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OT: What's the most terrified you've ever been?

When I was like 10 or so, I was being the greatest Kearney Hub newspaper delivery boi and randomly saw a brutal car accident. Some meth head bitch basically turned into oncoming traffic on 11th street...hit a dude's truck head on and he basically got thrown through his windshield and flew like 100 feet before literally bouncing off the concrete into a bush. I was basically on the corner of the intersection when it happened and walked over to see he was dead as shit. To make it even more traumatic...the dead dude was the brother in law to one of my teachers who lived down the street...and about 10 minutes later she somehow came over with her husband and yeah...she lost it. Anywho, after sitting around watching for about a half hour I continued on my route like a professional and dealt with that internally for awhile, lmao. I have been in situations that were seemingly way, way scarier...but that was the most terrified I have ever been...
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My parents have a good size back yard that backs up to a small forested creek, and when I was maybe 18 or so I was out there with my cousin & we both had BB guns going after squirrels or something. Turned my head randomly and looked directly down the barrel of a cop's gun. Another house had apparently called about men with long guns, and the cops hadn't announced themselves or anything yet. Still grateful I didn't swing my whole body & gun around as I was moving.

Leaving the hospital with my firstborn was also a "holy crap" moment, seeing that little person in the car seat, and knowing that we were fully responsible for keeping her alive & well, with all the guardrails off.
Senior class trip we went to the Black Hills in South Dakota. We stayed up in the hills in cabins on a small lake. One of our free afternoons we found a trail that went around the lake. While on this trail, we saw another trail. I think it was called the Blood Gultch Trail if I remember correctly. A few of us said let's come back to that. Around 8 PM that night around 6 guys and 6 girls went to that trail. Our curfew was 10 PM and we were supposed to be in our cabins. We thought it was another short trail like the previous one. We were wrong.

This trail wasn't just straight and easy, it twisted and turned all over the place. Around and even over big rocks, and even up and over a few hills. While we were walking it became 10, then 12, then 2 AM, and 4 AM and we're still on the trail. Multiple times we thought about turning around, but we had gone so far we figured we were near the end. Around 2 AM we tried to call/text classmates at the cabins but no one had any reception. Somewhere around 3 AM one of the guys couldn't walk anymore. The other 5 of us took turns carrying him, 2 at a time. Around 5 AM we got to a point on the trail where we could find where it went anymore. We were stuck. It was May but it got so cold in those hills. I was wearing shorts and don't remember a time that I was so cold.

So we're stuck on the side of a hill, not sure where to go. We see lights in the distance that we thought was our cabins. However, a couple of us tried to go straight to the lights from where we were stopped to get help, but after about 100 yards we ran into a cliff. So we had to go back. 2 guys in our group took everyone's phone and went to the top of the hill we were on. They were able to get reception and called 911. They sent the South Dakota Search and Rescue team after us. So we stayed huddled on the trail trying to stay warm. They got to us around 7 AM and took us back to the cabins. The guy that we had to carry was taken to the hospital for hypothermia. We got into trouble with the chaperones, deservedly so. The rest of the trip everyone had to check in every hour, which the other kids were pissed at us for.

A day or two later as a part of our trip we went to this old town that literally looked like it was from the wild west. In a bookstore one of our chaperones found a book that was about the trails in the Black Hills. According to that book the trail we were on that night was the 2nd longest and most strenuous trail in the Black Hills.
While my wife was giving birth there was a heart beat monitor on the baby. Our first child. The rhythm was the one noise I remember. I was in the room until the last 15 or 20 minutes. At some point the doctor told me to leave the room, I wasn't sure why, but I did it without asking questions, because the doctor was a little busy at the moment. Who am I to question procedure at that time? I was on the other side of the door and I could hear the staff communicating but the most audible thing was the baby's heart beat.

Suddenly the sound stopped. No more rhythmic beat. No talking. I was scared out of my mind. Terrified. What had happened? Was something wrong? I was just left there hanging for what seemed like an eternity. Then I hear the doctor congratulate my wife and tell her she did a good job. I could breathe again. Everything was fine. Baby boy! In reality the sound was absent for probably 30 seconds but let me tell how scary 30 seconds can be thinking you might lose everything.

Some people say the birth of their children is the greatest day of their life, for me it was confusing and scary. I'm glad to be past it.
Birth of my 3rd was scary. She was in there funny and wouldn’t come out. So Doc recommended a C section. My wife was pissed. But I’m like. She’s the expert…why are they even asking. They did. And I remember the big jug that was filling up with blood…quite quickly. I’m panicking. Like. You fuckers need to hurry your ass up. She lost enough blood she almost needed a transfusion. That scared the shit out of me. 3rd child they told us was going to have to do a bunch of rehab for her legs and neck. But that little fart didn’t need much and straightened out real quick. That should have been a sign for years to come. As now she’s “that” child. Wildly independent. Tell her no or she can’t. She’ll do it just to prove you wrong. I’m sure her teenage years will age me terribly. But she’s an awesome child.
Senior class trip we went to the Black Hills in South Dakota. We stayed up in the hills in cabins on a small lake. One of our free afternoons we found a trail that went around the lake. While on this trail, we saw another trail. I think it was called the Blood Gultch Trail if I remember correctly. A few of us said let's come back to that. Around 8 PM that night around 6 guys and 6 girls went to that trail. Our curfew was 10 PM and we were supposed to be in our cabins. We thought it was another short trail like the previous one. We were wrong.

