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MLPFC Shit Posting

im not a real cowboy, thats an insult to real vaquero’s
I was a 14 yo kid and the feeling only lasted 90 minutes once a year. The vaqueros would understand.

Then back to the reality of cleaning the hog shed every Saturday morning and three cuttings of hay each summer.

Love that show. Holy shit is it funny and also incredibly depressing. Very worth the watch for anyone who hasn’t seen it.

My wife loves Ricky.

I can’t remember the name of the show but she also likes the 1 where he works in a nursing home and is mental challenged.
@scotchfrost9697 @Woodrow F Call @rr55 @Krup21


made another one too just cuz goofin

your boy was stressed last night, he doesnt smoke but he had 5 heaters while watering cows. i know @God is a Husker and @Woodrow F Call are proud ebronies
I got all fully husked boner alert at first with that heater..

To sad boner shocked face when I saw the coors aluminum bottle.

PS: you have the face of an angel.

LOVE ~ Woodrow

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