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  • Welcome to The Platinum Board! We are a Nebraska Cornhuskers news source and community. Please click "Log In" or "Register" above to gain access to the forums.

So… If some of the RSS resident tools make it over here via word-of-mouth...

Hell yeah talk as much shit as you want. We are all adults
And if it gets too heated just move over to the Hyvee Parking lot to settle it with gifs
all sponsoring members should be able to vote on their fate as to whether they should be kicked off the island or allowed to stay on a probationary basis.


Serious question....
Actually thinking about it, isn’t there (or can’t there be) a way to have a clearinghouse before they sign in? Meaning, you can sign up if you become aware of the site, but you go into a holding pattern before you are approved and released into the Platinum Board general population. Or make it truly invitation only?
Too much exclusivity will lead to a dead board. Let anyone in, and if they annoy you feel free to tell them to “eat a bag of dicks”, “go fuck themselves” or any other insult that comes to mind. Jmo

Agreed. My only fear with us just starting a couple days ago is that the board will be too dead and no one will be here
Agreed. My only fear with us just starting a couple days ago is that the board will be too dead and no one will be here
I think if this place is policed like the mainboard used to be, i.e. the report button is used for shark attacks only, any riffraff that finds their way over here won’t stay long. I’m pretty sure having safe spaces for the thin skinned wasn’t your intent when starting this place. That being said, I’m fine with whatever decision that’s made.
I think if this place is policed like the mainboard used to be, i.e. the report button is used for shark attacks only, any riffraff that finds their way over here won’t stay long. I’m pretty sure having safe spaces for the thin skinned wasn’t your intent when starting this place. That being said, I’m fine with whatever decision that’s made.
Agreed. The old mod squad on tMB shut some shit down in a hurry when it came to dipshittery. After they got iced out, tMB has actually gone to shit in a hurry.
Too much exclusivity will lead to a dead board. Let anyone in, and if they annoy you feel free to tell them to “eat a bag of dicks”, “go fuck themselves” or any other insult that comes to mind. Jmo
I agree that if too limited it runs risk of getting boring. But also want to maintain some aura of exclusivity.

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