That’s an archaic way to view the te spot.
They’ll split time with wr and OL depending on drills needing ran that practice/time of practice. Or splits the group up and the te coach assist and helps out the other posistion coach during drills.
it’s a young man’s posistion to learn and develop but can bust his ass recruiting.
When you look around the big 10 that what it is.
Oregon — Drew Mehringer — 36 year old with an odd career trajectory. Got an OC job at 26 and spent an odd few years bouncing around getting fired and still getting OC job. Must know some people. Not settled in as a te coach.
Ohio state — Kennan Bailey — 29 year old first full time gig
Michigan — Steve Cassula — 37 years old. Had a little smaller school experience but Michigan is his first big job.
Indianus — Grant Cain — 42 — been with Cignetti since JMU 2019 where he was a TE coach and ST coach
Gaetz State — Ty Howell — 33 — first full time gig Gaetz state te coach
Illinois — Robby Discher — 37 — first power school gig at Illinois. Bounced around some at smaller school as a st coordinator. Was an analyst at uga before going to Illinois.
Cockeye — Abdul Hodge — 42 — first full time coaching job at Cockeye started in 2022
Minnesota — Eric Kohler — 49 — exception long time coach
Buttgers — Scott Valone — 33 — Buttgers first full time gig starting this year
USC — Zach Hanson — 33 — first full time te gig in 2018 with Kstate
Washington — Jordan PaoPao — 38 — te coach since 2013
Michigan State — Brian Wozinac — 32 — te coach since 2019
UCLAbia — Jerry Neuheisel — 32 — UCLAbia te coach starting this season
WiscyDicks — Nate Letton 30 — first full season as te in 2022 for Cincinnati
Northwestern — Paul Pickle Smoochers — 39-40 — kind of a career nomad
Maryland — Kevin Sumlin — 60 — don’t really need to say anything. Also the OC
Purdoodoo — Justin Sinz— 31 — first fill year as an assistant this season.
That’s just the big 10, but TE is primarily a development posistion. Hire someone young and train for a few years. Also let them recruit their ass off.
The learn from OL, WR and OC and bounce around. It’s rare to see old seasoned coaches at te
Marcus at 48 is the 3rd oldest TE coach in the league. Nothing wrong with it. Just not common