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New Commit 5 star Georgia transfer MJ Sherman is N (5 Viewers)


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
That’s your fave movie isn’t it? You really relate the the main character
Forrest Gump and bubbles from trailer park boys are my heros.
Academy Awards Film GIF by CBS

blinking trailer park boys GIF


Head Coach
Elite Member
I wish I could remember the recruits name but there was a big time JUCO recruit a couple years ago who visited Kansas. I knew the players who were showing him around. He told them the last school he visited got him laid 5 times over the weekend and he expected the same. They basically told him that as a visiting recruit he was on his own for Dirty leg but if he had any game with the ladies he would have plenty of opportunities to lay some pipe. They made it sound like girls had already been lined up for him on his previous visit.
Jaren Kanak?

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