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Inside Info Mario Veruduzco may be on the way out of town

do not know dan levy GIF by CBC
Since I’ve seen similar sentiments posted by others I feel like there may be some merit to it.
Ya but on RSS most folks say that stuff because they are projecting their feelings on how they think people in the program should feel. They have no real knowledge.

Curious seemed to have some connections but now just seems cranky with the staff and program.
Ya but on RSS most folks say that stuff because they are projecting their feelings on how they think people in the program should feel. They have no real knowledge.

Curious seemed to have some connections but now just seems cranky with the staff and program.
There’s another poster over there, GO B1G RED, who has been beating this drum for a while and he SEEMS to have some inside info. In my opinion, he comes across as a guy who either has or knows someone who has a NCIU membership.
I dunno, just asking. I would think no, but could just be my bias. Has he done a good enough job to take a step up? I think he's built the room nicely, I think next year is the payoff year for that group.
Yeah. Seems like he'd want to stand pat and hope they can put together a better season, when if he'd want out
A member DM'd me reliable info that his house will be for sale shortly.
My insider connection is telling me that Moos gave him a raise and contract extension and the only reason his home is for sale is that he’s moving to the high-rent area around the Lincoln Country Club. $725,000 home. Good for him.

Now that we have his address ITT, an enterprising person could attempt to sign up for new service at his residence via the various ISP's in Lincoln. Eventually, one of them will provide a pop-up during the new sign-up process that says, "We're already providing service(s) to this address.". Best I can think of at this point.

Full disclosure: As @SoCal_Corn can attest, I've been actively searching for homes in the SW USA for a while. One of my criteria for a new property is the availability of high-speed internet access. You'd be surprised at the number of developments in north Scottsdale, AZ that get service via fixed wireless or 10MB DSL. Terrifying. Makes the propeller on my tech beanie slow to a slow twirl.
Cave Creek??

Ah yeah, that would make sense. Do we think Frost would do that? Would it even be beneficial? Frost seems to know very little about STs. I'm not even sure if there's a coach on the roster that has ever coached kickers before. I guess Dawson might be that only one?
Who coached STs at UCF ??
Anybody buying Curious Geovannys take that Austin wants out?
Yes, lots of smoke that Frost pissing off Austin by over ruling him on O Line stuff. Frost being stubborn and insisting on his way even if it isn't working. Things like Austin wanting to pull Jurgens when he was struggling to snap the ball during a game. Heard Frost said No and forced Austin to keep him out there even though his terrible snaps were killing our offensive drives. Also been mentioned that Austin may not be a big fan of the Busch Light Boys Club and how serious they take their work. Something is definitely off with this staff, hoping it gets fixed by next season

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