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Editorial Trip to the ER (1 Viewer)


Worked with urologists at a previous job, and the on-call doc said that a guy with ED used a hex nut as a cock ring one Friday night. Once the blood flowed into his dick it couldn’t go back out because the ring was made of metal. He was too embarrassed to go in and tried everything, but finally went to the ER in the afternoon on Saturday. Dudes dick was black/purple at this point and they had to use bolt cutters to get the hex nut off.

Wee wee no work no more after that.


Worked with urologists at a previous job, and the on-call doc said that a guy with ED used a hex nut as a cock ring one Friday night. Once the blood flowed into his dick it couldn’t go back out because the ring was made of metal. He was too embarrassed to go in and tried everything, but finally went to the ER in the afternoon on Saturday. Dudes dick was black/purple at this point and they had to use bolt cutters to get the hex nut off.

Wee wee no work no more after that.
How big/small was the hex nut?


Professor of Aesthetics / Positive Boogeyman
Elite Member
Worked with urologists at a previous job, and the on-call doc said that a guy with ED used a hex nut as a cock ring one Friday night. Once the blood flowed into his dick it couldn’t go back out because the ring was made of metal. He was too embarrassed to go in and tried everything, but finally went to the ER in the afternoon on Saturday. Dudes dick was black/purple at this point and they had to use bolt cutters to get the hex nut off.

Wee wee no work no more after that.
Season 17 What GIF by America's Got Talent


Elite Member
my aunt worked in an ER. She had serious stories. One that still haunts me is a very large woman, like 500+ lbs came into the ER with some ailment. As they were getting her out of her clothes and into a gown they found a full sized bag of Potato Chips smashed between her rolls of fat. Unopened and appeared to have been there for a while


Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
my aunt worked in an ER. She had serious stories. One that still haunts me is a very large woman, like 500+ lbs came into the ER with some ailment. As they were getting her out of her clothes and into a gown they found a full sized bag of Potato Chips smashed between her rolls of fat. Unopened and appeared to have been there for a while
I've heard similar stories with sandwiches. Have a good number of friends on the fire dept, that are more EMT's than firefighters most days. They have some horrific stories - finding a fat person that got stuck in their car for days in the middle of summer and have basically melted to the seat. Another one a lady got stuck in her tub and they didn't find her for like 5 days and there was no A/C in the apartment. Scraping human matter off concrete. Lots of fat people stories. Moral of the story is don't be a fat disgusting blob.


So I’m sitting in the ER right now cause I’m sicker than shit. While I was in the waiting room the sheriff escorted in who we now know as Greg.
Greg is next to me in another room. For over an hour he’s been screaming AHHHH with a squeaky pitch about every 30 seconds. Entertaining to say the least. A little bit ago he was punching and kicking shit and the wall started to shake. I learned my friend Greg ran away!! (I think he’s upset that he’s going to jail later)
If you’re worried about Greg at this point there’s no need. He’s back now via police escort still screaming and now grunting.

You have to feel bad for these medical professionals that shouldn’t have to put up with what natural selection should be taking care of. Last night’s excitement was a guy who came in cause he swallowed a razor blade and then swallowed screws while he was here.

I've been to the ER twice as an adult:

- Appendicitis at age 23
- broken ankle at age 29, sliding into 2nd base playing softball

Throughout my adult life, I have been sick as hell a couple times. But I've never been so sick that I felt a need to visit the ER. So I have to ask, what the hell is wrong with you?


Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
Worked with urologists at a previous job, and the on-call doc said that a guy with ED used a hex nut as a cock ring one Friday night. Once the blood flowed into his dick it couldn’t go back out because the ring was made of metal. He was too embarrassed to go in and tried everything, but finally went to the ER in the afternoon on Saturday. Dudes dick was black/purple at this point and they had to use bolt cutters to get the hex nut off.

Wee wee no work no more after that.
I can’t stop laughing at this.


my aunt worked in an ER. She had serious stories. One that still haunts me is a very large woman, like 500+ lbs came into the ER with some ailment. As they were getting her out of her clothes and into a gown they found a full sized bag of Potato Chips smashed between her rolls of fat. Unopened and appeared to have been there for a while



Wide Receiver
Elite Member
I've been to the ER twice as an adult:

- Appendicitis at age 23
- broken ankle at age 29, sliding into 2nd base playing softball

Throughout my adult life, I have been sick as hell a couple times. But I've never been so sick that I felt a need to visit the ER. So I have to ask, what the hell is wrong with you?
I cannot swallow. This means no food or water can go down. Now running a high fever for 4 days. I don’t go to the dr often and never the ER. Took a lot for me to make the trip.


