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Editorial Trip to the ER (2 Viewers)


Wide Receiver
Elite Member
Oh boy, I think we can all guess what happened

suck my dick GIF
Does that give a guy a sore throat?


Elite Member
The great 308
Turns out that there was just some old fart named James who went into cardiac arrest literally right outside of my room. They ended up resuscitating him. My CT scan came back clean and my random headache went away. But I'll always remember thinking I was dying and going into a bit of a panic...
I'm drunk but this about made me fall out of my chair laughing

My embarrassing er story is this (looking back it's not actually embarrassing but as a young teen at the time it happened it was.)
After my shower one evening, I slipped on a pair of jeans to go work on my bike. Didn't bother with shorts cuz I didn't plan to be out there long. Accidentally gash my wrist with a utility knife while cutting a zip tie, blood everywhere. My parents haul me in, nurses say to put on a gown but leave my underwear on. Hehe. Figured I could cover up enough for nobody to catch on. On the way home, my dad looks at me significantly and says " did you forget your shorts" 😂 nurses, mom, dad, everyone must have seen my naked behind.


Elite Member
My dad was baling hay years ago and the twine got all bound up in the baler and he had to use his pocket knife to cut a bunch of it out. Anyways he slipped with his knife and stabbed himself right in the thigh with about a 2.5 inch blade. Drove 30 miles to the ER and planned on getting stitched up and going back to the field. Apparently if you show up with a stab wound the cops get called. He pulled out the knife, tossed to the Dr and said here's the damn knife, stitch me up so I can go back to work.

I was working at Menards years ago and a stray cat hot into the store. I ended up catching it and get bit on the forearm. Store manager freaked out and sent me to the ER, but I had to take a drug test first. ER Dr called the cops but after waiting for 2 hours she came in and gave me a free tetanus shot and sent me on my way. Ended up catching the cat and it never had rabies.


Elite Member
So I’m sitting in the ER right now cause I’m sicker than shit. While I was in the waiting room the sheriff escorted in who we now know as Greg.
Greg is next to me in another room. For over an hour he’s been screaming AHHHH with a squeaky pitch about every 30 seconds. Entertaining to say the least. A little bit ago he was punching and kicking shit and the wall started to shake. I learned my friend Greg ran away!! (I think he’s upset that he’s going to jail later)
If you’re worried about Greg at this point there’s no need. He’s back now via police escort still screaming and now grunting.

You have to feel bad for these medical professionals that shouldn’t have to put up with what natural selection should be taking care of. Last night’s excitement was a guy who came in cause he swallowed a razor blade and then swallowed screws while he was here.

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