This trail wasn't just straight and easy, it twisted and turned all over the place. Around and even over big rocks, and even up and over a few hills. While we were walking it became 10, then 12, then 2 AM, and 4 AM and we're still on the trail. Multiple times we thought about turning around, but we had gone so far we figured we were near the end. Around 2 AM we tried to call/text classmates at the cabins but no one had any reception. Somewhere around 3 AM one of the guys couldn't walk anymore. The other 5 of us took turns carrying him, 2 at a time. Around 5 AM we got to a point on the trail where we could find where it went anymore. We were stuck. It was May but it got so cold in those hills. I was wearing shorts and don't remember a time that I was so cold.

So we're stuck on the side of a hill, not sure where to go. We see lights in the distance that we thought was our cabins. However, a couple of us tried to go straight to the lights from where we were stopped to get help, but after about 100 yards we ran into a cliff. So we had to go back. 2 guys in our group took everyone's phone and went to the top of the hill we were on. They were able to get reception and called 911. They sent the South Dakota Search and Rescue team after us. So we stayed huddled on the trail trying to stay warm. They got to us around 7 AM and took us back to the cabins. The guy that we had to carry was taken to the hospital for hypothermia. We got into trouble with the chaperones, deservedly so. The rest of the trip everyone had to check in every hour, which the other kids were pissed at us for.

A day or two later as a part of our trip we went to this old town that literally looked like it was from the wild west. In a bookstore one of our chaperones found a book that was about the trails in the Black Hills. According to that book the trail we were on that night was the 2nd longest and most strenuous trail in the Black Hills.
GIF by Giphy QA
My parents have a good size back yard that backs up to a small forested creek, and when I was maybe 18 or so I was out there with my cousin & we both had BB guns going after squirrels or something. Turned my head randomly and looked directly down the barrel of a cop's gun. Another house had apparently called about men with long guns, and the cops hadn't announced themselves or anything yet. Still grateful I didn't swing my whole body & gun around as I was moving.

Leaving the hospital with my firstborn was also a "holy crap" moment, seeing that little person in the car seat, and knowing that we were fully responsible for keeping her alive & well, with all the guardrails off.
I had a similar experience but in a small park with an airsoft gun. Let me tell you, little Goskers shit bricks for a week anytime he saw a cop car after staring down the barrel of multiple (actual) guns that day.

And I laugh about the leaving the hospital thing. With my first born, I was terrified to even turn the corner onto the highway too fast. Pretty sure I drove 15 under the limit all the way home, which is about 25 slower than I usually do. I thought it would get better with each kid. Alas, when we brought my third home we were still taking our sweet ass time.
In college my roommate had 2 pounds of weed hidden up in the ceiling. Campus police get called to our wing for a weed smell and search every room. The cop comes in our room, searches our stuff then pushes a ceiling tile up and turns on his flashlight and I think well my life is over. Well the one tile he pushed up was the one with the weed taped to it. Never been so scared and then relieved in my life
Was scooting along a loose rock face in Idaho trying to get in position for a shot on a big mule deer. It was about 45* and seemed solid but when I got half way across I started sliding down on the loose rock and I look down and it ended at a cliff high enough in the air to kill me if I went over the side of it. I slide about 40’ (about 20’ from the edge of the cliff) until angled enough to the side to grab onto a shrub growing on this rock face.

The slide was just so damn slow and helpless, I couldn’t grab anything and every time my foot hit a rock it just started falling down under me.
My heart was pumping every butt scoot I took back to the edge of the slope where it flattened out.

I did not get a shot on that bedded buck.
My parents have a good size back yard that backs up to a small forested creek, and when I was maybe 18 or so I was out there with my cousin & we both had BB guns going after squirrels or something. Turned my head randomly and looked directly down the barrel of a cop's gun. Another house had apparently called about men with long guns, and the cops hadn't announced themselves or anything yet. Still grateful I didn't swing my whole body & gun around as I was moving.

I had a similar experience but in a small park with an airsoft gun. Let me tell you, little Goskers shit bricks for a week anytime he saw a cop car after staring down the barrel of multiple (actual) guns that day.
Mine was in the front yard of my best friend's house. We had our bows and arrows out practicing on hay bale targets trying to earn an archery merit badge for Boy Scouts. The cops poured around the corner, sirens blaring, and Scott and I just stood there holding our bows w/notched arrows wondering, "I wonder who they're after?" When they came screeching into Scott's driveway, we figured out it was us. We were bright that way.

It wasn't particularly terrifying as "Old Lady Clausen" had called them claiming we were trying to kill each other. A quick explanation from us recalibrated the cop's journey and he headed directly toward Old Lady Clausen's door to the sound of Scott and I giggling in delight. He was pissed.

