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MLPFC Shit Posting

Something I want to share with all of you bronies, especially the OG posters from the rivals days.

61 days ago I tried to take my own life, from all standards considered I did you could say. I coded twice in the ambulance. Not a story I'm necessarily proud to tell but it's my history and part of where I am today. Short summary for the post, I went from nothing, to busting my ass to survive and was on top of the world in my field, and what started out as a recreational cocaine use turned into a problem, and a bad one at that.

Today I'm 60 days coke free and doing well. Life's back on track, less overwhelming. Can't wait for college football, hope you're all doing well
Something I want to share with all of you bronies, especially the OG posters from the rivals days.

61 days ago I tried to take my own life, from all standards considered I did you could say. I coded twice in the ambulance. Not a story I'm necessarily proud to tell but it's my history and part of where I am today. Short summary for the post, I went from nothing, to busting my ass to survive and was on top of the world in my field, and what started out as a recreational cocaine use turned into a problem, and a bad one at that.

Today I'm 60 days coke free and doing well. Life's back on track, less overwhelming. Can't wait for college football, hope you're all doing well
I’m glad you’re still here and doing well man. It takes a lot to share something like that, and I’m glad you did. We need to support each other.
Something I want to share with all of you bronies, especially the OG posters from the rivals days.

61 days ago I tried to take my own life, from all standards considered I did you could say. I coded twice in the ambulance. Not a story I'm necessarily proud to tell but it's my history and part of where I am today. Short summary for the post, I went from nothing, to busting my ass to survive and was on top of the world in my field, and what started out as a recreational cocaine use turned into a problem, and a bad one at that.

Today I'm 60 days coke free and doing well. Life's back on track, less overwhelming. Can't wait for college football, hope you're all doing well
damn glad youre here buddy. that takes a lot to share. stress is a motherfucker
Something I want to share with all of you bronies, especially the OG posters from the rivals days.

61 days ago I tried to take my own life, from all standards considered I did you could say. I coded twice in the ambulance. Not a story I'm necessarily proud to tell but it's my history and part of where I am today. Short summary for the post, I went from nothing, to busting my ass to survive and was on top of the world in my field, and what started out as a recreational cocaine use turned into a problem, and a bad one at that.

Today I'm 60 days coke free and doing well. Life's back on track, less overwhelming. Can't wait for college football, hope you're all doing well
Glad you're doing fine now bro.
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Something I want to share with all of you bronies, especially the OG posters from the rivals days.

61 days ago I tried to take my own life, from all standards considered I did you could say. I coded twice in the ambulance. Not a story I'm necessarily proud to tell but it's my history and part of where I am today. Short summary for the post, I went from nothing, to busting my ass to survive and was on top of the world in my field, and what started out as a recreational cocaine use turned into a problem, and a bad one at that.

Today I'm 60 days coke free and doing well. Life's back on track, less overwhelming. Can't wait for college football, hope you're all doing well
This brought me to tears, brother. I'm so very glad the Lord gave you back to the world (not now, Kato!). Your children, your community and your extended family here aren't done with you yet. My prayers will be with you as you and your family continue to heal (that process takes a long time) but you can and will emerge from this stronger than you were before. I know this as I've been there before myself.
Something I want to share with all of you bronies, especially the OG posters from the rivals days.

61 days ago I tried to take my own life, from all standards considered I did you could say. I coded twice in the ambulance. Not a story I'm necessarily proud to tell but it's my history and part of where I am today. Short summary for the post, I went from nothing, to busting my ass to survive and was on top of the world in my field, and what started out as a recreational cocaine use turned into a problem, and a bad one at that.

Today I'm 60 days coke free and doing well. Life's back on track, less overwhelming. Can't wait for college football, hope you're all doing well
From a former meth addict, congratulations on getting clean! Don't let your guard down buddy! Welcome back to life!
I appreciate all the kindness and support from all you.
So glad you're improving and hopefully turned a corner in your life. I still remember the days of your long haul trucking and how damn hard you had to work. I think I speak for all the Bronies when I say how happy and proud we were at your new success in the livestock industry.

You've earned your great success. Nobody handed that to you. Reflect on that for a bit, take pride in it because you deserve it. Your friends here are pulling for you and from interacting with you all these years I know you've got the strength and resolve to put this episode behind you.

