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More to Big 12?

I’m interested in the magic trick that gets Clemson and FSU out of the ACC GOR.
I thought the TV rights were gone no matter what for the length of the GOR, so I am confused on the mechanism by which they get them back.
Cincy made sense until #2ndChoice left. Their future is pretty bleak but I guess it gets you some footprint and bridges the gap between WV and the next closest school.
I don't agree with that. Part of the reason #2ndChoice was successful was because they're in a talent rich area. Cincy was a decent program before #2ndChoice.
Michael Scott No GIF
Who don't you want out of that group?
100% Fick was gonna get exposed in big12 so it made sense for him to jump ship and get paid before it happened
Yeah I don't know about that. He made the right move. Lots more money in the B1G. The other advantage is he got to upgrade his assistants without looking like a dick. I'm on the fence whether he belongs at this level but we'll find out in the next few years. He wasn't ready at Ohio St but that doesn't mean he isn't now.
Who don't you want out of that group?
None of them. It's a Midwest conference, I want to play Cockeye and Wisconsin and Michigan, I don't want to play Florida State or Clemson or Washington in conference. That's insane.

It's one thing when it's only two teams in LA (which already sucks), it's another when it's a third of the conference.
None of them. It's a Midwest conference, I want to play Cockeye and Wisconsin and Michigan, I don't want to play Florida State or Clemson or Washington in conference. That's insane.

It's one thing when it's only two teams in LA (which already sucks), it's another when it's a third of the conference.
IMO the dream of regional conferences is gone. We can hope that the conferences get big enough that we can get regional divisions.
None of them. It's a Midwest conference, I want to play Cockeye and Wisconsin and Michigan, I don't want to play Florida State or Clemson or Washington in conference. That's insane.

It's one thing when it's only two teams in LA (which already sucks), it's another when it's a third of the conference.
I like it. More like the NFL setup. 2 conferences. Divisions within. You always play your division and most of the rest conference. A couple crossover games and then 12-16 team playoff. If the rest of the nobody conferences have a really good team or two they can get an invite to the playoffs.

I don't really care about tradition if it means the change makes it better.
Boomer take, this is everything I hate about what's happening to college football
I don't think that makes you a boomer. I also like the NFL. Many people only like college. It's like saying certain sports are better than others. Just different opinions.
I don't think that makes you a boomer. I also like the NFL. Many people only like college. It's like saying certain sports are better than others. Just different opinions.
I feel like the only value to college football relative to the NFL is the "pageantry"/atmosphere and the tradition. The quality of play, reach, and accessibility are all significantly lower. I don't know why anyone would want to watch a JV version of the NFL.
I feel like the only value to college football relative to the NFL is the "pageantry"/atmosphere and the tradition. The quality of play, reach, and accessibility are all significantly lower. I don't know why anyone would want to watch a JV version of the NFL.
I get that but for me it's no different than high school vs college. I don't expect the level of play to be anywhere close but it's my school. My city. My state. College is that happy medium of identity and quality.
Attendance is still a struggle at the majority of CFB venues. The fact that teams could have 3x 2000 mile trips isn't helping anything. College football needs to be regional with a smattering of national games imo. A western realignment in the BIG could hurt Nebraska long term if we get stuck in a division with West Coast schools.
I feel like the only value to college football relative to the NFL is the "pageantry"/atmosphere and the tradition. The quality of play, reach, and accessibility are all significantly lower. I don't know why anyone would want to watch a JV version of the NFL.
Atmosphere and tradition are the lifeblood of CFB. NFL games are generally sterile. I'll go to one given the opportunity, but I'd rather watch most NFL games at home and I'd much rather watch CFB. Players aren't as skilled, but the games are more exciting in my opinion.
I feel like the only value to college football relative to the NFL is the "pageantry"/atmosphere and the tradition. The quality of play, reach, and accessibility are all significantly lower. I don't know why anyone would want to watch a JV version of the NFL.
But doesn’t consolidation, bigger and better conferences, lead to bigger and better matchups on a weekly basis, therefore a better overall product?

What is going away, and I’m completely fine with it now, is the notion that you have to go undefeated to be any good.

I said “now” in the last paragraph because I use to be adamantly opposed to realignment and consolidation and playoff expansion. It felt like it was unnecessary because it just increased the odds that the best team wouldn’t win the championship. Tom Forneli persists with his dumb take that expansion doesn’t get us anything. I counter that the point of the college football season isn’t to crown an undisputed champion but rather to… PLAY FUCKING FOOTBALL GAMES. And I’d rather watch entertaining games than what we get right now. Not many games that people care about outside of their team’s games. Maybe 1 a week at this point? “Getting it right” at the end of the year is much less important to me than 15 weeks of multiple games I want to watch on each time slot.

As for the regional elements… I’m not sure I know why that matters. Maybe a little. It’s cool to say you’re the best in an area. Bark at your neighbors for waving a Mizzou flag. If we can get into regionals within a construct that produced good football multiple times a Saturday, we should all be thankful. But I’m putting that second behind product quality.
But doesn’t consolidation, bigger and better conferences, lead to bigger and better matchups on a weekly basis, therefore a better overall product?

What is going away, and I’m completely fine with it now, is the notion that you have to go undefeated to be any good.

I said “now” in the last paragraph because I use to be adamantly opposed to realignment and consolidation and playoff expansion. It felt like it was unnecessary because it just increased the odds that the best team wouldn’t win the championship. Tom Forneli persists with his dumb take that expansion doesn’t get us anything. I counter that the point of the college football season isn’t to crown an undisputed champion but rather to… PLAY FUCKING FOOTBALL GAMES. And I’d rather watch entertaining games than what we get right now. Not many games that people care about outside of their team’s games. Maybe 1 a week at this point? “Getting it right” at the end of the year is much less important to me than 15 weeks of multiple games I want to watch on each time slot.

As for the regional elements… I’m not sure I know why that matters. Maybe a little. It’s cool to say you’re the best in an area. Bark at your neighbors for waving a Mizzou flag. If we can get into regionals within a construct that produced good football multiple times a Saturday, we should all be thankful. But I’m putting that second behind product quality.
I understand the validity of this view, but I'm not ready to routinely crown a 2 loss champ. It just doesn't feel right to me.

There are a lot of mismatches in college football, but there is nothing wrong with the quality of play. Mismatches create the massive upsets, which is one of the most appealing aspects of college football.

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