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Best board interaction you’ve had

The one that I can share that he likely wouldn’t be too upset about me sharing is this:

It was halftime and we were in UNO’s locker room. We broke into our offensive and defensive groups (I played both ways but always found my way on the offensive huddle).

Coach Jaworski was yelling like he usually does when he asks Coach Costello (aka Coach Coz) what he thought about a particular defensive front.

Now a thing about Coach Coz is that he was like a cross between the special teams coach from The Waterboy and Hank Hill’s dad from King of the Hill, just add a massive beer gut. Nobody really understood the value he brought nor a single word he said.

But anyway Coach Coz starts talking in whatever language he speaks, something along the lines of “Jaja bleeble blob...5 man front...turn your hips and up da hole..blerbby flern...bullshit...(garbled)...”

At this point Macke, who had his back to the OL the entire time, whips around and holding back a shit eating grin yells “YOU HEARD THE MAN, NOW GO OUT THERE AND DO IT!!!”

We all look at each other and yell “YYYYEEEAAAHHH” and run out the locker room.

Macke then comes to me right before the second half kickoff and goes “Charlie, did you understand a single word Coz said? I couldn’t understand shit.”
fellow CP alumn and football player. Macke might be the coolest person I have ever met. Should have been head coach when I was there.
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I enjoyed ridiculing and mocking @nebfaninwisc to no end. Was also very enjoyable to catch ShamIam in blatant lies. Got bant on the UNLV board for posting the Sam in a bathtub of dildos after he got bant and went to the UNLV board when Cotton was hired.

As far as pleasant interactions...there are a few coaches on RSS I enjoy sending DMs back and forth.
If I remember right a few years ago, saw Sam on 247 kind of spewing his same shit. Just in the few days of the trial I had, people were trolling the shit out of him. Guessing a lot of people got sick of his shit there too... the Sam melt downs with you guys was easily some of the best shit I've read on RSS.
If I remember right a few years ago, saw Sam on 247 kind of spewing his same shit. Just in the few days of the trial I had, people were trolling the shit out of him. Guessing a lot of people got sick of his shit there too... the Sam melt downs with you guys was easily some of the best shit I've read on RSS.
Sounds like homie has smoothed out some of his rough edges on 247 and is tolerable now.
Probably the funniest moment I saw on the scrolls was the night of the long knives/La Resistance/Tombstone gif, whatever the fuck it was. It was like a 2-3-month brewing shit storm that hit shortly after signing day maybe. I had been pestering the shit of nebfaninwisc, the board was in constant chaos it seemed like, Nebraska sucked that year...obviously, but one night maybe 5-6 years ago now, the shit storm erupted on the scrolls and I just remember people giving the mods a bunch of shit, dean a bunch of shit, attacking taters left and right, and there it is....Nayat posts something about the mods sucking dick and there are 4-5 gay porn gifs going. Holy fuck that was funny. Shortly after the dong drop, a huge list of people were bant for awhile.
this one was probably the best:

Read every word... ol unc laid it on you pretty hard, Lee!
That was glorious

I'm surprised none of you have gone to rrs and bumped this thread yet.
Probably the funniest moment I saw on the scrolls was the night of the long knives/La Resistance/Tombstone gif, whatever the fuck it was. It was like a 2-3-month brewing shit storm that hit shortly after signing day maybe. I had been pestering the shit of nebfaninwisc, the board was in constant chaos it seemed like, Nebraska sucked that year...obviously, but one night maybe 5-6 years ago now, the shit storm erupted on the scrolls and I just remember people giving the mods a bunch of shit, dean a bunch of shit, attacking taters left and right, and there it is....Nayat posts something about the mods sucking dick and there are 4-5 gay porn gifs going. Holy fuck that was funny. Shortly after the dong drop, a huge list of people were bant for awhile.
That was such a great time. Anyone have the tombstone gif anymore? That shit made me laugh so damn hard.
I enjoyed ridiculing and mocking @nebfaninwisc to no end. Was also very enjoyable to catch ShamIam in blatant lies. Got bant on the UNLV board for posting the Sam in a bathtub of dildos after he got bant and went to the UNLV board when Cotton was hired.

As far as pleasant interactions...there are a few coaches on RSS I enjoy sending DMs back and forth.
Just happened across this the other day, strangely enough...ah memories

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