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And so it begins...(tracking Coach Prime decommits/transfers) (7 Viewers)


Elite Member
The second year usually tells a lot about how a head coach's era will go. Colorado game is huge, really for both sides. Whoever wins gets to proclaim that this is the way to build a roster, develop talent and play college football. Now I won't be all out on Rhule if we do lose, because this isn't the end state that Rhule is building towards, it takes years to build a program the way Rhule is doing it. But there will be a lot of fans that will be upset and jump off the cliff, there will be media doubting Rhule's way of building and touting Sanders' way. This is shaping up into a very big game that is a way to prove which coaching principles are right. Shouldn't come down to one game, but that is the way it will be portrayed.
So true. If Rhule gets y'all to the Natty in year 2, but loses in a heartbreak overtime, expect back to back Nattys starting 4 years later.


Running Back
Elite Member
This is a solid call out. Hard to believe that Nebraska will open the season with a non con home game for the first time since 2019.
But, but, but......we had to go to Ireland so we could expand our "brand".

I'll just say it as plainly as I can, it was the money grab, profile building, exposure hungry, marketing geniuses that have fucked Nebraska football just as hard as anyone in the last 20 years.

We will win games as soon as we start concentrating on the football part of football and less on the business building side. The NIL collective-fication, pay to watch practice, donate until you are broke side of CFB threatens to keep us in our downward spiral forever. Can Rhule navigate us through the obstacles? We shall see.


The second year usually tells a lot about how a head coach's era will go. Colorado game is huge, really for both sides. Whoever wins gets to proclaim that this is the way to build a roster, develop talent and play college football. Now I won't be all out on Rhule if we do lose, because this isn't the end state that Rhule is building towards, it takes years to build a program the way Rhule is doing it. But there will be a lot of fans that will be upset and jump off the cliff, there will be media doubting Rhule's way of building and touting Sanders' way. This is shaping up into a very big game that is a way to prove which coaching principles are right. Shouldn't come down to one game, but that is the way it will be portrayed.
Selfishly, I just don't want the way Deion is building a roster to work in any way. Unlimited transfers that are eligible immediately are one of my biggest frustrations in college football right now because I don't feel it does the athlete favors like many think, and it hurts programs.

To your point, year 2 you should start to see signs of what is being preached. While a non-conference game in year 2 isn't the end all be all, Rhule can't get beat by someone doing things completely opposite of him two years in a row. They have Sanders, Hunter, and Horn Jr., but other than that they are mediocre at best. I just watched their spring game last night and their OL is so awful that we should have a field day against them.


Is there such a thing as “easily” winning by a touchdown at Nebraska? My PTSD is off the charts. Personally I think it would be more miraculous if we won by 7 than it would be if we won by 28.
LOL that's fair. I suppose I meant there shouldn't be any reason that we don't win by 7 (sorry for the double negative). I'm sure with a true freshman QB and how many eyes will be on this game that we will have mistakes to make it much closer than any of us want.


Running Back
Elite Member
Selfishly, I just don't want the way Deion is building a roster to work in any way. Unlimited transfers that are eligible immediately are one of my biggest frustrations in college football right now because I don't feel it does the athlete favors like many think, and it hurts programs.

To your point, year 2 you should start to see signs of what is being preached. While a non-conference game in year 2 isn't the end all be all, Rhule can't get beat by someone doing things completely opposite of him two years in a row. They have Sanders, Hunter, and Horn Jr., but other than that they are mediocre at best. I just watched their spring game last night and their OL is so awful that we should have a field day against them.
I'll take Jimari Butler against their highly rated true freshman OT every day of the week.


I'll take Jimari Butler against their highly rated true freshman OT every day of the week.
He gave up a sack on the 2nd play of their spring game and it really wasn't even close to get his hand on the guy. Our JACKs will have a field day. Their guards didn't look any better, they were routinely getting pushed into Sanders' lap on pass plays, and Colorado doesn't have a Robinson or Hutmacher playing DT.

The only reason Sanders had time to throw in their spring game is because they went 5 wide many times and he got rid of it in a hurry because the defense was playing soft. I'm hoping White has enough confidence in our DBs that he plays up on their WRs and let's our pass rush go to work.


Running Back
Recruiting Analyst
I'll take Jimari Butler against their highly rated true freshman OT every day of the week.
I'm excited to see us unleash James Williams against their shitty OL. Dude is a menace in obvious passing situations and I wouldn't be surprised if he has 4 sacks himself. Jimari, Lenhardt, Princewell and Sherman will all also have a lot of fun too.


Elite Member
I'm pretty curious how west coast-y the new CU offense is going to be. Seems to play some of Shadildo's strengths, but also seems like a lot of ask of a roster with a ton of turnover.


That Dude
Elite Member
Omaha, NE
how many "hail mary's" is he going to throw b/c his OL can't block.

Shotgun...two step drop...heave to a spot and pray Horn Jr. or Hunter catch it


2x All-state FG/PAT holder
Elite Member
But, but, but......we had to go to Ireland so we could expand our "brand".

I'll just say it as plainly as I can, it was the money grab, profile building, exposure hungry, marketing geniuses that have fucked Nebraska football just as hard as anyone in the last 20 years.

On the other hand, all we had to do to prevent said debacle was to beat a team that finished 1-11. I don't blame anyone for setting up a cool trip for fans and players (who hadn't been to a bowl game in their careers). Don't onside kick up 11.


Was the 7 on 7 planned, or did they just spontaneously get rid of the linemen when they saw how bad it was?
I have to imagine it was somewhat planned, they have basically zero depth along the lines, especially offensively. But Sanders was running for his life a bit, and their run game looked pretty bad minus a long one here and there.

Stan Raymond

Selfishly, I just don't want the way Deion is building a roster to work in any way. Unlimited transfers that are eligible immediately are one of my biggest frustrations in college football right now because I don't feel it does the athlete favors like many think, and it hurts programs.

To your point, year 2 you should start to see signs of what is being preached. While a non-conference game in year 2 isn't the end all be all, Rhule can't get beat by someone doing things completely opposite of him two years in a row. They have Sanders, Hunter, and Horn Jr., but other than that they are mediocre at best. I just watched their spring game last night and their OL is so awful that we should have a field day against them.
Agreed. Really want Colorado to crash and burn and be ridiculously bad. Fist just because I hate Colorado, college sports is better when Colorado is terrible. Second is for what you said, I don't want any credibility to the way Sanders has built his roster as I think it's bad for the sport, fans and the players.


Running Back
Recruiting Analyst
Agreed. Really want Colorado to crash and burn and be ridiculously bad. Fist just because I hate Colorado, college sports is better when Colorado is terrible. Second is for what you said, I don't want any credibility to the way Sanders has built his roster as I think it's bad for the sport, fans and the players.
But, at the same time, I want some credit for kicking the ever-living dogshit out of them on September 7th.

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