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Breaking Coaching Staff Additions

Really makes you wonder why he’s not a full time assistant coach at a major school
I’m guessing he had other offers, but maybe he wanted a break and to come back home for awhile. I think his wife stays in Nebraska year round.
Good to know. Hopefully works out. We need some luck
You’re right. I don’t know if an analyst makes a huge difference, but his experience with special teams should help there, and he is one hell of a recruiter.
Dean keeps teasing a special teams assistant in the full time staff. Anyone got any intel on that?
Dean keeps teasing a special teams assistant in the full time staff. Anyone got any intel on that?

I believe Dawson is the only guy on staff who has any previous ST coaching experience. I’ve also read that he’s not interested in taking that on, but then again that was from someone on RSS who likely doesn’t know shit.
Let's start a rumor.

Female assistant coach.
As long as she's got

Really makes you wonder why he’s not a full time assistant coach at a major school
He's getting paid this year by LSU and I believe his wife and Kids still live in Lincoln. Basically he still brings in the big bucks and gets to be in his families life while he recharges his batteries. I also wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't a bit of a hire to see if he could mesh with the staff in case a coach leaves or is replaced. If I remember correctly Bill kinda is a screamer and yeller who is not afraid of some 4 letter words. Not sure that is the first thing Frost looks for in a coach. I do like this hire for another reason, and that is because my mom is good friends with his aunt. Might get some inside info if the old biddies get talkin.

I believe Dawson is the only guy on staff who has any previous ST coaching experience. I’ve also read that he’s not interested in taking that on, but then again that was from someone on RSS who likely doesn’t know shit.

Discher from UL as ST analyst with Dawson having game day responsibilities.

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