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Editorial Child Abuse

IDK if you can do this yet or need to wait until the court stuff is done, but for sure post her name when you're able. At the very least she needs to have her reputation ruined so she can never work around a kid again.

That must be an awful feeling, thoughts and prayers for you and your little man. Kid sounds like a tough little dude.
My mind is where yours is on this. I agree, waiting until things wrap up a little is probably best. If the law fails is tho we may try to make some noise somewhere.
Sorry that happened OP, I couldn’t even imagine what I’d do if someone hurt my kids.

These stories of police and CPS are wild to me. Couple years ago my then 8 year old daughter fell off the couch. We noticed her not putting weight on that arm when crawling so took her to children’s. The ER doc said not only did she have a broken arm but had multiple other healed fractures.

Next day CPS and Douglas county sheriff investigator is knocking on our door, which I don’t blame them. What I do blame them for is a couple days later she sees an actual child bone doctor who says not only is her arm not even broken, all the other healed fractures are not fractures at all but rather normal bone development for a child her age.

Case closed right? Nope CPS and DCS continue their investigation for a month or so. We even had to meet with abuse case workers at children’s. A month later the investigation is over and we don’t even get an apology or anything from CPS. Seemed like the lady was actual upset that my daughter didn’t actually have any injuries.
That sucks to hear man. All of you had to go through that bc our system blows
What makes the whole CPS system even worse is that the life of the child being abused often won't get any better if the law steps in. Long story short I figured out that an ex friend of mine was sexually abusing his 14 year old daughter and had been likely doing it for years. I very carefully let her know I knew without a direct accusation. I have a friend who at the time worked for the state as a therapist for children who were sexually abused. I also let her know I knew someone who could make things happen. She wanted to meet him. I took her to him and according to him she only had one real question she wanted answered. The question was "What happens to me IF I say what's going on?" He gave it to her straight and on the basis of his answer she declined to speak up. Draw your own conclusions I guess.

And @Huskerbuck85 thoughts and prayers brother. I pray that your son will be well.
What makes the whole CPS system even worse is that the life of the child being abused often won't get any better if the law steps in. Long story short I figured out that an ex friend of mine was sexually abusing his 14 year old daughter and had been likely doing it for years. I very carefully let her know I knew without a direct accusation. I have a friend who at the time worked for the state as a therapist for children who were sexually abused. I also let her know I knew someone who could make things happen. She wanted to meet him. I took her to him and according to him she only had one real question she wanted answered. The question was "What happens to me IF I say what's going on?" He gave it to her straight and on the basis of his answer she declined to speak up. Draw your own conclusions I guess.

And @Huskerbuck85 thoughts and prayers brother. I pray that your son will be well.
Thank you for the prayers. Aside from that, that poor girl was failed on so many levels. Good on you for trying to help her man. I just can’t believe they failed her like that.
This is heartbreaking. I’ve got a son who just turned four in daycare and I can’t even imagine how angry I’d be if I saw video of that being done to him. I don’t have any advice, just hoping that your son and family can find some sort of closure for this. It’s very important for him to see proof that this was very wrong and that doing something like that has consequences.
I've been unfortunate enough to deal with this stuff from a couple different angles and it still breaks my heart to hear every time. No child deserves that and I'm sorry yours had to go through it. I wouldn't blame you in the slightest for wanting to go scorched earth. I'd say keep pushing the envelope with the prosecutors office until they get it right.
This is heartbreaking. I’ve got a son who just turned four in daycare and I can’t even imagine how angry I’d be if I saw video of that being done to him. I don’t have any advice, just hoping that your son and family can find some sort of closure for this. It’s very important for him to see proof that this was very wrong and that doing something like that has consequences.
We have continued to express to him that that is never okay. What’s super heartbreaking is that after her third time going at him and ultimately throwing him into the cubbies where the head injury happened, he came crawling and crying back into the screen trying to get her to comfort him.
I’m about to lose my shit just typing this. I fucking hate that this happened to him.
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Sorry to hear this Buck. Would be absolutely livid if someone wanted to exert their dominance over my 5, 3, or 1 year old. How do you START at the misdemeanor when a felony is even remotely pursuable - what ever happened to shoot for the stars and settle for the moon? Talk about ruining all of your bargaining power before the prosecutors are even out of the gate.

I’m not saying you should do this - but one of my favorite fathers in movies is Samuel L Jackson in “A Time to Kill” …spoiler alert, he gets away with it…

Door Thank GIF
Sorry to hear this Buck. Would be absolutely livid if someone wanted to exert their dominance over my 5, 3, or 1 year old. How do you START at the misdemeanor when a felony is even remotely pursuable - what ever happened to shoot for the stars and settle for the moon? Talk about ruining all of your bargaining power before the prosecutors are even out of the gate.

