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RSS Chat Post-mortem: "Dodger" Dean.

I hope one day I live as rent free in people’s heads as Dean does on this board over such stupid shit.

The knight is white
You just seem to be offended by people ripping dean. Often.

Ive commented on the amount of odd shots taken at Dean twice on this board.

Ive got literally zero opinion on him. I can see why some have their qualms with him. I’m just not sure why we essentially have a board that’s centered around the hatred of one person.
So I asked what I thought was a fairly reasonable question in the RSS chat today, and this is the response I received:

View attachment 1182

What kind of dogshit answer is that?!

@Johannes de Silentio
Easy answer OP. He’s a spineless faggot that is afraid of anything controversial being put in his name. He has very little new info, but stands behind “proof” as an excuse. Again, he’s a faggot, and a bad one at that.
I love that @...TrueColors... used the Unnecessary Gayness reaction and @ThomOsborneMD used the DEAB in their arguments against their opponents. That’s top notch PBing

@Driveway Jordan DEABs me on a daily basis and I'm not sure if it's the ultimate compliment or insult

Yep, same here.

I'm not exactly sure what a Deab reaction means. But, that's all I seem to get from Jordan. It is what it is, and I'll continue to point the thumb instead of the finger.

Perhaps we need to come up with a suggestion PDF on how to use all of the wonder full reaction options available on the PB.
Yep, same here.

I'm not exactly sure what a Deab reaction means. But, that's all I seem to get from Jordan. It is what it is, and I'll continue to point the thumb instead of the finger.

Perhaps we need to come up with a suggestion PDF on how to use all of the wonder full reaction options available on the PB.
I'd fight him if I wasn't weak and nonconfrontational in real life
I'd fight him if I wasn't weak and nonconfrontational in real life

To go along with that sentiment, @joshuahuskers is a "content moderator." So far, the only content that I've seen moderated is posts of mine being tagged as "unnecessary gayness." Josh, we're going to have to throw down. I bet this one get's tagged for something.

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