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Inside Info Mario Veruduzco may be on the way out of town

A member DM'd me reliable info that his house will be for sale shortly.
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Good for him for living "below" his means. I'm sure he could have signed up for a bigger home, etc. but he's been in the coaching biz long enough to know that he's moving. Why have a gigantic mortgage albatross handing around your neck.
Well shit maybe he is just selling his house to buy a bigger one in Lincoln then haha
any way to track status of his online streaming services? nobody cable's anymore, other than internet... which to your point could be helpful.
Now that we have his address ITT, an enterprising person could attempt to sign up for new service at his residence via the various ISP's in Lincoln. Eventually, one of them will provide a pop-up during the new sign-up process that says, "We're already providing service(s) to this address.". Best I can think of at this point.

Full disclosure: As @SoCal_Corn can attest, I've been actively searching for homes in the SW USA for a while. One of my criteria for a new property is the availability of high-speed internet access. You'd be surprised at the number of developments in north Scottsdale, AZ that get service via fixed wireless or 10MB DSL. Terrifying. Makes the propeller on my tech beanie slow to a slow twirl.
If you want the HC to buckle down and concentrate on all 3 phases do you really want the HC to coach QBs?
At this point I am open for any change because what we are doing is obviously not working under our 3 year experiment. I might add that I hear Frost spends a vast majority of his time concentrating on offense so not like his time is divided between both sides of the field or Special Team. We have struggled in so many areas under his watch and QB Development and Special Teams have been 2 of the most glaring weaknesses.

Only other way I can see of adding a Special Teams Coach and a QB Coach would be if someone else left with Verduzco that had a position that could be covered by another coach. Only real options I see there are getting rid of 1 of our 2 Linebackers Coaches thus having only 1 LB Coach to cover the 4 positions or the TE Coach Beckton and having Austin & Lubick work with that group.
At this point I am open for any change because what we are doing is obviously not working under our 3 year experiment. I might add that I hear Frost spends a vast majority of his time concentrating on offense so not like his time is divided between both sides of the field or Special Team. We have struggled in so many areas under his watch and QB Development and Special Teams have been 2 of the most glaring weaknesses.

Only other way I can see of adding a Special Teams Coach and a QB Coach would be if someone else left with Verduzco that had a position that could be covered by another coach. Only real options I see there are getting rid of 1 of our 2 Linebackers Coaches thus having only 1 LB Coach to cover the 4 positions or the TE Coach Beckton and having Austin & Lubick work with that group.
You can’t have one coach coach ILB and OLB in a 3-4. They are completely different positions.
I think if Nebraska wants a full time guy that ONLY does special teams (like Bruce Read) then you move your OC to QBs and the head coach can take WR. Who are with the QBs most of the time and it’s easier to get a GA you trust to help with WR than it is with QB.

What would I do? I think you move on from Verduzco. I think you find the best offensive skil position coach you can. Whether it’s QB, WR, RB or TE You make Sean Beckton or Ryan Held the Special Teams Coordinator and then rearrange accordingly and find a good a GA you really like to come in and help at either RB or TE.
You can’t have one coach coach ILB and OLB in a 3-4. They are completely different positions.
I think if Nebraska wants a full time guy that ONLY does special teams (like Bruce Read) then you move your OC to QBs and the head coach can take WR. Who are with the QBs most of the time and it’s easier to get a GA you trust to help with WR than it is with QB.

What would I do? I think you move on from Verduzco. I think you find the best offensive skil position coach you can. Whether it’s QB, WR, RB or TE You make Sean Beckton or Ryan Held the Special Teams Coordinator and then rearrange accordingly and find a good a GA you really like to come in and help at either RB or TE.
I understand what you are saying about LB's in the 3-4. In that case you could have Chinander coaching one of LB Groups, not unheard of for a DC. There don't appear to be any easy answers but hopefully Frost has the stones necessary to make some of the needed changes. We need the best most qualified coaches we can get, not friends or former Husker players who have no experience coaching on this level.

Now think about the challenges the coaches before him faced when they only had 9 coaching positions to work with? Glad the NCAA added that 10th coaching spot but even with 10 we have struggled in so many areas. Hard to pinpoint just 1-2 areas of weakness.

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