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NSFW Official ding check in (3 Viewers)


Wide Receiver
lol so kind of ironic, that was the situation at one point. High school, that was a thing. I was going after her friend at the time so that makes sense. But, we ended up dating for 6 months before I graduated high school and into my freshman year in college. She ended it. I waited around for like almost 2 years to see if I could win her back. We hooked up some, but never pulled the trigger again, and hung out a lot still. I ended up dating another girl. bad break up, and just stopped caring and became a complete ass hole to women in general for a few years. Actually would leave my now wife on read or text her for booty calls every now and then if I was on a couple day dry spell. Did that till 22 and and getting back together with her stopped that for me.

And now we're here, 4 years of marriage and a baby later
have you tried spanking off in front of her? That works for me about 5% of the time.


Running Back
Elite Member
Oh yeah. Used to turn her on. Did the helicopter to her about a week ago before hopping in the shower.....told me to stop and get in the shower.

Will tell you that it gets better, but you've got to ride it out. When your kids are young, a lot of time women just don't have the energy that they used to. Once your kids get older and more self-sufficient, it starts to come back and in some cases, comes back better than it was pre-kids... Our oldest is heading off to college and our other 2 are in high school and my wife most days now has the drive of a teenager.

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Will tell you that it gets better, but you've got to ride it out. When your kids are young, a lot of time women just don't have the energy that they used to. Once your kids get older and more self-sufficient, it starts to come back and in some cases, comes back better than it was pre-kids... Our oldest is heading off to college and our other 2 are in high school and my wife most days now has the drive of a teenager.
Yeah I'm sure. Ya know there are certain times where the full husked hits harder than others but I mean it's been a year so what the hell at this point. She's also going through some post pregnancy issues of her own so I know that's part of it. I'm not going anywhere so she knows I'll be ready to roll when she is.

Side note, one of my best friends had some marital issues that ended up in an affair his wife got into because he was giving her pressure, amongst other things he was doing, post pregnancy for her when they were trying to raise their baby. So you could say I've definitely seen what not to do lol


Stats Guy
have you tried spanking off in front of her? That works for me about 5% of the time.



Running Back
Elite Member
Yeah I'm sure. Ya know there are certain times where the full husked hits harder than others but I mean it's been a year so what the hell at this point. She's also going through some post pregnancy issues of her own so I know that's part of it. I'm not going anywhere so she knows I'll be ready to roll when she is.

Side note, one of my best friends had some marital issues that ended up in an affair his wife got into because he was giving her pressure, amongst other things he was doing, post pregnancy for her when they were trying to raise their baby. So you could say I've definitely seen what not to do lol

Amen to that! Nothing will make a woman either close her legs for good or look elsewhere faster than a man putting pressure on them for sex. It's about the long game... We fail to remember that women's sexual peak is a lot later than ours and usually coincides with when the kids are getting older or leaving. If you wait it out, the rewards definitely come... Heck, my wife was out with the girls on Saturday night. She called me to come join her for a drink and then take her home and between the alcohol and the late 30's sex drive, I got the royal treatment...

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
Amen to that! Nothing will make a woman either close her legs for good or look elsewhere faster than a man putting pressure on them for sex. It's about the long game... We fail to remember that women's sexual peak is a lot later than ours and usually coincides with when the kids are getting older or leaving. If you wait it out, the rewards definitely come... Heck, my wife was out with the girls on Saturday night. She called me to come join her for a drink and then take her home and between the alcohol and the late 30's sex drive, I got the royal treatment...
Yes sir! It’s tough at times don’t get me wrong, but she’s my wife and I wanna knock that head board with her until we’re old


Elite Member
Recently single, hoping to add some dingers here soon

Recently single as well. Got my first single ding this past weekend. An old flame, she definitely didn't get out very much over quarantine, but who was I to judge at 1am?

The crazy part was, she had a female friend who was also trying to get with her. Threw me for a loop. They even made out at the bar. The chick chose me, the other girl got mad, I told her she could join in. Got slapped in the face. Still dinged. Weird night.


Elite Member
Your Mom's House
Recently single as well. Got my first single ding this past weekend. An old flame, she definitely didn't get out very much over quarantine, but who was I to judge at 1am?

The crazy part was, she had a female friend who was also trying to get with her. Threw me for a loop. They even made out at the bar. The chick chose me, the other girl got mad, I told her she could join in. Got slapped in the face. Still dinged. Weird night.
Sounds like a phone number you should keep.

Red Dog

Elite Member
Recently single as well. Got my first single ding this past weekend. An old flame, she definitely didn't get out very much over quarantine, but who was I to judge at 1am?

The crazy part was, she had a female friend who was also trying to get with her. Threw me for a loop. They even made out at the bar. The chick chose me, the other girl got mad, I told her she could join in. Got slapped in the face. Still dinged. Weird night.
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, can’t say I would have played it any differently lol


Elite Member
Sounds like a phone number you should keep.

one of those deals where in my head, I was a lot smoother than reality. definitely will keep that number. it was a handful of teachers, who in my experience rank just below nurses in the crazy/party scale of things. And if they are hanging out all night with me and my friends, they for sure aren't the most upstanding group of girls I've ran across.


Wide Receiver
Recently single as well. Got my first single ding this past weekend. An old flame, she definitely didn't get out very much over quarantine, but who was I to judge at 1am?

The crazy part was, she had a female friend who was also trying to get with her. Threw me for a loop. They even made out at the bar. The chick chose me, the other girl got mad, I told her she could join in. Got slapped in the face. Still dinged. Weird night.
this is what the ding thread is all about!


Yells at Clouds
Elite Member
Tried to start the day on a high note with a ding. Wife informs me its dead week.


Then surprises me with a mouth ding. I didn't even know that was a thing anymore.

I also got a mouth ding earlier this week. I was stunned when it happened. Chalking it up to all of the trips I’ve taken her on the last few weeks.

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