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Tom MacDonald...let's discuss (Snowflakes stay OUT)

I gotta be honest...I had no idea who he was up until a couple months ago. I went down a rabbit hole on a few Twitter threads after the election and stumbled upon his music. Although I don't love the music., I love the content of his songs. I like "Cancelled" and "Fake Woke", but I really like "No Lives Matter." I know so many people that feel like you are doing something wrong if you question the narrative that the media portrays on something. Even someone saying "Let's take a step back and evaluate this..." can get cancelled for not going along with a media firestorm...like Chris Harrison on "the Bachelor." It's refreshing to hear someone who DGAF and keeps getting his message out there.
I do like his music, it's a catchy. Fake woke, stay woke, facts don't care about your feelings....

What's great is he is Canadian, but more American than most Americans.

The sooner the masses start understanding what he's saying, not necessarily by him, the sooner we recover as a nation and start getting along again.

Someone who I can speaks my thoughts.
Have heard good things. I only listen to music at the gym though so not sure that'd be justifiable. It's only $6 but who knows when that'll be important.
Gotcha, with spotify or apple music it’s like 6-10 bucks a month and you can listen to any song, podcast, you name it.

I’m on the road quite a bit so i stream Spotify all the time. Pays itself off big time for me
Gotcha, with spotify or apple music it’s like 6-10 bucks a month and you can listen to any song, podcast, you name it.

I’m on the road quite a bit so i stream Spotify all the time. Pays itself off big time for me
I have started to listen to quite a few more podcasts while doing some things at work, so I’ll look into it. I listen to Zach Smith’s podcast, former tOSU coach. Great listen I think
That and 8tracks

I've never heard of it, but I'm sure it's for old fucks like us. 😀

I like listening to a lot of live/concert music, and have discovered that the quickest, cheapest, easiest way is on YT. Has spotify changed the last couple years? My kids would always get frustrated because they could never find the songs I wanted to listen to on Apple or Spotify, etc. They would just give up and hand the phone back to me.
I've never heard of it, but I'm sure it's for old fucks like us. 😀

I like listening to a lot of live/concert music, and have discovered that the quickest, cheapest, easiest way is on YT. Has spotify changed the last couple years? My kids would always get frustrated because they could never find the songs I wanted to listen to on Apple or Spotify, etc. They would just give up and hand the phone back to me.
Maybe I spelled it wrong? My dad has some in his basement. Those things before cassette tapes. 8-tracks? 8 tracks?
Maybe I spelled it wrong? My dad has some in his basement. Those things before cassette tapes. 8-tracks? 8 tracks?

Oh yes, it was the lack of a space between 8 and track, so I searched what you mentioned and came up with the following site -- https://8tracks.com/ Since it's been a long, brutal few weeks at work I didn't even bother to read further......lol.

I remember my dad had a Burl Ives Christmas 8-track. 🤣
Oh yes, it was the lack of a space between 8 and track, so I searched what you mentioned and came up with the following site -- https://8tracks.com/ Since it's been a long, brutal few weeks at work I didn't even bother to read further......lol.

I remember my dad had a Burl Ives Christmas 8-track. 🤣
Interesting, I haven’t heard of that site either!

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