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MLPFC Shit Posting

Well boys, it’s my 66th birthday today. I remember making fun of my buddy Dennie (aka Bomber) in RSS when he turned this age. Sumbitch.

I guess the message there is make the days that you DO have count. Carpe diem. Glad to have shared a few of them with each of you.

We’re off to Idaho (no, YOU da ho!) this morning. Happy trails!

Happy Birthday LHR 😎
It is near the top of my Wish List (stripe delete Tungsten Grey).
I prefer the Gen 1 to the Gen 2 that is next to it.
There was 3 of them at CnC on Sat

View attachment 40766

View attachment 40767

It was a good morning.
I saw this one last year at a show too. It’s the one that actually finished 3rd in the 1966 24 hours of Le Mans with the other two GTs

Sold for $9,795,000 in 2018

Sold for $9,795,000 in 2018

I couldn’t imagine spending that much on a vehicle and then just letting a museum display it
Sold for $9,795,000 in 2018

The museum website says they have it on loan from the Miller family. That must be the auction winner

Is that code for lady boy?

Jim stop being a narc

@MtnHusker I was gonna help out on the big Biker gang bust down your way but the Feds took 100% of the case.

If we ever meet in person I'll show you some pics.

My favorite: the biker boys had an anti-tank missile and a M2 fully auto .50 cal

But instead I've been assigned to work on another Child Porn case.

763 photos, 298 different victims identified by NCMEC

im gonna send this fucker to DOC for Life and I hope the boys in there take care of him
@MtnHusker I was gonna help out on the big Biker gang bust down your way but the Feds took 100% of the case.

If we ever meet in person I'll show you some pics.

My favorite: the biker boys had an anti-tank missile and a M2 fully auto .50 cal

But instead I've been assigned to work on another Child Porn case.

763 photos, 298 different victims identified by NCMEC

im gonna send this fucker to DOC for Life and I hope the boys in there take care of him
Kinda surprised the feds took the biker case instead of the CP. From what I've heard, plenty of FBI boys would thoroughly enjoy perusing those evidence pics.
Walked out of the courthouse yesterday to see a perfect symbol of what rural Missour'ah is all about. @MtnHusker

Everybody is "on disability" and yet has no actual handicap and secretly has lots of money

I continue sending scathing Emails to Joe Biden asking him to call for a special session of Congress to discuss my requests for Handicap Parking Spots at docks for Boats.

BLM - Boating Life Matters

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