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Have you ever been stuck in an Elevator? (1 Viewer)

Black Dean

Dean but also Black
Yes I got stuck in an old timey’ elevator with the metal Diamond grate thing and a manual up and down lever for about 45 mins when I was in high school.

(I was on a construction crew renovating a super old hotel in Falls City and that elevator used to scare the shit out of me)

That was mine. Was in my early 20s at a party at some shitty apartments in downtown Omaha and was drunk and stoned as hell and couldn’t figure it out. Might have been user error


Professor of Aesthetics / Positive Boogeyman
Elite Member
What are the odds?
calculating the hangover GIF


Elite Member
I got stuck on a loading elevator on some old club in I wanna say Chicago. We were loading equipment up and it got stuck half way. We waited like 1 hour until someone realized we were missing. My phone was in the van so couldn’t call out.

I hate elevators and almost always take stairs.


3rd Gen Teller of Bad Dad Jokes
Elite Member
Wasn’t stuck in one but have a strange experience I’ll share:

A co-worker buddy and I drove down to KC on a Sunday night for a Monday morning training class back in ‘98. It was during the Chiefs game where it just freaking poured and water ran down the stands and flooded the field and they delayed the game a while

The whole way down I-29 it was just pouring and when we got off the interstate and drove up Southwest Trafficway towards Country Club Plaza we crossed a river of rushing water that had to hit the bottom of the rental car. Was so dark and rainy we didn’t see it till we were in it. Lucky we didn’t get swept away as 11 people died in the flooding.

Got to the hotel and our nerves were shattered. Checked in, dumped our stuff in the room and headed down to go get drinks and some food. When the elevator got to the lobby level, we could hear water sloshing under it, thought we were gonna be electrocuted for Christ’s sake!

The water was to the roofs of cars and higher in the underground parking garage and the next day cars outside were buried in landscaping gravel and such ( not ours). It was a complete mess everywhere down there.

After finding a bar open still serving food we looked for another bar to close the night out in the Westport area. Some people coming out of a music venue gave us their tickets stubs so we went in to hear some live music. Turned out The Outfield was playing and we caught about half their concert. Under the circumstances, they sounded great to us and we finally caught a buzz!

I will NEVER forget that night!

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
No, but I would freak the hell out after a few minutes probably. Clostraphobia would creep in most likely. Clostraphobia in general and I think being trapped a tight space underground would be 2 of the scariest things ever. Like being able to move physically, but having no space to move. That and spiders. I'm horrified of spiders


Running Back
Elite Member
No, because I am not a girl.

I am the stick-er not the stick-ee.


unfortunately we were stuck below ground level. Basically it made a big clunk noise and didn't stop until it literally hit the floor. So even if the door opened we would have been looking straight at a concrete wall. At the time I lived in a Condo in downtown Chicago. Was an old historic hotel they turned into condos. Cool building but back when they built that in the early 1900's they didn't think of everything when it came to safety.

Weird part was I ran home from work and told them I would be back in about 20 minutes. It was like a 5 minute walk from my place. We got no cell reception in that little concrete bunker in the basement of our building. Work was freaking out because I didn't show back up. I kept trying to text co-workers but weren't going through. I was even jumping up holding my phone as high as I could. Looked like a total dork and maybe that's why she had no interest. Heck for all I know she didn't even have a boyfriend and made it up to keep me at bay.
I could handle being stuck in an elevator, but if it was underground with a concrete wall outside the door, that would have freaked me out a little. Could you go out the top like they do in the movies? Was she wearing a dress and you could hold her up from below and at least get a peek?

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