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Flat Earther (8 Viewers)


Elite Member
The guy has been incredibly cordial and patient with everyone throwing stuff at him and he has done his best to respond to everyone, so I do give him props for that.

But the whole thing just makes my head hurt how he can actually believe the stuff he is saying. He also seems to use science (really big into density and buoyancy) and technology (some sort of 35mm camera) when it is convenient for him, but other forms or science and technology are lies (gravity, GPS, anything related to NASA). Why did these controllers allow the advancement of society when they could’ve prevented that, kept better control over people, and still had just as much power and money?

Baron Winnebago

Scrote Statistician
Elite Member
The guy has been incredibly cordial and patient with everyone throwing stuff at him and he has done his best to respond to everyone, so I do give him props for that.

But the whole thing just makes my head hurt how he can actually believe the stuff he is saying. He also seems to use science (really big into density and buoyancy) and technology (some sort of 35mm camera) when it is convenient for him, but other forms or science and technology are lies (gravity, GPS, anything related to NASA). Why did these controllers allow the advancement of society when they could’ve prevented that, kept better control over people, and still had just as much power and money?
Because of brave FE like him who sailed to the edge of the world, literally, and brought back secrets as if they were Prometheus stealing fire from the gods


Elite Member
Your Mom's House
The guy has been incredibly cordial and patient with everyone throwing stuff at him and he has done his best to respond to everyone, so I do give him props for that.

But the whole thing just makes my head hurt how he can actually believe the stuff he is saying. He also seems to use science (really big into density and buoyancy) and technology (some sort of 35mm camera) when it is convenient for him, but other forms or science and technology are lies (gravity, GPS, anything related to NASA). Why did these controllers allow the advancement of society when they could’ve prevented that, kept better control over people, and still had just as much power and money?
All for the sake of disproving God's existence. Seems to me these people have an internal battle with Science resulting in questioning their faith. One can take the position that the bible can't be taken literally and a creator can coexist with evolution, multiple solar systems, etc or there is no God. Instead he looks for evidence that disproves things that are contradictory to the bible. He believes it because he wants to believe.

It's funny and fascinating but it's also a little sad.

Pepe Silvia

Wide Receiver
Elite Member
I feel like every one of these flat earth thinkers suffers from two simple things.

They can't even imagine how large the earth really is and they don't understand how shitty 2D projections for a 3D globe are.
the highlight so far is when he used a map centered on the north pole to prove the earth was flat. his whole idea only worked because the map projection he was using was meant to simulate a globe in 2 dimensional space

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