my advice from August 3rd was to sell a 10ac corner close to town or blacktop to some sucker from the city for like 4-5x the market price cuz the Johnson County dentists don’t know shut except they have heard/read that agriculture land prices are high
I know a few people who have done things like this to people who wanted acreages outside of town. (Smaller tracts, like 3-5 acres) and turned that quick influx of capital into way better investments for the farm.
Like if you sit down and do an accounting on how much money 10acres of grass makes you a year (usually the only profitability is the amount of forage you can get for livestock grazing) vs. getting an influx of $30-40,000 that you can use now. How many years would it take for those 10 acres to make you $50,000+ (Higher because of the time value of money and normal inflation)
****be careful if you do this in Nebraska because the court has usually sided with the buyers over the farmer seller in regards to future use of the surrounding farm ground. The case that set the precedent was people bought little acreages from a farmer and their properties were surrounded by corn. A few years later the farmer built a bunch of industry hog barns. Buyers filed for an injunction and the court agreed. They would not have purchased the ground if they knew there would be hog barns next door, plaintiffs also had relied to their detriment. (Built huge $500,000+ Houses/machine sheds/etc) other states have different views on this but generally speaking as long as you don’t completely diverge your agriculture type and create a new nuisance that wasn’t there when buyers purchased you are fine. Unless you’re in Indiana, the court there told plaintiffs to fuck off this is a farm first state and just deal with the noise/smell from the newly erected next door poultry operation. Lol Run the damn Agriculture