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We should have seen it all coming when the Akron storm hit memorial stadium on opening night.

The football gods came to collect that night and they keep on collecting to this day. Devaney and Osborne both stood at the crossroads...we were given our ‘time’ and now the bell tolls on good old NU.
We should have seen it all coming when the Akron storm hit memorial stadium on opening night.

The football gods came to collect that night and they keep on collecting to this day. Devaney and Osborne both stood at the crossroads...we were given our ‘time’ and now the bell tolls on good old NU.
As crazy as the Akron lightning thing sounds it truly is like Frost has been cursed since the day he showed up st 10th & Vine.

Hollywood couldn’t come up with this script.... I’m sad for all of us. So much hope early on.

As crazy as the Akron lightning thing sounds it truly is like Frost has been cursed since the day he showed up st 10th & Vine.

Hollywood couldn’t come up with this script.... I’m sad for all of us. So much hope early on.

Yup. What could have gone wrong, has gone wrong. In every possible way.
I agree with you on the first count, but I think it was likely to keep them out of the fish bowl as much as possible, which I totally get.

If this is all true, I feel bad for Scott. I get that he set expectations extremely high, and the failure to deliver is his own fault. But on a personal level, to come home to Nebraska as the national coach of the year, have supreme confidence you’re going to fix it...then have it fail miserably (at least through year three), and have your family fall apart in the process...man I just feel for him. I bet if he had it to do over again, he’d have taken a different job or stayed at UCF.
If there's a time machine, I'm betting he signs that extension with UCF.
Her being "out of state" is, and pardon my French here, totally fucking irrelevant. I don't blame him for keeping his family out of this shit. I'm not surprised though that a guy who has to work 1100 hours a week got divorced. It sucks for him, as a dad who likes seeing his kids every morning, but I don't blame him at all for not subjecting his family to this debacle
I disagree that it bears no relevance, hence why I put it in my post. To expand: I mention her being out-of-state as part of an account on her near-total and potentially-exceptional anonymity within the football community in Lincoln--admittedly, a complete fishbowl, as others have mentioned--because I'd have to think that someone from Nebraska would have come into the marriage with a better sense of what to expect should Frost eventually wind up where he did. I don't know if that necessarily makes one better equipped to handle it, but all other things equal, I suspect foreknowledge might be beneficial. That's all I meant by it.

On your second point, I agree that I, as a husband and father, would be hesitant about parading my family around in Lincoln given the nature of his job. I don't think I made any assertions to the contrary. What I did say, and stand behind, is that what he attempted to pull strikes me as unusual among coaches at big football programs, even ones with young families. Honestly, it's presumptuous for all of us to assume that Frost was the one who made this call to shield them and that it wasn't partially or entirely driven by the wife. Maybe she knew all to well what to expect and didn't want any of it. If that were the case, it would have significance, too.

None of this means it isn't very sad that Frost lost his father and his relatively new wife in the same year and will have a tougher time seeing his kids because of it. I have two kids that would be about the same age as his, and it would devastate me. I would imagine that's a given in all of the discussion here.
What do you think he’ll charge?
Whatever it is it won't be competitive

Anyone know why Jon Bruning is listed as the owner of Frost’s home? I assume it’s a way to hide the address or something but just funny it’s in the former AGs name.

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