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Best Places to Live

Alexandria, VA, so DC currently. It’s...ok. My wife is a naval officer so we move wherever the hell the Navy tells us to go.

Since 18 I’ve lived in Omaha, Lincoln, Virginia Beach, Monterey, Fredericksburg (VA), and Brunswick, Maine. My favorite place was honestly Maine. Love the pace of life, scenery, and the people are great once you get to know them.
One word threw us off there...I edited. Come on tell us where you want to live...that is what we're talking about here.
I mean you edited but it's still wrong. Thats also ignoring the fact that he answered that part already.

Are you writing a paper on where people want to live?
I mean you edited but it's still wrong. Thats also ignoring the fact that he answered that part already.

Are you writing a paper on where people want to live?
Nope. Just wanting to hear about different areas of the country or world.

Please tell me what is "still wrong."
Having visited and traveled a bit, I can say my current arrangement in Omaha is what I like best. Although if it weren't for family, I'm not sure where I'd be living?

There are areas I've visited that I've pictured myself living. I love mountains and the skiing/boarding scene, so I could see myself living in a place like Frisco, CO. I love lake life and keep my boat in the Ozarks, so that is appealing. I liked San Francisco when the sun is shining and it's warm - which doesn't seem to be all that often. I also liked certain parts of the Southeast such as Knoxville, Atlanta or Savannah. I even like Minnesota, but that's too cold for my liking. Love the weather in SoCal, but too many people and seasonal changes are nil. But there are parts of those places that I also don't like such as unfriendly people, cost of living, ease of getting around, etc. I've returned to Omaha many times thinking I'm lucky.

There are definitely places I wouldn't want to live such as: Albuquerque, Dallas, Detroit, NYC, Memphis or Portland.

To me it's about family and friends, and being 100% on board with enjoying the change of seasons. Every seasonal transition is the tits for me.
Currently live in Omaha been here whole life. But I am moving just outside of st.cloud, MN for work in 3 weeks. I'm already thinking about where to move the ol lady and the dogs after 3 year there. Any ideas?
Lets have a chat about where the best places to live are. Tell us where you're currently living and where the GOAT is. AND why don't you live there

I'm currently living in Phoenix as of a few months ago after coming from Pittsburgh. I loved Pittsburgh. Phoenix is also quite nice.

Goat city for me is San Diego. There's of course plenty of offshoots that are nicer throughout the US but as a city it does it for me. It's just in California.
Kearney. I would probably move to Utah if I could.

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