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Exclusive: Platinum Prattle (9-4-2020) (1 Viewer)


Poon Slayer
Welcome chosen ones, children of the light... To “Platinum Prattle”, your number 1 source for the extra exclusive premium inside information that nobody else has.

Brought to you by pornhub.com and the sweet’n tangy zest of Dorthy Lynch salad dressing.

We only ask that what is said in Platinum Prattle, stays in platinum prattle. This is our sanctuary and our only request...(also no libs)

What I know: It’s been rough waters these last 3 weeks my fellow yacht enthusiasts. It’s been an epic battle between University presidents, chancellors, ADs and the commissioner. Like some perverse game of thrones shit, but worse, a lot worse. Yet 2 champions have risen from the fear like two great Phoenixes(pheonixisis,pheonickses?) soaring above the light and standing up for what is right, football. Because of them I believe, I mean I report, victory is on the horizon.

Coach Day and Coach Frost may have saved this conference (and I don’t want to undercut the lawsuit filed by Nebraska players, cause it was significant) But when coach Frost sent that shirtless pic (with the mean face) to Kevin Warren... That really seemed to motivate commissioner Warren according to my sources. Seems commissioner Warren is now really pushing for a private meeting with coach Frost, very anxious I’m told. I have sources...

Meanwhile, I still stand by my latest tweets. Oct 10th is most definitely possibly the potential start of B1G play. Both of my sources directly eluded to this very possibility. Furthermore, my sources say the 9 vote threshold was finally met tonight and we may still get all 14 teams. But likely as many as 4 could possibly maybe not opt out. And those 4 are reported to be either(or any of) Rutgers, Maryland, Illinois, Northeastern, Minnesota, Michigan State and maybe Michigan and Purdue also. Not 100% sold on Penn State either. Any of those 4.

Extra Exclusive Content: Ok this is the stuff @HuskerGarrett (our financier and leader) does not want anyone else to know. Only you can know this... I don’t know shit. There I said it, yeah I like sorta know a couple ex-Buckeye players and I smoked blunt with Terrell Pryor once... but I don’t know shit y’all. I was just makin that shit up on twitter one day and people were like “whoa, this yacht boy is player as hell” ya know? So I just like rolled with it, naw mean?

So once these bustas started blowin up my feed and I was like... “ah hell no!” So I doubled down on that shit, that’s when shit got real real. Like now I’m makin up sources and stuff, got my grandmama runnin my facebook page and lil mikey got my burner accounts. Shit is out of control b...

So yeah, I’m still pretty sure we’re playin on Oct 10 naw mean? Makes sense to me yo and I’m really glad I could share this with y’all. Beings a fraud ain’t easy yo and it’s good to have peoples I can just level with and be real. I love y’all and Go Buckeyes, and go Huskers GBR

(also anyone want get some hookers and blow this weekend, DM me)

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