As for terrifying moments, it had to be Flight #403 outbound from DFW to MSP on a Friday afternoon. We were on a fully loaded DC-9 (a flight to MEM got cancelled, so Northwest Airlines put all of their passengers and luggage that would fit onto ours) and thunderstorms were starting to pop in the area. Because of that, Air Traffic Control was really pushing planes out quickly, and we got too close behind a yuge L10/11 and hit what we later learned was an "air knuckle" about 30 seconds into takeoff. The plane made a big "bang" sound, flipped about 40 degrees to the right, and the engines went silent as we started falling towards the earth.

I was looking straight up - yes up - at the female executive from Winnebago Industries seated next to me, and our conversation at the moment consisted of "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" until we ran out of air. The plane shuttered, the engines fired up again, and the pilot was able to regain control of the plane and reversed the drop, leveled us out, and got us climbing again.

We were seated towards the rear of the plane, and there was a flight attendant that bolted out of her chair and started down the aisle checking to see if anyone had a heart attack or other medical emergency. Fueled by adrenaline, I flung a big paw out, grabbed her by her lapels, drew her into me and said, "We'll take two (looks a terrified female Winnebago executive) ... make that four scotches" and literally flung her back into the galley. She dropped off four mini-bottles on her way back by. No charge.

The pilot eventually came on, explained the "air knuckle" concept that was basically backwash from the powerful engines of the jet ahead of us, combined with the turbulence from the arriving storm, and said that was a really close call and we got really, really lucky. Air traffic control was informed of our near tragedy and backed off time between takeoffs to prevent another situation like ours.

The WORST part was yet to come. The toilets in a DC-9 are in the rear of the plane in front of the rear galley. There was a long, long line of sheepish looking passengers who had "soiled their armor" in the terror of the moment making their way to the toilets to clean themselves us. All you can do is shrug your shoulders and drink your scotch in a moment like that.

I had an agreement with my then boss Dennie L. that I would remain living in Minneapolis, but fly weekly to Atlanta to teach the sales & management training courses for my employer. I disembarked from that plane, and walked to the first payphone I saw, called Dennie and said, "Fuck it - I'm moving to Atlanta. I'm done flying!" I did move to Atlanta, but still put on another 1/2 million miles or so before moving back to Omaha a few years later.
When I was like 5 or 6 my mom and I were in that little square in the Haymarket with the water tower and train play ground. It was summer and dark but there were plenty of people around. I got done playing and got a drink from the water fountain. I finished and my mom starts getting a drink. I'm standing in front of her watching and this really creepy guy; skinny, long hair with a big bald spot and scruffy beard walks up slowly behind her. He was just staring at her with these dead eyes. Right as he got close he looked right at me and grabbed her and pulled her up by her head with one hand around her mouth. Somehow she manages to scream loud enough that it startled him enough to run away. People heard immediately and were over in seconds. I just remember seeing him and knowing something bad was about to happen but I was so terrified I couldn't even yell for help. Don't think they ever found him.
Several experiences. One was anytime my dad came home drunk when I was a kid. Good enough guy sober, mean drunk and he was a drunk.

Took a short cut on gravel roads after spending the day at my brother-in-laws on Memorial Day weekend early 1990’s. Coming up on a big sweeping curve and a car came around the corner coming right at me sideways. I stopped, not much time to think thinking I was dead. Somehow the car got traction enough to swerve to other side of road and then crossed the road again into the ditch about 50 yards behind me. Drunken idiots.

The worst was when my son was on his way to a junior legion baseball tournament with his friend and his dad. I was at work and got a call from crying sister in law telling me they had been broadsided on a highway by a car that ran stop sign. All she knew was that he had head injuries. I always thought I would be able to maintain control, nope. I froze. I absolutely could not think. I could not remember wife’s cell number. I just told co-workers my son was in a wreck and I had to go. I left. My son was 15 and it was about a 50 mile drive to the hospital. It was the longest drive of my life. The only thing I could think about were the mistakes I made as a dad. Good news, the injuries were nowhere near as bad as I thought. I don’t want to go through that again.
Hitting a deer going 80 mph going to the Nebraska Cockeye game in 2011 and not being able to see a thing with the hood up in my windshield. Needless to say we didn't make it to the game.
I was so terrified that Democracy would end if Trump was re-elected.

Especially when there was fake news rumblings about some "laptop from hell" that contained tons of child porn, drug use, unlawful use of a weapon, unlawful disposal of a weapon, bribery of a public servant, tax fraud and other blackmail material on Joe Biden's business partner son.

I was so terrified that democracy would end because that laptop could be real because this was right after I was terrified about how the Trump Russian collusion was outed as not being real.

I was so terrified that democracy would end because the polls closed and Trump was up several million votes! Thank God COEXIST that they refused to announce the election results that day for the first time ever and as it turns out in the middle of the night several million votes were counted and shockingly they all were for Joe Biden!!

Hooray Democracy was saved!!!!

But now I'm terrified about democracy ending again because American citizens might anctually be able to be vote for Trump and I think there should only be 1 candidate to vote for and that's Joe Biden. If you don't agree with me you are a threat to democracy and will be sent to the gulag.

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