Elite Member
I've been to the ER twice as an adult:

- Appendicitis at age 23
- broken ankle at age 29, sliding into 2nd base playing softball

Throughout my adult life, I have been sick as hell a couple times. But I've never been so sick that I felt a need to visit the ER. So I have to ask, what the hell is wrong with you?
Same for me. Been there for stitches and separated shoulder. My wife early on always wanted to take out kids to the ER and I fought her on it. All 3 have been but for reasonable reasons. My daughter needed stitches, my youngest couldn't keep his oxygen levels up when he was 2 and the best one is my dumbass 14 year old got his feet Tangled on his back pack and fell out of the car and slammed his head on the concrete. School nurse said might have a concussion so wife took him to the ER. I paid $1500 for them to give him ibuprofen and let him lay in the bed for an hour.


Really Big Truck
Elite Member
So I’m sitting in the ER right now cause I’m sicker than shit. While I was in the waiting room the sheriff escorted in who we now know as Greg.
Greg is next to me in another room. For over an hour he’s been screaming AHHHH with a squeaky pitch about every 30 seconds. Entertaining to say the least. A little bit ago he was punching and kicking shit and the wall started to shake. I learned my friend Greg ran away!! (I think he’s upset that he’s going to jail later)
If you’re worried about Greg at this point there’s no need. He’s back now via police escort still screaming and now grunting.

You have to feel bad for these medical professionals that shouldn’t have to put up with what natural selection should be taking care of. Last night’s excitement was a guy who came in cause he swallowed a razor blade and then swallowed screws while he was here.
Heal up you hard headed SOB


Running Back
Recruiting Analyst
Since we are telling ER stories, here is my favorite.

First of all, my name is James - that's an important detail for later in the story. But a few years back, before I had kids, I was taking some drugs of the performance enhancing nature. It was awesome...my gains were through the roof and I was bigger than I ever had been. My employer at the time offered a health screening that could help lower your premium. Me, being in my mid 20's and in great shape, figured I would I would pass this screening with flying colors and my premium would drop.

Everything was going fine until the finger prick blood test. My HDL cholesterol came back at an alarmingly low level...it believe it was 7. The nurse panicked and told me to see my primary ASAP. My primary wasn't too concerned and said that I can't trust those tests and he was sure that it was a mistake and that I was fine. Turns out that it was a mistake because a more thorough blood test showed that it was actually at 4. Then my primary was freaking out and said that I was at extreme risk for a heart attack, stroke or aneurism...like it could happen at any second.

Fast forward a few weeks, I was off the juice and my numbers were starting to creep up to a better level, but were still dangerously low. I was at the gym working out when I got hit with the worst headache of my life out of nowhere. It was so bad that I had to call my wife from the gym and she drove me to the ER. I legit thought I was having an aneurism and thought I was dying. I was in my room at the ER waiting for my CT scan when I started to hear some noise outside of my room. Doctors and nurses came running and I could hear the panic in their voices. They kept saying, "Stay with us James!" or "Come on James, you got this." Not being in the proper state of mind from my excruciating headache, I started to believe that I was having some outer body experience and that I was actually dying out there. It was weird...

Turns out that there was just some old fart named James who went into cardiac arrest literally right outside of my room. They ended up resuscitating him. My CT scan came back clean and my random headache went away. But I'll always remember thinking I was dying and going into a bit of a panic...


Elite Member
I cannot swallow. This means no food or water can go down. Now running a high fever for 4 days. I don’t go to the dr often and never the ER. Took a lot for me to make the trip.
Whoa!! Have they been able to help you out?


Elite Member
I've heard similar stories with sandwiches. Have a good number of friends on the fire dept, that are more EMT's than firefighters most days. They have some horrific stories - finding a fat person that got stuck in their car for days in the middle of summer and have basically melted to the seat. Another one a lady got stuck in her tub and they didn't find her for like 5 days and there was no A/C in the apartment. Scraping human matter off concrete. Lots of fat people stories. Moral of the story is don't be a fat disgusting blob.
In college late one night my buddy gashed his leg open, and yes copious amounts of alcohol were involved. My buddy is bleeding and yelling at me to get him to the hospital ER. I had Hospital Scrubs, cap & mask that I had worn as a Halloween Costume. I run down the dorm hallway to put those on to take him to the hospital. He was so pissed at me for the delay. Amazing how much trouble a drunk college student can get into late night in a hospital when you are wandering around dressed similar to an ER Doctor. I should have checked with the HR Department at the hospital the next day to see if any nurses complained about Sexual Harassment that night.


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