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MLPFC Shit Posting

i bought a 20” chainsaw the other day, have some big deads that blew over, wife thinks its hot af when i clean up the yard View attachment 8736

Dad bought a Milwaukee battery chainsaw this winter. I’ve been impressed with it so far.

For anything less than 8 inches in diameter my battery power chainsaw works great, but for bigger ones I’d need a gas power.

Wife was so happy I did it, she got some lube and squirted it out and rubbed me all over….. the lube was actually neosporin and “all over” is just the 2 cuts on my hands from hauling branches away cuz I wasn’t wearing any gloves and I don’t have Farmer hands

The lawsuits that JD, Bayer, Monsanto, Pioneer, etc etc. bring vs farmers (usually small) are to the levels that I (and others in the agriculture law field) can’t believe politicians haven’t stepped in yet.

Of course, it’s probably because the politicians are all bought and paid for by said companies.

Ex: farmer Jim changes a few blown Fuses in his new John Deere 4 wheel drive tractor. His local AKERS gets a ping from the sensors in tractor (and GPS) that a non-authorized John Deere mechanic is “working” on the tractor. They tell corporate and corporate files a trade secrets infringement suit for $50,000,000 and a breach of contract claim for $10,000,000.

Poor ole Jim, before he consults an attorney he is offered a “deal” by John Deere. They will drop the trade secrets suit if he settles with them for the breach of contract. Jim knows a “good deal” when he hears one and quickly agrees and signs the papers he is handed.

Jim has to sell almost all of his ground and his wife had to get back her old job in town at the hospital.

“Poor ole Jim” is what the boys drinking at the Legion say.

PS: moral of the example

Yikes. Haven't heard any of my farmers with these issues yet. One good thing about farmers is word travels fast. Get a few if the lawsuits thrown out and less likely they try to handle it themselves.
Yikes. Haven't heard any of my farmers with these issues yet. One good thing about farmers is word travels fast. Get a few if the lawsuits thrown out and less likely they try to handle it themselves.

That is the logic John Deere, Monsanto, Bayer, etc have used as well.

A few huge law suits to serve as a warning to the others.

I can’t knock ‘em too much, I too love a real in terrorem defense.

The first thing that popped into my head is imagine going through the TSA check point with that? Your passport better read James Bond. At my advanced age I prefer a walking cane gun. Apparently they're legal but a concealed carry permit is required in some states.

My brother has a brother-in-law who is a Secret Service agent and was assigned to Ivanka Trump's PPD (Presidential Protection Division) detail. He had some of the greatest stories about going through TSA. Usually he would meet with the head of security at the airport before hand but one time he was rushed and just went through the line. They opened up his briefcase and he had about 5 knives, bullets and magazines, handcuffs and other stuff and they were shocked and then had a good laugh when he presented his ID. Still a little tense at first though.

And yes, he carried on the plane. It was the first question I asked him.
1. don't know yet, but we will find out (did last time)

2. never had a reveal party and we never will, this is a 308 household we don't do city boy games/antics
What if you do it with a bow or shotgun?

For my first we simultaneously shot our bows at a balloon full of paint which blew up on an empty canvas which we then hung in the baby room.

For the second we stood on the deck and had someone release balloons full of baby confetti stuff from below which we simultaneously shot with shotguns. The confetti ultimately fell on a blank canvas that had been sprayed with an adhesive.

For the third we let the 3 kids shoot water guns full of paint at each other while wearing blank white shirts and then they shot a blank canvas.

Notice the theme here? Not too much city involved my FC brethren
What if you do it with a bow or shotgun?

For my first we simultaneously shot our bows at a balloon full of paint which blew up on an empty canvas which we then hung in the baby room.

For the second we stood on the deck and had someone release balloons full of baby confetti stuff from below which we simultaneously shot with shotguns. The confetti ultimately fell on a blank canvas that had been sprayed with an adhesive.

For the third we let the 3 kids shoot water guns full of paint at each other while wearing blank white shirts and then they shot a blank canvas.

Notice the theme here? Not too much city involved my FC brethren


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