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Favorite Scroller to rustle?

This @Elizabeth Reed vs @TraditionCoalition back and forth certainly answered the question for two people of "who do you like to rustle."

I really don't get why posters on any board have a goal to rustle jimmies rather than have a discussion.

Actually, I understand the ones that do it for fun and in obvious gest like @HuskerGarrett and @jw3. Others that do it for other reasons, please let me in on the motivation.
I really have no agenda at all. Old Reed likes to follow me around on a board I obviously TROLL on and thinks he is calling me out? Just cracks me up is all. He always says how unaware I am? Uhhhh... anyways I wish no one ill will but if you are going to follow me around like an idiot and don’t get what’s going on that’s on you. Best to Reed though and hope he can see he doesn’t need to white knight for the RRS.
Does the friend of yours guide or just have a drift boat for personal use? Want to get a guided trip down the snake one day. Otherwise going to just wing it which really means I'm counting on the drift for actually catching anything. Any time I can escape the group to get some alone time will be worth it even if I don't catch anything. Going with wife's 2 sisters families. I get along with everybody but I can only take so much together time.
My buddy doesn’t guide. We fished for years up here before he got married and ruined. I did my first guided trip on the upper kenai this year. It has been on my to-do list and funny enough, the only guide available was my ex-girlfriend’s fiancé. Needless to say I didn’t bring that up.

Personally I prefer to fish smaller streams or tributaries rather than big water. I used to coach AAU basketball. We stayed two weeks in Salt Lake City since nationals was at Vegas. I fished the Provo and the Weber, didn’t catch shit, but I hammered the native cutthroats in the canyon streams.
This @Elizabeth Reed vs @TraditionCoalition back and forth certainly answered the question for two people of "who do you like to rustle."

I really don't get why posters on any board have a goal to rustle jimmies rather than have a discussion.

Actually, I understand the ones that do it for fun and in obvious gest like @HuskerGarrett and @jw3. Others that do it for other reasons, please let me in on the motivation.
Let’s be clear here on who the instigator is. TC is, apparently, a fairly young, immature kid who entertains himself with shit like this. And shame on me for taking the bait from time to time.

I’ll never understand the whole “trolling” thing. Just not how I’m wired. But I do plead guilty to not being able to walk away sometimes when I know I should.

Sure would help if we had a (mentally) healthy, winning football team. But we don’t.....so message board guys get bored and look for ways to entertain themselves. I get it. Just need to ignore the turds like TC. His shit has no place on tPB.

I really have no agenda at all. Old Reed likes to follow me around on a board I obviously TROLL on and thinks he is calling me out? Just cracks me up is all. He always says how unaware I am? Uhhhh... anyways I wish no one ill will but if you are going to follow me around like an idiot and don’t get what’s going on that’s on you. Best to Reed though and hope he can see he doesn’t need to white knight for the RRS.
Just to be clear......I don’t “follow you around”. Based on yore obsession with starting so many new threads each day it’s pretty hard to ignore you or not cross paths.

I’m out.....

Personally I prefer to fish smaller streams or tributaries rather than big water.
I'm with you there. For fly-fishing anyway. I won't have a tube and more than likely a kid or two along so won't be getting anywhere close to the Snake. Hopefully will be able to find some public streams when I get there. I don't know how much of that is private up there. Actually staying about 2 hours south of the snake so only going to make it up there 1 day.
Let’s be clear here on who the instigator is. TC is, apparently, a fairly young, immature kid who entertains himself with shit like this. And shame on me for taking the bait from time to time.

I’ll never understand the whole “trolling” thing. Just not how I’m wired. But I do plead guilty to not being able to walk away sometimes when I know I should.

Sure would help if we had a (mentally) healthy, winning football team. But we don’t.....so message board guys get bored and look for ways to entertain themselves. I get it. Just need to ignore the turds like TC. His shit has no place on tPB.

