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Boys we’re getting closer

I respect your opinion. I guess I just viewed the game differently today.
I'm not saying there weren't flashes of things, but what positive things did you see today that you are ready to go to Vegas and bet money on that will happen all season?
The last 3 minutes of the 2nd quarter & the OSU TD plus scoop & score ended us
Be honest, Every last one of us were feeling pretty good after we held Ohio St to 3 & were getting the ball back with a chance to go into HT with a lead or tied
Pass defense was horrible but lots to be cautiously optimistic about
Let Wisconsin come in her with a freshman QB thinking “same old Nebraska”
They will go home with an L. We can beat those cheese curd eating homos
The last 3 minutes of the 2nd quarter & the OSU TD plus scoop & score ended us
Be honest, Every last one of us were feeling pretty good after we held Ohio St to 3 & were getting the ball back with a chance to go into HT with a lead or tied
Pass defense was horrible but lots to be cautiously optimistic about
Let Wisconsin come in her with a freshman QB thinking “same old Nebraska”
They will go home with an L. We can beat those cheese curd eating homos
I literally never thought we had a chance despite early returns. Have you watched Nebraska football the last few year? This is the prototype
I literally never thought we had a chance despite early returns. Have you watched Nebraska football the last few year? This is the prototype
Never said we would win
But if we took Ohio st into the 4th down a score or 2
The doom & gloom right now is non existent
We weren’t stopping their passing attack unless we knocked Fields out
Up front we held up ok it wasn’t like last year where we looked like a HS team against them
Never said we would win
But if we took Ohio st into the 4th down a score or 2
The doom & gloom right now is non existent
We weren’t stopping their passing attack unless we knocked Fields out
Up front we held up ok it wasn’t like last year where we looked like a HS team against them
I’m cool with optimism but reality says we got totally dismantled. Again. Idk what to tell you look at their QBs stats and the final score. It speaks volumes.
Maybe after year 1, but alas, it’s year 3(unless you’re a cawk that calls year 1 year 0)
I've been pretty hard on Scott, as I don't care one bit for the finger-pointing bullshit he's pulled to date (on top of the results). There's a major difference between excuses and circumstances though. When you consider the circumstances and pull out the higher mag lens, there's plenty to be optimistic about.

Starting with the release of the 2020 schedule a few years ago, Year 3 was always going to be a throw-away, transitional season. Either the beginning of the turn of the corner or a continued picture of failure.

Having glimmers of positivity after playing one of the Top 3 teams in the country in Game 1 in late October on the road in the middle of a pandemic...this is a good thing. Especially since the positivity largely stems from the play in the trenches.
I've been pretty hard on Scott, as I don't care one bit for the finger-pointing bullshit he's pulled to date (on top of the results). There's a major difference between excuses and circumstances though. When you consider the circumstances and pull out the higher mag lens, there's plenty to be optimistic about.

Starting with the release of the 2020 schedule a few years ago, Year 3 was always going to be a throw-away, transitional season. Either the beginning of the turn of the corner or a continued picture of failure.

Having glimmers of positivity after playing one of the Top 3 teams in the country in Game 1 in late October on the road in the middle of a pandemic...this is a good thing. Especially since the positivity largely stems from the play in the trenches.
That was the saddest optimism I've ever read lol

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