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People watching at the zoo

The disservice parents are giving their child by letting them run amok and be little assholes is really annoying and probably most evident at the zoo.

Get your fucking kids under control. Throwing fits in public, letting their kids punch and slap their parents, telling parents no and getting away with it, being rude to others, not using please and thank you....grow some balls parents.

Its OK to tell kids no and if you are going to threaten them with spanking/time out/ taking something away etc etc...then follow thru.

Sorry wussified parents piss me off.
I’ve witnessed this in our own family and I really struggle to keep my mouth shut. Funny how when we have a couple of the grandkids come visit us in Scottsbluff for a week all the bullshit disappears.

And we’re not mean but we’re firm. We still want to be fun grandparents but they know the same shit they pull at home ain’t gonna work with us. And you know what??

They have a great, fun time but there’s none of the kid-manipulation that goes on. They’ve got their parents trained to give in more times than not. It’s embarrassing and frustrating to observe.

Rant over.....

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The disservice parents are giving their child by letting them run amok and be little assholes is really annoying and probably most evident at the zoo.

Get your fucking kids under control. Throwing fits in public, letting their kids punch and slap their parents, telling parents no and getting away with it, being rude to others, not using please and thank you....grow some balls parents.

Its OK to tell kids no and if you are going to threaten them with spanking/time out/ taking something away etc etc...then follow thru.

Sorry wussified parents piss me off.
Like it isn't hard if you are consistent.
I’ve witnessed this in our own family and I really struggle to keep my mouth shut. Funny how when we have a couple of the grandkids come visit us in Scottsbluff for a week all the bullshit disappears.

And we’re not mean but we’re firm. We still want to be fun grandparents but they know the same shit they pull at home ain’t gonna work with us. And you know what??

They have a great, fun time but there’s none of the kid-manipulation that goes on. They’ve got their parents trained to give in more times than not. It’s embarrassing and frustrating to observe.

Rant over.....


Like it isn't hard if you are consistent.
Consistency is key. My wife has a degree in early childhood development so I wouldn’t have known any better without her.
She watches kids at our house for a living. It is unreal what parents let their kids get away with. She has a lot of patience and loves kids.

Some of the parents are so clueless. They’ll drop off on Monday and talk about how awful their kid acted all weekend. Wife will fix the problem by middle of the week and then they get away with everything over the weekend and start all over the next week.

She watches one girl who is 3. She treats her dad like shit. Walks all over him. We saw her at the high school bball game acting like that. Her dad was like “I’m gonna tell Ashley (my wife) how bad you’re acting”. Dude it’s your daughter, don’t tell on her to your babysitter, just discipline her.
Consistency is key. My wife has a degree in early childhood development so I wouldn’t have known any better without her.
She watches kids at our house for a living. It is unreal what parents let their kids get away with. She has a lot of patience and loves kids.
Wife is an elementary teacher with an early childhood emphasis or specialty. So I am in the same boat here. All I knew was basic positive reinforcement, discipline and be consistent from my dog hahaha

She watches one girl who is 3. She treats her dad like shit. Walks all over him. We saw her at the high school bball game acting like that. Her dad was like “I’m gonna tell Ashley (my wife) how bad you’re acting”. Dude it’s your daughter, don’t tell on her to your babysitter, just discipline her.
What a beta
cking stampede of fats around the zoo.

Also a friendly request to our lawmakers. Next time you pass a trillion dollar spending bill maybe put in the fine print something about outlawing yoga pants that are bigger than a medium. Anything with an X in front should be a felony to wear.

What about X-Small Yoga pants? I remember when my lady wore those, and it was awesome. They don't fit anymore.

I’ve witnessed this in our own family and I really struggle to keep my mouth shut. Funny how when we have a couple of the grandkids come visit us in Scottsbluff for a week all the bullshit disappears.

And we’re not mean but we’re firm. We still want to be fun grandparents but they know the same shit they pull at home ain’t gonna work with us. And you know what??

They have a great, fun time but there’s none of the kid-manipulation that goes on. They’ve got their parents trained to give in more times than not. It’s embarrassing and frustrating to observe.

Rant over.....


My dad was the 2nd oldest of 23 first cousins on dad's side. His dad was consistent, while his mom was overbearing. IE, he wasn't allowed to watch movies that weren't G-rated until he graduated from high school and moved out of the house.

Some of Dad's cousins weren't raised with the same parenting, and it annoyed him since they got away with shit that would never fly with his parents. In fact, he became kinda militant at family gatherings when other family member's kids weren't under control.

Y'all have mentioned consistency here, and that has to be the key.

BTW, Dad was more consistent and less overbearing than his parents, and I turned out average. So, you can do it right and still not end up raising Rhodes Scholars. But that's okay. Especially if your kids behave well enough that people don't have to complain about them on sports message boards.
What about X-Small Yoga pants? I remember when my lady wore those, and it was awesome. They don't fit anymore.
judge ok GIF by truTV’s Those Who Can’t
Consistency is key. My wife has a degree in early childhood development so I wouldn’t have known any better without her.
She watches kids at our house for a living. It is unreal what parents let their kids get away with. She has a lot of patience and loves kids.

Some of the parents are so clueless. They’ll drop off on Monday and talk about how awful their kid acted all weekend. Wife will fix the problem by middle of the week and then they get away with everything over the weekend and start all over the next week.

She watches one girl who is 3. She treats her dad like shit. Walks all over him. We saw her at the high school bball game acting like that. Her dad was like “I’m gonna tell Ashley (my wife) how bad you’re acting”. Dude it’s your daughter, don’t tell on her to your babysitter, just discipline her.
In my situation the most obvious fault that plays out several times each day in their home is that one of the two parents issues threats to the kids in an attempt to discipline but then that parent NEVER follows through.