We're here for you if you need us.
gonna get drunk the rest of the week cuz the Court of Appeals (Missouri Western District) upheld my conviction of a serial rapist (yes, serial) and upheld LWOP (Life Without Parole)

All of my murder trials get appealed (duh) and I've never had a remand or reversal.
BUT the reason I was kind of worried about this case having some hiccup on appeal was because it was a very unusual case.

The Victim on the case was Raped Twice by the Defendant. First in 2009 that the victim promptly reported and had a full rape kit and interview done etc. but somehow the local Police forgot to send the referral to the Prosecutor.
THEN the same girl got raped again by this dude in 2020 and once again promptly reported it yada yada yada....the Detective working the case in 2020 was the same Detective from 2009 and was like: "hey, wtf ever happened with the one from 11 years ago?"
Answer = nothing.... had never been sent over, HOWEVA there are no Statute of Limitations on a forcible rape so they sent both and we prosecuted the Defendant for BOTH.

Multiple Day long Bench Trial (unusual for a bench trial) we get a Guilty Conviction but not after the Defense preserved about every issue possible for appeal. Anyways, I am very very happy about this being upheld because I was worried there would be some issue even if its just procedural.

Random fun story about how a case this big ended up being a Bench Trial = the Defendant is the ugliest dude I have ever prosecuted, the defense waived the right to Jury Trial because the assumed anybody that would see him would think "obviously he is rapist ain't no way he could get pussy consensually." Imagine having that conversation with your client @Kaladin


@Huskerbuck85 I know you're pissed off right now (justifiably) but just wanted to tag you on this post and let you know there are still some lawmen working out here and Running the Damn Ball

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gonna get drunk the rest of the week cuz the Court of Appeals (Missouri Western District) upheld my conviction of a serial rapist (yes, serial) and upheld LWOP (Life Without Parole)

All of my murder trials get appealed (duh) and I've never had a remand or reversal.
BUT the reason I was kind of worried about this case having some hiccup on appeal was because it was a very unusual case.

The Victim on the case was Raped Twice by the Defendant. First in 2009 that the victim promptly reported and had a full rape kit and interview done etc. but somehow the local Police forgot to send the referral to the Prosecutor.
THEN the same girl got raped again by this dude in 2020 and once again promptly reported it yada yada yada....the Detective working the case in 2020 was the same Detective from 2009 and was like: "hey, wtf ever happened with the one from 11 years ago?"
Answer = nothing.... had never been sent over, HOWEVA there are no Statute of Limitations on a forcible rape so they sent both and we prosecuted the Defendant for BOTH.

Multiple Day long Bench Trial (unusual for a bench trial) we get a Guilty Conviction but not after the Defense preserved about every issue possible for appeal. Anyways, I am very very happy about this being upheld because I was worried there would be some issue even if its just procedural.

Random fun story about how a case this big ended up being a Bench Trial = the Defendant is the ugliest dude I have ever prosecuted, the defense waived the right to Jury Trial because the assumed anybody that would see him would think "obviously he is rapist ain't no way he could get pussy consensually." Imagine having that conversation with your client @Kaladin


@Huskerbuck85 I know you're pissed off right now (justifiably) but just wanted to tag you on this post and let you know there are still some lawmen working out here and Running the Damn Ball


First off congrats and well done on keeping him put away. Hopefully he dies in jail.

They can just forget to send to the prosecutor and there's no checks and balances to catch it? Small local police dept I suppose.

Epic failure by that police dept. How many less people does he rape without that fuck up?
They can just forget to send to the prosecutor and there's no checks and balances to catch it? Small local police dept I suppose.

Epic failure by that police dept. How many less people does he rape without that fuck up?
Mind blowing
gonna get drunk the rest of the week cuz the Court of Appeals (Missouri Western District) upheld my conviction of a serial rapist (yes, serial) and upheld LWOP (Life Without Parole)

All of my murder trials get appealed (duh) and I've never had a remand or reversal.
BUT the reason I was kind of worried about this case having some hiccup on appeal was because it was a very unusual case.

