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Editorial Child Abuse

Can’t you just sue the daycare with video evidence?
Easily a million $ case in punitive damages
Put the daycare out of business at a minimum
Sadly parents pay out the ass for daycare services but the quality of care & people working in daycares are full of trash individuals
Fuck man. There's no words that can express my sorrow for you and your family for that. Can't imagine. You're a better man than I am. I'd probably be in jail by now. Fuck those people. I don't say this often, but sue the ever living fuck out of those dirtbags. There isn't a punishment enough to rectify that.

On a note of hope...the resiliency of kids is often astounding...thinking and praying for your family.
Thank you for your thoughts and your mails prayers. And also your opinion. I also am not a sue happy person but have been thinking, how do I make sure she gets what she deserves without going to jail myself. Suing may be the answer. My little man did not deserve to be beat up by a 20 yr old.

Side note: she was at least a 4 yr wrestler through high school. She handled him exactly like she was in a freestyle match.
@Huskerbuck85 I'm praying for your son and family.

Have you considered going public and getting the media involved? Public pressure may help move things in the right direction.
Thank you! Yes sir, we actually have a contact in that department and have put the story together. Just need to get our hands on the video and hope they take it to the screen.
Can’t you just sue the daycare with video evidence?
Easily a million $ case in punitive damages
Put the daycare out of business at a minimum
Sadly parents pay out the ass for daycare services but the quality of care & people working in daycares are full of trash individuals
I’ll see what the attorney says but I agree to everything you said.
It’s hard to write this one.

Last week my 4 yr old Son became the victim of child abuse at his daycare in Elkhorn. That evening after being home for a while the wife felt his head and he had an extremely large bump (I’d say 3 times a normal bump) on the back of his head.

When asked he said “My teacher throwed me into my cubby”. We took him to urgent care and then returned home. Pretty soon OPD showed up and then deputies, followed by CSI. Before all of this the girl had been fired for not reporting an injury at work which broke policy. She also tried covering it up by saying he hit his head on the playground (he didn’t) and then by saying he tripped while trying to get away from her.

After finding video evidence it was seen that he rolled off his sleeping mat and she then rolled him over and slammed him back onto it, he then rolled again and she grabbed him by the ankle and drug him across the room throwing him on the mat and then finally he rolled again and this time she picked him up by the blanket he was in and angrily carried him out of view of the camera and then enetered seconds later. This is where she threw him into the cubby and caused the head injury.

Apparently bc they can not prove intent they are giving her a misdemeanor citation. Our justice system is a joke. There’s even a statute that would allow them to hit her with a felony but after I found that and talked to the investigator about it he said “the prosecutors office tells us not to use that one. I’ve never seen that one used”….wtf

Today my son said his head really hurt, started crying and asked us “what’s wrong with me?” And was nauseous. The wife took him to the ER where he puked when he got inside. After 6 hours of sitting at children’s a CT revealed some inflammation and a concussion.

As a father I couldn’t feel more helpless knowing my Son endured this at a place I took him to be safely cared for and watching that video hurt me more than I could have imagined. I hope we all can do more to protect kids from ever going through this and I know there are much worse outcomes.
Fuck people who hurt kids. They can go to hell thinking they’re real tough.
I would recommend getting a lawyer and suing the daycare.
It’s hard to write this one.

Last week my 4 yr old Son became the victim of child abuse at his daycare in Elkhorn. That evening after being home for a while the wife felt his head and he had an extremely large bump (I’d say 3 times a normal bump) on the back of his head.

When asked he said “My teacher throwed me into my cubby”. We took him to urgent care and then returned home. Pretty soon OPD showed up and then deputies, followed by CSI. Before all of this the girl had been fired for not reporting an injury at work which broke policy. She also tried covering it up by saying he hit his head on the playground (he didn’t) and then by saying he tripped while trying to get away from her.

After finding video evidence it was seen that he rolled off his sleeping mat and she then rolled him over and slammed him back onto it, he then rolled again and she grabbed him by the ankle and drug him across the room throwing him on the mat and then finally he rolled again and this time she picked him up by the blanket he was in and angrily carried him out of view of the camera and then enetered seconds later. This is where she threw him into the cubby and caused the head injury.