The kids have quickly learned that these fake attempts at discipline carry no weight. It truly puts the kids in control.....not so when they’re at Gma & Gpa’s house.

God I feel this thread so much.

Im a fat but a functional fat, I’m really active, but enjoy cheese burgers too much so I can’t talk too much shit on all the fats there.

However, the fucking lack of parenting drives me absolutely bonkers. Restaurants and zoos are probably the biggest triggers. Just keep control of your fucking kids.

I had to have a talk with my 7 year old because he misbehaved less at my house (50/50 custody week on/week off) than at his moms house (which was obviously my fault) and I asked him why he thought this was ok, his response was “Because when I get in trouble at moms I can just play video games in my room, but at your house it sucks when I get in trouble... “. Rocket science. His mom blamed his behavior at her house on me, because I punished him so much that he wanted to act out when he was around anyone else. 🧐🙄

The funny thing is kids (at least mine) really appreciate the structure of consistent discipline, and don’t even know why. My boy chooses to stay at my house every time given the choice, and all he knows is because things work the way they are supposed to. At his moms he used to get spoiled with shitty food, more electronic time, and less punishments, but he still prefers the structure. Luckily his mom has really improved in the last year or so because she got sick of dealing with a little tyrant.
God I feel this thread so much.

Im a fat but a functional fat, I’m really active, but enjoy cheese burgers too much so I can’t talk too much shit on all the fats there.

However, the fucking lack of parenting drives me absolutely bonkers. Restaurants and zoos are probably the biggest triggers. Just keep control of your fucking kids.

I had to have a talk with my 7 year old because he misbehaved less at my house (50/50 custody week on/week off) than at his moms house (which was obviously my fault) and I asked him why he thought this was ok, his response was “Because when I get in trouble at moms I can just play video games in my room, but at your house it sucks when I get in trouble... “. Rocket science. His mom blamed his behavior at her house on me, because I punished him so much that he wanted to act out when he was around anyone else. 🧐🙄

The funny thing is kids (at least mine) really appreciate the structure of consistent discipline, and don’t even know why. My boy chooses to stay at my house every time given the choice, and all he knows is because things work the way they are supposed to. At his moms he used to get spoiled with shitty food, more electronic time, and less punishments, but he still prefers the structure. Luckily his mom has really improved in the last year or so because she got sick of dealing with a little tyrant.
Kids may not know it at the time but they eventually figure out that structure and discipline translate into: “My dad/mom love me/ care about me enough to make tough, and unpopular, decisions regarding my behavior”.

And you know what?? I’ve had both of my stepsons (one is 40, the other is 39) make it a point (in the past 6 months) to thank me and acknowledge the difference I m have made in their life regarding the “hard-ass” I used to be regarding house rules, discipline, follow-thru, etc., etc.

Take it for what it’s worth.

God I feel this thread so much.

Im a fat but a functional fat, I’m really active, but enjoy cheese burgers too much so I can’t talk too much shit on all the fats there.

However, the fucking lack of parenting drives me absolutely bonkers. Restaurants and zoos are probably the biggest triggers. Just keep control of your fucking kids.

I had to have a talk with my 7 year old because he misbehaved less at my house (50/50 custody week on/week off) than at his moms house (which was obviously my fault) and I asked him why he thought this was ok, his response was “Because when I get in trouble at moms I can just play video games in my room, but at your house it sucks when I get in trouble... “. Rocket science. His mom blamed his behavior at her house on me, because I punished him so much that he wanted to act out when he was around anyone else. 🧐🙄

The funny thing is kids (at least mine) really appreciate the structure of consistent discipline, and don’t even know why. My boy chooses to stay at my house every time given the choice, and all he knows is because things work the way they are supposed to. At his moms he used to get spoiled with shitty food, more electronic time, and less punishments, but he still prefers the structure. Luckily his mom has really improved in the last year or so because she got sick of dealing with a little tyrant.
We get it. You're "healthy at any weight"

Also lol it sucks because I'm in trouble

Also lololol at video games in a 7 year olds room might as well give him a crackpipe
My first child, daughter, is set to be born at the end of April. I honestly despise where our country is at right now due to how soft shit has become and in general how soft parenting has become. It's become more of a popular thing to post on facebook about opinions of disciplining kids and different ways to go about things when kids are acting up, instead of simply just doing it and teaching them right from wrong. I know this because my wife belongs to these groups on Facebook and I hate it.

I'm not perfect, but I like to think my dad did a really good job of installing basic principles in me of right and wrong. I'm also a pretty simple guy so it makes good sense. The older I've gotten, the more I believe in accountability, honesty, hard ass work, be humble, doing the right things, and helping people.

I plan on instilling those things in my daughter, or doing the best I can in instilling those things in her, and constantly showing more action instead of words. I also believe highly in that, be more action and less talk.

I don't know much of what I'm doing to be honest, but if she can make it a habit to say yes sir/yes ma'am, shake hands, be humble and work hard, be respectful, and make good choices that are reasonable, then I think I'll be plenty happy with that.

One of my buddies has a 3 year old daughter that knows no bullshit around dad, but can basically get away with what she wants around mom, and it definitely shows.

My parents had a pretty ugly divorce when I was 9 and certain events Ill never ever forget as long as I live. I wanted to stay with my dad and he let me make more and more visitation decisions as I got older, simply because it was me who was having to live through it. Legal or not, right or wrong, fair or unfair, I don't know, but I appreciate it looking back because I don't know if I'd be the same person. It was the classic "I was disciplined with dad but knew I could get away with things around mom". Based on that whole relationship alone, I know at minimum what not to do in marriage.

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