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let us discuss poster GloryHoleDude

maker of moves would make perfect sense
Like I mentioned, I'm 95% positive that's who it is. I saw a couple of posts recently that pointed me in that direction because I know of the dude of that account.
Holy shit MakerofMoves was a god damn retard...it all makes sense now
scalia GIF
Is Huskerhomie still on RSS? I used to get infuriated when his dumb ass would find his way to the Main Board
Haven’t seen him anywhere in a long time. It really shows how far tMB has fallen that he was able to adopt a political shtick and blend right in around there without being regarded as one of the worst posters in the board. Hopefully he took his dumb ass to crootn and will never return, although it seems lately like some of the people who originally left for that site are making their way back.
Haven’t seen him anywhere in a long time. It really shows how far tMB has fallen that he was able to adopt a political shtick and blend right in around there without being regarded as one of the worst posters in the board. Hopefully he took his dumb ass to crootn and will never return, although it seems lately like some of the people who originally left for that site are making their way back.
They always come back - it’s nothing but politics now and slowly but surely in the past 4 years that place has turned into absolute garbage. Now that I found this place it’s time for me to cancel my Rivals sub
Haven’t seen him anywhere in a long time. It really shows how far tMB has fallen that he was able to adopt a political shtick and blend right in around there without being regarded as one of the worst posters in the board. Hopefully he took his dumb ass to crootn and will never return, although it seems lately like some of the people who originally left for that site are making their way back.
His last post on TMB was January 8 so I assume he's awaiting trial without bail after ripping a heater in Pelosi's chair

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