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Have you ever spent a bunch of time helping a friend for free and they just shit all over you (1 Viewer)

Sous Chef

Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
And they waste your time and you realize that your “friend” is a POS

Never do anything for free

End rant
battlefield 1 time GIF


Elite Member
“Thy right is to work only, never to its fruits. Let the fruit of action be not thy motive, nor let thy attachment be to inaction.” - The Bhagavad Gita

In other words, you should never do something because you expect a reward. Whether that be monetary or even in the form of gratitude. You should always do something because it’s what needs to be done or simply because it’s the right thing to do. Helping your friend was the right thing to do. You did the work, now move on.


Elite Member
I once had a roommate, that I would've considered one of my best friends at the time. There were 4 of us living in a house. He came to us one day and said that he needed to move back to his parents house for financial reasons. We told him that was fine and within a few days we had another guy wanting to move in, in his place, so no big deal. A week or two later, he moves out.

3 days later our internet and cable through Time Warner gets shut off. Well each of us had a separate bill in our name. Each month we would give each other money to pay each bill. One of my roommates and myself go down to Time Warner to see why our shit is shut off and to put my name on our bill. Well it turns out this guy that moved out a few days before had just been taking our money and not paying the bill. This went on for months before they shut us off. Our regular bill was a little over $100 but over $700 was owed and they wouldn't turn anything back on until it was paid.

Naturally, we got on the phone with this dude and had a huge blowout. He eventually paid us all back the money we had given him for Time Warner all those months. But he was essentially dead to us.

Years later I was playing in a 7 v 7 soccer league he was in. Different teams. Slowly we started chatting, and eventually I told him I was over what he had done and that he and I were good in my eyes. However, some things you just can't go back on I guess. We never became friends again, which is fine. I haven't seen or spoke to that guy in over 10 years.

That SOB Van Owen

In Mombasa drinkin’ gin
Elite Member
“Thy right is to work only, never to its fruits. Let the fruit of action be not thy motive, nor let thy attachment be to inaction.” - The Bhagavad Gita

In other words, you should never do something because you expect a reward. Whether that be monetary or even in the form of gratitude. You should always do something because it’s what needs to be done or simply because it’s the right thing to do. Helping your friend was the right thing to do. You did the work, now move on.

Glad you’re not in control of my paycheck.


Elite Member
Your Mom's House
Glad you’re not in control of my paycheck.
Favor for a friend is different than a paycheck.

What was said up front opee? Did you say "don't worry about it. I'll take care of it for you."? Or more along the lines of "I'll see if I can help." It certainly couldn't have been "I'll do my best to keep the fees down but I am going to charge you." Which is what you should have said if you expected something in return.

That's assuming it was legal services.

If not legal services then you'd have to more fully explain the situation for a real answer.


Elite Member
Glad you’re not in control of my paycheck.
I also don't have a right to expect someone to do something for me for free, especially if there is an agreement in place regarding employment. To do otherwise would be immoral. It's the expectation by OP that his friend would do the right thing that lead to his current state of suffering/being pissed. Had OP gone into this without any expectation for behavior or reward on the part of his friend, which is what the verse is instructing, then he wouldn't be surprised when his friend shits on him and therefore wouldn't have a reason to be pissed.

Or something.


Sarcastic Ass
Elite Member
Bounty Hunter
Soooooo to sum it up,

we need the full story before passing judgement.

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