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MLPFC Shit Posting

polish jokes exist for a reason
Amen. Or can we even tell said jokes in today's world?

Part of my early racist training* as a lad involved my dad (who worked in the trucking industry, so he heard a lot of jokes) was bringing home ANY joke he'd heard and immediately transforming it to "Did you hear about the Dane who ...?" since my mom was Danish. Likewise, if my mom heard a joke (and she was a church organist and heard the most ribald jokes from our Lutheran minister and other members of the congregation), she would immediately transform the joke to read, "Did you hear about the Englishman who ...?" since my dad is (primarily) English.

Without realizing it, my folks - who's only intent was to tell a funny joke with some good natured ribbing of their beloved partner - were teaching us kids that while your heritage is something to be proud of, but it's OK to celebrate the differences and not take this stuff too seriously.

* I seriously DNGAF about the amount of melanin in your skin, etc. Tell me what you stand for and what/who you'd die for. That will show me who you are.
wife just had a 2 year old patient (26 months) that weighed in at 56 lbs

JESUS that’s a huge 2 year old, is that more than both of your daughters combined @scotchfrost9697 ?

99.9% percentile. In fact even a 41 lb 26 month old is in the 99.9% percentile, and this unit is a full 33% above that.


So far I'm loving it. Good markets and good weather sure is making it easier on me
i am all about salebarn life. whats crazy to me is that i am consistently the youngest person at any typical sale. i swear the average aged attendee is 70 years old.
wife just had a 2 year old patient (26 months) that weighed in at 56 lbs

JESUS that’s a huge 2 year old, is that more than both of your daughters combined @scotchfrost9697 ?
yeah for sure. my girls have no fat to them. think the to be 2 year old is like 36” 26 lbs and the 4 month old is probably 27” 14 lbs? 56 lbs! what the fuck. not sure my 6 year old nephew weighs that
99.9% percentile. In fact even a 41 lb 26 month old is in the 99.9% percentile, and this unit is a full 33% above that.

View attachment 5953

View attachment 5954

My wife put her on a diet, the parents were giving the kid all sorts of shit. (Little Debbie’s, candy cereal, etc etc) Fattest kid she has ever seen, said she was worried the kid is gonna develop Type 2 diabetes and/or Sleep apnea.

Northwest Kansas, where the Men are Men and the Women are too.
@Woodrow F Call if the sale barn doesn’t work out I’m sure the Polish army could use some help from a man with your expertise

Just a bit of history concerning the Polish Cavalry. The reason we still have western civilization is thanks to those men. Google the Battle of Vienna 1683 and the 40,000 Polish Cavalry who won the battle and defeated the Ottoman Empire and ended the 2 month siege of Vienna. If the West loses that battle there's nothing to stop the Ottoman Empire from going all the way to the English Channel.

What a movie that would make with 40,000 cavalry riding out of the forest to overwhelm the Ottoman army. What makes it even more dramatic was that the Poles were led by their king Jan Sobieski who fought the whole battle with them. They were and are amazing horseman and fierce fighters.
wife just had a 2 year old patient (26 months) that weighed in at 56 lbs

JESUS that’s a huge 2 year old, is that more than both of your daughters combined @scotchfrost9697 ?
I was invited to a 1 year birthday party luau when I lived in Hawaii by a local. The 1 year old Hawaiian baby tipped the scales at 36 pounds. That's roughly double the average 1 year old weight of 19 pounds. He was running around in only a diaper and looked like a baby Sumo wrestler.
My wife put her on a diet, the parents were giving the kid all sorts of shit. (Little Debbie’s, candy cereal, etc etc) Fattest kid she has ever seen, said she was worried the kid is gonna develop Type 2 diabetes and/or Sleep apnea.

Northwest Kansas, where the Men are Men and the Women are too.
One of the greatest T-shirts I ever saw was in Haight Ashbury in SF. It said:

San Francisco
Where the women are strong
And the men are pretty

Didn't buy it because where would I wear it? But damn, I wish I would have now.

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