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RSS Chat Post-mortem: "Dodger" Dean.

To go along with that sentiment, @joshuahuskers is a "content moderator." So far, the only content that I've seen moderated is posts of mine being tagged as "unnecessary gayness." Josh, we're going to have to throw down. I bet this one get's tagged for something.

OK FIRST of all I’m a moderator only because I was the first to make a real donation of my real $$ to TPB. At that time it was a lifetime membership and “unlimited mod powers” came with the donation. So basically I bought the ability to misuse my mod powers. @HuskerGarrett can vouch for this.

secondly, there are few rules here and even fewer that are enforced.
OK FIRST of all I’m a moderator only because I was the first to make a real donation of my real $$ to TPB. At that time it was a lifetime membership and “unlimited mod powers” came with the donation. So basically I bought the ability to misuse my mod powers. @HuskerGarrett can vouch for this.

secondly, there are few rules here and even fewer that are enforced.

Yeah, my post wasn't meant to be calling you out. I was just commenting that you edited a few of my posts when I first joined with "unnecessarily gayness" tags/warnings.

I apologize in retrospect for saying "wide open beavers" too many times in that thread. I think you corrected every case to "wild open woodchucks," which is better and funnier. It was the wild wild west of the Platinum board at the time, and I don't begrudge you for any playing around with your powers.

When I had moderator powers for two days in order to run the NFL Pick'em, I put @Jim14510 on "discourage" just because I could (and also, because I wanted to know if that meant anything). I imagine you were doing the same...testing out how your powers work. When I typed "wide open beaver" in more than one post it was too much, and I apologize and accept your moderating. (PS: Jim deserved it, but the server/host was slow at the time, so none of us really know if it does anything).
@Driveway Jordan DEABs me on a daily basis and I'm not sure if it's the ultimate compliment or insult

It's both...I pretty use it for everything, but ultimately I would say compliment because DEAB is the shit! You should see that sumbitch at the Firethorn pool in the summer doing cannonballs into the pool (no exaggeration). He's a beast!



If it matters(it doesn't), I concur with TrueColors in this case.
See for me the best post in the 3 quoted was @B1G_10_Tony "Are you and Dean gay together?" Made me laugh and was an appropriate question at the time.

I also don't think @...TrueColors... is going to ruin the board by pointing out that Dean is the subject of too many conversations. To address your question on why so many Dean convos I'll try to answer. It's not about being obsessed with Dean. Most of us are either on RSS or used to be. There are two types of posts here.

A. Conversations we want to have on football or whatever that we'd rather have with at least mostly intelligent people.

B. When you're reading on RSS and you want to say something but know it will get deleted or get you bant. The more logical thing to do is come here and post it.

Since Dean often incites a response that essentially says "You're being a moron Dean." and Dean is the main focus of RSS there are many times that the B type post ends up being about Dean.

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