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MLPFC Shit Posting

What up bronies? It looks like we might get a little rainmaker down here in central Florida. Talking like we may get 4-6 inches on Sunday. This storm doesn't have me worried though. I'm worried about what could come later this year. Never seen a year where we were over 100 degrees or almost touching that so early this year. We were pretty dry in June and July for when we were supposed to get an afternoon thunderstorm to cool us off for a "minute". Gonna be an interesting last 3 months of hurricane season. Hoping one of these storms will get some rain headed your way up home!
Well boys, it’s my 66th birthday today. I remember making fun of my buddy Dennie (aka Bomber) in RSS when he turned this age. Sumbitch.

I guess the message there is make the days that you DO have count. Carpe diem. Glad to have shared a few of them with each of you.

We’re off to Idaho (no, YOU da ho!) this morning. Happy trails!
Well boys, it’s my 66th birthday today. I remember making fun of my buddy Dennie (aka Bomber) in RSS when he turned this age. Sumbitch.

I guess the message there is make the days that you DO have count. Carpe diem. Glad to have shared a few of them with each of you.

We’re off to Idaho (no, YOU da ho!) this morning. Happy trails!
Happy Birthday Omg GIF by Apple Music
Well boys, it’s my 66th birthday today. I remember making fun of my buddy Dennie (aka Bomber) in RSS when he turned this age. Sumbitch.

I guess the message there is make the days that you DO have count. Carpe diem. Glad to have shared a few of them with each of you.

We’re off to Idaho (no, YOU da ho!) this morning. Happy trails!
Happy Birthday LHR! Safe travels
Well boys, it’s my 66th birthday today. I remember making fun of my buddy Dennie (aka Bomber) in RSS when he turned this age. Sumbitch.

I guess the message there is make the days that you DO have count. Carpe diem. Glad to have shared a few of them with each of you.

We’re off to Idaho (no, YOU da ho!) this morning. Happy trails!

Happy Birthday!!!!

Well boys, it’s my 66th birthday today. I remember making fun of my buddy Dennie (aka Bomber) in RSS when he turned this age. Sumbitch.

I guess the message there is make the days that you DO have count. Carpe diem. Glad to have shared a few of them with each of you.

We’re off to Idaho (no, YOU da ho!) this morning. Happy trails!
Happy Birthday, LHR!!
Well boys, it’s my 66th birthday today. I remember making fun of my buddy Dennie (aka Bomber) in RSS when he turned this age. Sumbitch.

I guess the message there is make the days that you DO have count. Carpe diem. Glad to have shared a few of them with each of you.

We’re off to Idaho (no, YOU da ho!) this morning. Happy trails!
Have a great birthday! That's a great trip.

Well boys, it’s my 66th birthday today. I remember making fun of my buddy Dennie (aka Bomber) in RSS when he turned this age. Sumbitch.

I guess the message there is make the days that you DO have count. Carpe diem. Glad to have shared a few of them with each of you.

We’re off to Idaho (no, YOU da ho!) this morning. Happy trails!
There is not a a 66 like button so 69 likes it is
Greetings from “Arches” National Park outside of Moab, UT, gentlemen.

View attachment 40352
If you haven't already gone that way I would recommend taking 128 back to the interstate when you leave if you're going back that way. A really pretty drive it takes a little bit longer than the direct route on the "Highway of Death" but it's worth it.

If you haven't already gone that way I would recommend taking 128 back to the interstate when you leave if you're going back that way. A really pretty drive it takes a little bit longer than the direct route on the "Highway of Death" but it's worth it.

Edited to add: we were on 279 (Potash road), but are planning to take 128 as our route up to I-70 when we break camp & head for home.

Literally just got off of it (Potash Road). Amazing scenery and it did something really stupid: I climbed up rocks to look at dinosaur tracks and petroglyphs. Made it up & down safely, but that’s definitely fits a younger person’s risk profile.


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If you haven't already gone that way I would recommend taking 128 back to the interstate when you leave if you're going back that way. A really pretty drive it takes a little bit longer than the direct route on the "Highway of Death" but it's worth it.

We did make it on part of Hwy 128 late in the day. Ran the La Sal loop and the last 1/3 of it was on 128. Beautiful, but hauling the camper up that route might be a bit adventurous for Mrs. LHR.

Bonus pic of Castle Valley from high atop the mountain range.



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