I’m not saying you should do this - but one of my favorite fathers in movies is Samuel L Jackson in “A Time to Kill” …spoiler alert, he gets away with it…

Door Thank GIF
I told the investigator exactly this on the phone. I said why not cite her with exactly what the law says she did and then make her prove otherwise. He responded “the prosecutors office told us to never use that one”. “It’s this or this” fuck them!
I told him if it went to a jury that not one juror would watch that movie and interpret that law any differently than I did. He also told me that you have to prove intent….I told him, “she went at him 3 time!”. He responded, “but did she intend to hurt him?” I thought fuck you man. Loser mother fucker who only learned from a book and never had to use common sense.
I told the investigator exactly this on the phone. I said why not cite her with exactly what the law says she did and then make her prove otherwise. He responded “the prosecutors office told us to never use that one”. “It’s this or this” fuck them!
I told him if it went to a jury that not one juror would watch that movie and interpret that law any differently than I did. He also told me that you have to prove intent….I told him, “she went at him 3 time!”. He responded, “but did she intend to hurt him?” I thought fuck you man. Loser mother fucker who only learned from a book and never had to use common sense.
Call him back and ask “what do you think her intent was?” Better yet, ask the Coward that threw a child…what was your intent in doing that? Cuz that reaction sure as hell isn’t to teach a healthy and valuable life lesson.
Sorry to hear this Buck. Would be absolutely livid if someone wanted to exert their dominance over my 5, 3, or 1 year old. How do you START at the misdemeanor when a felony is even remotely pursuable - what ever happened to shoot for the stars and settle for the moon? Talk about ruining all of your bargaining power before the prosecutors are even out of the gate.

I’m not saying you should do this - but one of my favorite fathers in movies is Samuel L Jackson in “A Time to Kill” …spoiler alert, he gets away with it…

Door Thank GIF
They were saying it was (3) which is complete bullshit. I was saying it WAS number (4). That’s the one he’s NEVER seen used and that the prosecutor told them to never use. After finding that he has a concussion is should move to number (5) without question. Great Bodily Injury (GBI) Enhancement in California  Penal Code 12022.7 PC.jpeg
I told the investigator exactly this on the phone. I said why not cite her with exactly what the law says she did and then make her prove otherwise. He responded “the prosecutors office told us to never use that one”. “It’s this or this” fuck them!
I told him if it went to a jury that not one juror would watch that movie and interpret that law any differently than I did. He also told me that you have to prove intent….I told him, “she went at him 3 time!”. He responded, “but did she intend to hurt him?” I thought fuck you man. Loser mother fucker who only learned from a book and never had to use common sense.
So let me get this straight. If a douche bag picks a fight with you in a bar and you give him a concussion you will be in worse trouble than this fucking ho bag bitch?
Call him back and ask “what do you think her intent was?” Better yet, ask the Coward that threw a child…what was your intent in doing that? Cuz that reaction sure as hell isn’t to teach a healthy and valuable life lesson.
I told him to stick her in a room and break her. Response was that they basically don’t have time for that.
So let me get this straight. If a douche bag picks a fight with you in a bar and you give him a concussion you will be in worse trouble than this fucking ho bag bitch?
That is correct. I was also told that if you stab someone and they die but you didn’t INTEND for them to die, you get manslaughter, not homicide.
It’s hard to write this one.

Last week my 4 yr old Son became the victim of child abuse at his daycare in Elkhorn. That evening after being home for a while the wife felt his head and he had an extremely large bump (I’d say 3 times a normal bump) on the back of his head.

When asked he said “My teacher throwed me into my cubby”. We took him to urgent care and then returned home. Pretty soon OPD showed up and then deputies, followed by CSI. Before all of this the girl had been fired for not reporting an injury at work which broke policy. She also tried covering it up by saying he hit his head on the playground (he didn’t) and then by saying he tripped while trying to get away from her.

After finding video evidence it was seen that he rolled off his sleeping mat and she then rolled him over and slammed him back onto it, he then rolled again and she grabbed him by the ankle and drug him across the room throwing him on the mat and then finally he rolled again and this time she picked him up by the blanket he was in and angrily carried him out of view of the camera and then enetered seconds later. This is where she threw him into the cubby and caused the head injury.

Apparently bc they can not prove intent they are giving her a misdemeanor citation. Our justice system is a joke. There’s even a statute that would allow them to hit her with a felony but after I found that and talked to the investigator about it he said “the prosecutors office tells us not to use that one. I’ve never seen that one used”….wtf

Today my son said his head really hurt, started crying and asked us “what’s wrong with me?” And was nauseous. The wife took him to the ER where he puked when he got inside. After 6 hours of sitting at children’s a CT revealed some inflammation and a concussion.

As a father I couldn’t feel more helpless knowing my Son endured this at a place I took him to be safely cared for and watching that video hurt me more than I could have imagined. I hope we all can do more to protect kids from ever going through this and I know there are much worse outcomes.
Fuck people who hurt kids. They can go to hell thinking they’re real tough.
Fuck man. There's no words that can express my sorrow for you and your family for that. Can't imagine. You're a better man than I am. I'd probably be in jail by now. Fuck those people. I don't say this often, but sue the ever living fuck out of those dirtbags. There isn't a punishment enough to rectify that.

On a note of hope...the resiliency of kids is often astounding...thinking and praying for your family.

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