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Sam I Am

Found Biden’s burner account
Bet Joe has some of these... probably extremely comfortable.

I honestly wonder if his family had an intervention with him. Sat him down and begged him to get some help. He was into it way too deep. told @#HBD that he "knew where he worked and was going to ruin his life."
I met him two years ago (Feb) in Tempe at the ASU-Husker baseball game……..fwiw.

Same here, except for a year when I was Doctor_Krieger on the RSS but it was an open secret because I was still God is a Husker still on the MB.

It was before the show Archer was popular tho and the RSS is 95% dorks so everybody kept calling me a Doctor or asking me where I worked cuz they thought it was just my real name. It was pathetic.
What year did you officially become @dead ?

The best was when Tim ran into Sean at a bar on a road game, Wisconsin maybe, and they had to be physically separated. Tim wanted his pound of flesh & Deano wasn’t backing down! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“Deano wasn’t backing down”

However, the laundry bill to get the shit stains removed from his underwear was yuge…….😂

Loved Gary’s stories. Some probably even true.

Do you remember the one where he got a ticket for passing in a no passing zone, or whatever, and they had him on camera? He was guilty as shit, but was convinced he was going to get out of it. Does anyone know if he ever did?
Do you remember the one where he got a ticket for passing in a no passing zone, or whatever, and they had him on camera? He was guilty as shit, but was convinced he was going to get out of it. Does anyone know if he ever did?
Don't remember that one. Loved his stories about the two lesbos that lived next door.


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