I'm having a little trouble understanding the "university leadership issues made him leave" angle... Clearly the instability is ridiculous, but how has that affected Turd to the point that he'd burn a bridge like this? Hasn't he pretty much gotten everything he wanted so far?
- Huge salary/raise/extension
- Got the go-ahead to restructure Frost's contract which threaded the needle perfectly when it came time to fire him
- Convinced boosters to step up with money to hire Rhule
- Sports trending up
- Is literally being allowed to tear down and rebuild Memorial Stadium
- Was given very unique power within the university system where he bypasses the chancellor and only reports directly to the University President
Lord knows the regents and boosters and all that can cause a mess, but with ALL of that power, everything that was going in Turd's favor, what in the world could possibly cancel all of that out and make him give up on his "beloved" alma mater and burn bridges with fans who have respected him for over 30 years? They're taking a long time to hire a new president? They're stingy with money but obviously can be persuaded because he's already done it several times? What am I missing? Where else would he get this much freedom and clout? If anything, the leadership vacuum has given him MORE power and influence, not less.