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I would only seriously discuss this here: Are there coaches/staff whose politics alienate players?

For those who don't know, OAN is a media outlet (I wouldn't call them 'news') out there in the land beyond Fox News levels of batshit crazy.

This is what it comes down to for me. If this staff lacks the awareness or attention to detail it takes to make this small change, then it just doesn’t bode well for their willingness or ability to make all of the changes needed to turn things around on the field.

It’s the easiest thing to do and there’s literally no downside, yet here we are.
This. I have my political views but also have a public job that requires non-political decision making. I don’t follow any political figures or political commentators because I want the public to be able to trust my decision making. Frost can easily stop following certain controversial people on Twitter, etc.
This. I have my political views but also have a public job that requires non-political decision making. I don’t follow any political figures or political commentators because I want the public to be able to trust my decision making. Frost can easily stop following certain controversial people on Twitter, etc.
And like @BingoDingo said, create an anonymous account for Twitter. Just like I have for pron on Reddit. Separation of church and state...
This. I have my political views but also have a public job that requires non-political decision making. I don’t follow any political figures or political commentators because I want the public to be able to trust my decision making. Frost can easily stop following certain controversial people on Twitter, etc.
Don’t you dare disrespect my man Howard Roark!

Regarding the OP’s post I don’t think a coach’s political beliefs matter but they should be respectful towards their audience. For example, as a teacher I am allowed to have political views but I can’t insert those views in the classroom. I also need to be mindful that my social media presence could draw negative attention to myself which would make my job harder. I just see it as one of the things that come with the job.
How can we persuade people to become right libertarians?

Ayn Rand: well I'm thinking word count and rape
I’m old enough to to remember when part of what made the college experience special was the exposure to new and different perspectives and ideas.

Now it seems that social media has decided what opinions are valid and any dissenting voice is subject to “the cancel culture” backed by our Tech Oligarchs and their approved platforms. Woe be unto you who differ with the one-speak.

Our coaching staff deals with young people every day. I’d like to think they’re aware of social media, the distorted lens it views the world though, and would take appropriate steps to ensure their social media presence was as bland as our red zone offense.

But some responsibility lies with the young athletes that encounter an opinion or belief system which differs from their own. Show some maturity and establish a true dialogue: put the idea(s) on the table and examine them without emotional attachment. Try to understand the other person's perspective and how their ideas and values were shaped. Seek common ground and find out where your differences lie.

A little more dialogue and perhaps we’ll dial down the rhetoric a little and avoid situations where young people are “triggered” by a coach who wears a tee shirt with a media company logo on it.
Wonderful prompt, OP! I believe this is an issue with many teams, but losing exacerbates the situation. I do know that Randolph has received racist messages from fans. That is unacceptable and could be a contributing factor. That hasn't inhibited for his love of the Huskers, however!!
Wonderful prompt, OP! I believe this is an issue with many teams, but losing exacerbates the situation. I do know that Randolph has received racist messages from fans. That is unacceptable and could be a contributing factor. That hasn't inhibited for his love of the Huskers, however!!
Fans or "fans"?
Wonderful prompt, OP! I believe this is an issue with many teams, but losing exacerbates the situation. I do know that Randolph has received racist messages from fans. That is unacceptable and could be a contributing factor. That hasn't inhibited for his love of the Huskers, however!!

Wonderful prompt, OP! I believe this is an issue with many teams, but losing exacerbates the situation. I do know that Randolph has received racist messages from fans. That is unacceptable and could be a contributing factor. That hasn't inhibited for his love of the Huskers, however!!
Wtf is wrong with people? Probably Cockeye fans pretending to be NE fans.

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