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NSFW Official ding check in (4 Viewers)


Stats Guy


Running Back
Elite Member
Go on….

Interested Ooo GIF by reactionseditor
Not much else to it... just met her on Thursday, went out for a work outing and she was a server at the bar we went to. Turns out she just broke up with her boyfriend three days ago so I was in the right place right time. Stayed up late Friday night and sealed the deal after she got off, definitely was a crazy one... talked about how she does coke and goes to class while on LSD and apparently has some trust fund worth $3m that her mom is trying to take away from her because she's crazy. She was a spinner probably 5'5" 110lbs-ish.


Elite Member
Not much else to it... just met her on Thursday, went out for a work outing and she was a server at the bar we went to. Turns out she just broke up with her boyfriend three days ago so I was in the right place right time. Stayed up late Friday night and sealed the deal after she got off, definitely was a crazy one... talked about how she does coke and goes to class while on LSD and apparently has some trust fund worth $3m that her mom is trying to take away from her because she's crazy. She was a spinner probably 5'5" 110lbs-ish.
Sounds like wife material to me.

Ext. 55

Big Poppa
Elite Member
Yore Momma's house
Not much else to it... just met her on Thursday, went out for a work outing and she was a server at the bar we went to. Turns out she just broke up with her boyfriend three days ago so I was in the right place right time. Stayed up late Friday night and sealed the deal after she got off, definitely was a crazy one... talked about how she does coke and goes to class while on LSD and apparently has some trust fund worth $3m that her mom is trying to take away from her because she's crazy. She was a spinner probably 5'5" 110lbs-ish.
Solid. Simply solid effort. Well done.


Running Back
Elite Member
Less and less fore play as we've gotten older. Got her pregnant a year ago this month and there was plenty of that that day though. I am on month 12 with no ding. I'm not even sure where the bell is anymore. I love her though lol
At least she is still your best friend

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
At least she is still your best friend
lol so kind of ironic, that was the situation at one point. High school, that was a thing. I was going after her friend at the time so that makes sense. But, we ended up dating for 6 months before I graduated high school and into my freshman year in college. She ended it. I waited around for like almost 2 years to see if I could win her back. We hooked up some, but never pulled the trigger again, and hung out a lot still. I ended up dating another girl. bad break up, and just stopped caring and became a complete ass hole to women in general for a few years. Actually would leave my now wife on read or text her for booty calls every now and then if I was on a couple day dry spell. Did that till 22 and and getting back together with her stopped that for me.

And now we're here, 4 years of marriage and a baby later

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