The Victim on the case was Raped Twice by the Defendant. First in 2009 that the victim promptly reported and had a full rape kit and interview done etc. but somehow the local Police forgot to send the referral to the Prosecutor.
THEN the same girl got raped again by this dude in 2020 and once again promptly reported it yada yada yada....the Detective working the case in 2020 was the same Detective from 2009 and was like: "hey, wtf ever happened with the one from 11 years ago?"
Answer = nothing.... had never been sent over, HOWEVA there are no Statute of Limitations on a forcible rape so they sent both and we prosecuted the Defendant for BOTH.

Multiple Day long Bench Trial (unusual for a bench trial) we get a Guilty Conviction but not after the Defense preserved about every issue possible for appeal. Anyways, I am very very happy about this being upheld because I was worried there would be some issue even if its just procedural.

Random fun story about how a case this big ended up being a Bench Trial = the Defendant is the ugliest dude I have ever prosecuted, the defense waived the right to Jury Trial because the assumed anybody that would see him would think "obviously he is rapist ain't no way he could get pussy consensually." Imagine having that conversation with your client @Kaladin


@Huskerbuck85 I know you're pissed off right now (justifiably) but just wanted to tag you on this post and let you know there are still some lawmen working out here and Running the Damn Ball

Keep the running the ball! Congrats on the win!
gonna get drunk the rest of the week cuz the Court of Appeals (Missouri Western District) upheld my conviction of a serial rapist (yes, serial) and upheld LWOP (Life Without Parole)

All of my murder trials get appealed (duh) and I've never had a remand or reversal.
BUT the reason I was kind of worried about this case having some hiccup on appeal was because it was a very unusual case.

The Victim on the case was Raped Twice by the Defendant. First in 2009 that the victim promptly reported and had a full rape kit and interview done etc. but somehow the local Police forgot to send the referral to the Prosecutor.
THEN the same girl got raped again by this dude in 2020 and once again promptly reported it yada yada yada....the Detective working the case in 2020 was the same Detective from 2009 and was like: "hey, wtf ever happened with the one from 11 years ago?"
Answer = nothing.... had never been sent over, HOWEVA there are no Statute of Limitations on a forcible rape so they sent both and we prosecuted the Defendant for BOTH.

Multiple Day long Bench Trial (unusual for a bench trial) we get a Guilty Conviction but not after the Defense preserved about every issue possible for appeal. Anyways, I am very very happy about this being upheld because I was worried there would be some issue even if its just procedural.

Random fun story about how a case this big ended up being a Bench Trial = the Defendant is the ugliest dude I have ever prosecuted, the defense waived the right to Jury Trial because the assumed anybody that would see him would think "obviously he is rapist ain't no way he could get pussy consensually." Imagine having that conversation with your client @Kaladin


@Huskerbuck85 I know you're pissed off right now (justifiably) but just wanted to tag you on this post and let you know there are still some lawmen working out here and Running the Damn Ball

Great job! You're right about the ugly part and it doesn't look like his family tree has many branches. Woof!
First off congrats and well done on keeping him put away. Hopefully he dies in jail.

They can just forget to send to the prosecutor and there's no checks and balances to catch it? Small local police dept I suppose.

Epic failure by that police dept. How many less people does he rape without that fuck up?

Bro this is nothing in terms of small town local Smokey fuck ups.

I know that sounds crazy but here are my reasons:

1) they actually saved all the evidence and still had it and remembered they had it and sent it over without the Prosecutor or somebody having to make them

2) it was just 1 case....

I say this because here is a story that doesn't have a happy ending.

Small town police department forgot to send 4 rape kits to lab and then after 3 years of not hearing anything from the prosecutor they purged (destroyed) the evidence as per their standard operating procedures...except that 1 part of their evidence destruction SOP that requires them to get a signed letter from the Prosecutor approving the destruction of said evidence. (Which they didn't do)

So they don't send the rape kits to the Lab

They don't send the Letter to the Prosecutor asking if they can destroy the evidence

Then they destroy it and don't tell anybody

Prosecutor doesn't find out about it until 6 months after they were destroyed because they called the Lab and asked what the fucking hold up was. Lab says "we don't have any of that?" Prosecutor calls Police and finds out... whooopsy

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