Apparently bc they can not prove intent they are giving her a misdemeanor citation. Our justice system is a joke. There’s even a statute that would allow them to hit her with a felony but after I found that and talked to the investigator about it he said “the prosecutors office tells us not to use that one. I’ve never seen that one used”….wtf

Today my son said his head really hurt, started crying and asked us “what’s wrong with me?” And was nauseous. The wife took him to the ER where he puked when he got inside. After 6 hours of sitting at children’s a CT revealed some inflammation and a concussion.

As a father I couldn’t feel more helpless knowing my Son endured this at a place I took him to be safely cared for and watching that video hurt me more than I could have imagined. I hope we all can do more to protect kids from ever going through this and I know there are much worse outcomes.
Fuck people who hurt kids. They can go to hell thinking they’re real tough.
My future is bleak. My life is on a clock.
Send me the coordinates. I stand on business.

Can’t you just sue the daycare with video evidence?
Easily a million $ case in punitive damages
Put the daycare out of business at a minimum
Sadly parents pay out the ass for daycare services but the quality of care & people working in daycares are full of trash individuals
Suing the daycare is a tough one simply because you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they daycare knew she was abusive and didn't do anything about it.

It's a high bar to reach, but if you do, yeah it would be a lot of money (from the insurance company most likely). You may be able to get them to settle for a much smaller amount without proof, but it's an uphill battle.
It’s hard to write this one.

Last week my 4 yr old Son became the victim of child abuse at his daycare in Elkhorn. That evening after being home for a while the wife felt his head and he had an extremely large bump (I’d say 3 times a normal bump) on the back of his head.

When asked he said “My teacher throwed me into my cubby”. We took him to urgent care and then returned home. Pretty soon OPD showed up and then deputies, followed by CSI. Before all of this the girl had been fired for not reporting an injury at work which broke policy. She also tried covering it up by saying he hit his head on the playground (he didn’t) and then by saying he tripped while trying to get away from her.

After finding video evidence it was seen that he rolled off his sleeping mat and she then rolled him over and slammed him back onto it, he then rolled again and she grabbed him by the ankle and drug him across the room throwing him on the mat and then finally he rolled again and this time she picked him up by the blanket he was in and angrily carried him out of view of the camera and then enetered seconds later. This is where she threw him into the cubby and caused the head injury.

Apparently bc they can not prove intent they are giving her a misdemeanor citation. Our justice system is a joke. There’s even a statute that would allow them to hit her with a felony but after I found that and talked to the investigator about it he said “the prosecutors office tells us not to use that one. I’ve never seen that one used”….wtf

Today my son said his head really hurt, started crying and asked us “what’s wrong with me?” And was nauseous. The wife took him to the ER where he puked when he got inside. After 6 hours of sitting at children’s a CT revealed some inflammation and a concussion.

As a father I couldn’t feel more helpless knowing my Son endured this at a place I took him to be safely cared for and watching that video hurt me more than I could have imagined. I hope we all can do more to protect kids from ever going through this and I know there are much worse outcomes.
Fuck people who hurt kids. They can go to hell thinking they’re real tough.
That is terrible. Reach out to local news maybe? If you can make it big enough the DA might be forced to do something. Sorry this happened to your boy and family.
Suing the daycare is a tough one simply because you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they daycare knew she was abusive and didn't do anything about it.

It's a high bar to reach, but if you do, yeah it would be a lot of money (from the insurance company most likely). You may be able to get them to settle for a much smaller amount without proof, but it's an uphill battle.
Yeah but there is video of his kid getting abused
You think that’s difficult to prove significant damages when restaurants lose cases for someone spilling hot coffee in their lap?
If they are insured, this is an easy win. In no world should a child care business not ultimately face liability when they do the possibility worst thing imaginable to a kid held under their care.
The question is, do they have insurance which will result in a monetary judgment but in the end, get this case publicized so they are put out of business. No childcare service should survive this whether it’s their fault or not. They didn’t tell u about it, you had to bring the issue to them bc something was wrong with your child
They had no controls in place & if they did they didn’t tell you about it
They are cooked. This is what the legal system & punitive damages are for.
It needs to be pursued & hopefully a wake up call to anyone running a child care business so it never happens under their watch & a blind eye isn’t turned until the parent recognizes an issue
Honestly I’m more upset the you had to go to them about this before they “looked at the tape”.
No controls in place & employees running wild
You think this was the 1st time that employee did this?
As long as you don’t have the intent to hurt her you shouldn’t get more than a fine.
I almost can’t read the whole thing, it makes me so mad. I can’t help but think about my 2, 4, 6, and 8 year olds in a situation like that and I get upset, I can’t imagine what it’s like to actually go through.

