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Getting divorced sucks. Did it once. Luckily we didn’t have kids. Hope Corch scote can land on his penis in a happier place.
Worst event of my life. The getting divorced part, not coaches penis in my happy place...which would be gawd awful as well.
Parks And Rec Reaction GIF
This is the way

Have to admit I was expecting more out of the Mandelorian. I'm not a huge Star Wars nerd but I do enjoy the movies. The base line of this show has potential but they're leaving a lot on the table.
The Mandalorian was the titts and I'm not a big star wars guy.

Edit: And now we went from Frost divorce to Star wars
jimmy fallon lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Do people share my impression that Frost kept his wife and family out of the spotlight more than many other coaches? There are a lot of teams where you have a decent idea of who the wife is, she's involved with the program, etc. Not only that, for young families like his, you'll often see coaches have their kids around practices and during gamedays. You literally never saw that with Frost. It did make me wonder a bit, especially when you factor in that he met her out-of-state and she's much younger.

I also think this could potentially make some more sense of why Frost has been reported to have considered the Florida job ahead of Nebraska. Not only was that an easier recruiting situation to walk into, but it's very possible his wife would have preferred Gainesville to Lincoln.

Im doubting that a 26 year old girl who had lived on the west coast and Florida for her entire life had absolutely zero idea what she was walking into here in Nebraska.
Dear God. It's a joke. Are you actually concerned about your

"She's from Arizona" post not being changed?
Just odd that that’s how yore spending yore mod time.....

I’ll be sure and read existing posts closer before I post in the future. Problem solved.....

Just odd that that’s how yore spending yore mod time.....

I’ll be sure and read existing posts closer before I post in the future. Problem solved.....

Drink a coffee. Maybe with a little bourbon in it. Laugh at the joke and move on. I won't mod any more of your posts if that makes you feel better.
Drink a coffee. Maybe with a little bourbon in it. Laugh at the joke and move on. I won't mod any more of your posts if that makes you feel better.
Can’t handle coffee and too early for Basil Hayden. And “yes” I overreacted and feel pretty stupid right now. Missed the joke.

Think I’ll just send myself to Detroit for 30 days on a self imposed vacation..... 😘

Can’t handle coffee and too early for Basil Hayden. And “yes” I overreacted and feel pretty stupid right now. Missed the joke.

Think I’ll just send myself to Detroit for 30 days on a self imposed vacation..... 😘

When in Detroit, please remember the passphrase needed to access the speakeasy is “Allah Akbar”.
This is the way

Have to admit I was expecting more out of the Mandelorian. I'm not a huge Star Wars nerd but I do enjoy the movies. The base line of this show has potential but they're leaving a lot on the table.

I actually think it’s intentional. Mando is the opening salvo of the next phase of Star Wars so my read on it is that there is some table-setting for other series.

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