off and the bugs and quirks of the game are becoming more apparent....should I still drop $600 to buy an XBox...or maybe a PS5?

Or maybe I just add another 4 grand to that and buy another pinball machine. I'm kind of leaning this way right now. Does anyone have a spare bedroom for when my wife kicks me out? It will need to be big enough to hold a few pinball machines.


Run The Damn Ball
Elite Member
So now that the newness of NCAA FB is wearing off and the bugs and quirks of the game are becoming more apparent....should I still drop $600 to buy an XBox...or maybe a PS5?

Or maybe I just add another 4 grand to that and buy another pinball machine. I'm kind of leaning this way right now. Does anyone have a spare bedroom for when my wife kicks me out? It will need to be big enough to hold a few pinball machines.
It’s worth it IMO, especially if you have nostalgia for the older games.

But there are some bugs/things I would like to see changed:

-Updates pipeline tiers based on recent successes/failures

-Goddamn psychic DBs and the eyes in the back of their heads

-Colorado being OP

-Skippable cutscenes (yes I know you can hold A but c’mon)

-Updated roster rankings. They are fairly accurate for the most part but weekly updates a la Madden would be great

-Constant running into the punter/kicker calls by the computer/AI

Anybody else - feel free to add to this list of grievances/bugs but overall it’s a very solid game


On all American I’ve been crushing it on offense but the years of not playing defense on madden have caught up to me.

I can easily score 60-94 depending on the level of the other team and how motivated I am.

I need to practice the hell out of defense before I’m serviceable online if I don’t want constant shootouts.

Best advice to those struggling on offense. Learn to read coverages and audible. Try to develop an actual scheme for yourself.

When running to not hit turbo until you hit the first line of defense. Let the block develop. Learn to use the skill stick and the touchy control stick.

Passing read coverage. Move players, and audible to a good read. Play to your strengths. If a team is in press coverage and the safeties are giving cushion run slants or change your te’s route to a deep corner.

If it’s press and safety looks weak, let that shit rip on a go.

Go routes hit about 60% of the time if you have a good wr and a cannon arm.
Not to be a dick but if you are playing standard type quarters and not like true 15 min quarters and are scoring 60-94 points a game against better defenses than you are simply spamming known plays that the AI struggles against. The go route is broken with anyone over like 95 speed.


Elite Member
Not to be a dick but if you are playing standard type quarters and not like true 15 min quarters and are scoring 60-94 points a game against better defenses than you are simply spamming known plays that the AI struggles against. The go route is broken with anyone over like 95 speed.
Except I don’t spam anything.

I was a top 25 madden player in nation 15 years ago, I was in tournaments and all.

I’m trying to help guys out.

sure if you spam glitches I’m sure you could score like that.
Running the ball isn’t hard if you know how to read the block schemes opening up on different coverages.


Horny Walk-on
Elite Member
It’s worth it IMO, especially if you have nostalgia for the older games.

But there are some bugs/things I would like to see changed:

-Updates pipeline tiers based on recent successes/failures

-Goddamn psychic DBs and the eyes in the back of their heads

-Colorado being OP

-Skippable cutscenes (yes I know you can hold A but c’mon)

-Updated roster rankings. They are fairly accurate for the most part but weekly updates a la Madden would be great

-Constant running into the punter/kicker calls by the computer/AI

Anybody else - feel free to add to this list of grievances/bugs but overall it’s a very solid game
Jaylin LLoyd at WR3. Hail Mary Formation - Shot Clock Play. Works against everything besides cover 4


Elite Member
It’s worth it IMO, especially if you have nostalgia for the older games.

But there are some bugs/things I would like to see changed:

-Updates pipeline tiers based on recent successes/failures

-Goddamn psychic DBs and the eyes in the back of their heads

-Colorado being OP

-Skippable cutscenes (yes I know you can hold A but c’mon)

-Updated roster rankings. They are fairly accurate for the most part but weekly updates a la Madden would be great

-Constant running into the punter/kicker calls by the computer/AI

Anybody else - feel free to add to this list of grievances/bugs but overall it’s a very solid game
- sim engine in dynasty is fucked, both wins/losses and stats from simmed games
- ranking logic makes no sense
- fix recruiting bugs
- supersim freezes game
- overall the menus and UI in dynasty leave a lot to be desired
- ability to edit player numbers and ratings while still not allowing players to be named real life folks (similar to how they'll code the system to not allow you to name your player Fucky McBalls)

Still fun to play but I got sucked way too deep in the sales pitch they were putting out and was expecting more than I should have from EA


Elite Member
They need some QoL additions/changes.
  • Make it possible to sub by position in the playbook (going to the depth chart is a hassle and unavoidable with 'wear and tear')
  • Make it possible to change the recruit visit activity prior to the visit (if you fat finger something you're locked in)
  • Need better search filters in recruiting (shouldn't have to sift through hundreds of 'committed' recruits to find the next 'open' prospect when sorting by rank)
  • Better coach customization (a polo or a windbreaker is all you can wear wtf)
  • Should be able to pull scholarships, happens all the time
Last edited:


I am disappointed in dynasty mode more than anything. Just some very basic stuff like having a trophy case or long term records/stat tracking. On the old game you could view a program's history in terms of overall record, NC's, CC's, etc. by one click of the button. Don't think that is even an option here. You have to manually track that type of stuff if it interests you. Seems like a very basic function that was a complete whiff by the development team.

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