I had a soldier under me that had a daughter that he found out was being abused and SA’d and as enraged as he was it is so important to remember they need you more than you need vengeance. I know that’s really easy to say as an outside observer but keep your kids long term wellbeing in mind man. Thoughts and prayers are definitely coming your way man!!!
I almost can’t read the whole thing, it makes me so mad. I can’t help but think about my 2, 4, 6, and 8 year olds in a situation like that and I get upset, I can’t imagine what it’s like to actually go through.

I had a soldier under me that had a daughter that he found out was being abused and SA’d and as enraged as he was it is so important to remember they need you more than you need vengeance. I know that’s really easy to say as an outside observer but keep your kids long term wellbeing in mind man. Thoughts and prayers are definitely coming your way man!!!
Thanks brother. There’s been so much support and great advice in this thread. It’s all well received and appreciated more that you all know.
At this time we are absolutely taking care of our little man. We are also trying to hold impulsive feelings back as we try to let the system work. How well it works will determine our pivot points and how we go about various actions. None of the advice here has fallen on deaf ears. Thank you all so much! What a great Husker brotherhood we have here.
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Thoughts and prayers Buck. I can't imagine how you're feeling. I have a 3 year old son that is delayed in his speech. Last January I started him in preschool because I thought it would be good for him. He's made great progress since then. It scares me to think how I would react if I found out something like this was happening at his school.

I hope you nail this bitch to the wall.
@God is a Husker any insight on this from the criminal prosecutor perspective?

Based on what the OP said I would have filed Assault 3rd on a special victim (child)

Class D Felony, range of punishment 1-7 years in DOC

I'd have also filed as Count 2 Failure to report by a mandatory reporter. (Class A Misdemeanor, up to 1 year in County Jail)
It’s hard to write this one.

Last week my 4 yr old Son became the victim of child abuse at his daycare in Elkhorn. That evening after being home for a while the wife felt his head and he had an extremely large bump (I’d say 3 times a normal bump) on the back of his head.

When asked he said “My teacher throwed me into my cubby”. We took him to urgent care and then returned home. Pretty soon OPD showed up and then deputies, followed by CSI. Before all of this the girl had been fired for not reporting an injury at work which broke policy. She also tried covering it up by saying he hit his head on the playground (he didn’t) and then by saying he tripped while trying to get away from her.

After finding video evidence it was seen that he rolled off his sleeping mat and she then rolled him over and slammed him back onto it, he then rolled again and she grabbed him by the ankle and drug him across the room throwing him on the mat and then finally he rolled again and this time she picked him up by the blanket he was in and angrily carried him out of view of the camera and then enetered seconds later. This is where she threw him into the cubby and caused the head injury.

Apparently bc they can not prove intent they are giving her a misdemeanor citation. Our justice system is a joke. There’s even a statute that would allow them to hit her with a felony but after I found that and talked to the investigator about it he said “the prosecutors office tells us not to use that one. I’ve never seen that one used”….wtf

Today my son said his head really hurt, started crying and asked us “what’s wrong with me?” And was nauseous. The wife took him to the ER where he puked when he got inside. After 6 hours of sitting at children’s a CT revealed some inflammation and a concussion.

As a father I couldn’t feel more helpless knowing my Son endured this at a place I took him to be safely cared for and watching that video hurt me more than I could have imagined. I hope we all can do more to protect kids from ever going through this and I know there are much worse outcomes.
Fuck people who hurt kids. They can go to hell thinking they’re real tough.

I haven't read the thread yet but did somebody hotline all of this to the State?

And is it the City or the County Prosecutor's office not giving a fuck about a child victim?

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