I never troll the tPB. But 90% of those here get how the internet works. Hope you are well and no hard feelings. I can appreciate your efforts to help moderate the RRS though. Maybe ask Mike or Dean if they will give you some much desired I can tell power over there.
I never troll the tPB. But 90% of those here get how the internet works. Hope you are well and no hard feelings. I can appreciate your efforts to help moderate the RRS though. Maybe ask Mike or Dean if they will give you some much desired I can tell power over there.
“moderate the RSS”...... 🤣

As usual......weak sauce.

I never troll the tPB. But 90% of those here get how the internet works. Hope you are well and no hard feelings. I can appreciate your efforts to help moderate the RRS though. Maybe ask Mike or Dean if they will give you some much desired I can tell power over there.
I really need to get into fishing more in MO now that I’m here... lots of great places for trout, and some great smallmouth fishing as well. Both are loads of fun
“moderate the RSS”...... 🤣

As usual......weak sauce.

Please don’t bring your BS over here. Keep it on the Scrolls. And yes from my observations you have a deep desire for power and control over there. Maybe ask Mike or Dean. Maybe they could use the help and you could banish me to
Chile for all eternity.
Please don’t bring your BS over here. Keep it on the Scrolls. And yes from my observations you have a deep desire for power and control over there. Maybe ask Mike or Dean. Maybe they could use the help and you could banish me to
Chile for all eternity.
Yore telling me how to conduct myself?? That’s pretty damn funny. I’m not a bored troll.

Bill Hader Reaction GIF
I'm with you there. For fly-fishing anyway. I won't have a tube and more than likely a kid or two along so won't be getting anywhere close to the Snake. Hopefully will be able to find some public streams when I get there. I don't know how much of that is private up there. Actually staying about 2 hours south of the snake so only going to make it up there 1 day.
How do you like fishing with a tube? I've thought that would be a fun toy if I end up moving to the valley outside Anchorage.
How do you like fishing with a tube? I've thought that would be a fun toy if I end up moving to the valley outside Anchorage.
Never done it on a moving river.

Absolutely loved fishing from the tube on local lakes. Used to go catch bluegill and bass once a week or so that way. Paddle or kick to a spot, you're up off the water so I'm not hooking trees or grass on every cast, and forces me to just take one rod but plenty of spots for fly boxes if I want to have excess options. I haven't done it since I got my boat though.

Really haven't trout fished much at all since I had kids. Once during a family vacation south of Breckenridge CO a few years ago. Before kids I went up to southeast MN a few times a year with an uncle up there. Lots of small streams in that area.

I blame it on having kids but being out of shape doesn't help. Easier sitting in a boat seat than any kind of fly fishing.
Never done it on a moving river.

Absolutely loved fishing from the tube on local lakes. Used to go catch bluegill and bass once a week or so that way. Paddle or kick to a spot, you're up off the water so I'm not hooking trees or grass on every cast, and forces me to just take one rod but plenty of spots for fly boxes if I want to have exceshe vas options. I haven't done it since I got my boat though.

Really haven't trout fished much at all since I had kids. Once during a family vacation south of Breckenridge CO a few years ago. Before kids I went up to southeast MN a few times a year with an uncle up there. Lots of small streams in that area.

I blame it on having kids but being out of shape doesn't help. Easier sitting in a boat seat than any kind of fly fishing.
The valley has a ton of smaller lakes stocked with char, rainbows, and sometimes landlocked salmon. There is some moving water but they get hit real hard. I was fishing a smaller stream for like 8 hours. It was probably only 3 miles as the crow flies but it doubled back on itself a ton. The end of the stream is at this big private campground that was full of people for the 4th of July weekend. I come around the final bend to watch a guy put a 20+ inch wild rainbow on a stringer. Rough looking crowd but they were friendly with busch lights so ok in my book. My girlfriend picked me up at a bridge and couldn't figure out why I reeked of beer.

It's actually what I think would happen on the Snake in Nebraska if it was made public.

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