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Best board interaction you’ve had

this one was probably the best:

How did I miss this. LOL. Running a train on ole gus/hus.
I'll add. Another one of my favorite board interactions is when somebody posts something borderline retarded but also the format is jacked up. I.e.

Scott Frost is good but
I think there are things
the coaches need to change especially QB

And then @HuskerGarrett rolls in with a "I like this Haiku" comment.
That’s one of my favorite things to do
I’d enjoy a tale or two about that staff! Sounds very interesting
The one that I can share that he likely wouldn’t be too upset about me sharing is this:

It was halftime and we were in UNO’s locker room. We broke into our offensive and defensive groups (I played both ways but always found my way on the offensive huddle).

Coach Jaworski was yelling like he usually does when he asks Coach Costello (aka Coach Coz) what he thought about a particular defensive front.

Now a thing about Coach Coz is that he was like a cross between the special teams coach from The Waterboy and Hank Hill’s dad from King of the Hill, just add a massive beer gut. Nobody really understood the value he brought nor a single word he said.

But anyway Coach Coz starts talking in whatever language he speaks, something along the lines of “Jaja bleeble blob...5 man front...turn your hips and up da hole..blerbby flern...bullshit...(garbled)...”

At this point Macke, who had his back to the OL the entire time, whips around and holding back a shit eating grin yells “YOU HEARD THE MAN, NOW GO OUT THERE AND DO IT!!!”

We all look at each other and yell “YYYYEEEAAAHHH” and run out the locker room.

Macke then comes to me right before the second half kickoff and goes “Charlie, did you understand a single word Coz said? I couldn’t understand shit.”
tPB or scrolls, I don’t give a fuck which...
Just share a funny, maybe unknown interaction you’ve had with a fellow scroller.
I used to have an avatar of a dead buck with an arrow still in it-my first buck with a bow-and was asked one day by someone, forget his name to “have some class, and change my avatar”.
So, I said I would do it if he changed his, just to see if he’d go for it, didn’t care one bit what his was. He agreed, and changed his to a baseball player, so I looked through my pictures to find one I thought was suitable, and updated it. Sent him a note letting him know, and he flew off the handle, calling me a douchebag and a few other names. The buck was replaced with a slightly more tasteful picture of a doe, which is my current avatar over there.
So now every time I log in, I give myself a little chuckle that he is triggered by it.
I shared some information from the Kansas Basketball coaches scouting report about what they thought of the Husker's team and coaches after they barely beat us in Lincoln. Honestly they were shocked they beat us because they only had 6-7 healthy players including only 1 big man. Half the board plus Robin told me I (and the Kansas Basketball Coaches) were wrong. Hurt my neck shaking my head at some of the potato responses. Scrollers and Robin defended Miles and his game plan plus basically said Kansas coaches didn't know what they were talking about.
Rick Shaw is an oddity. There’s no other way to describe him.
Reminds of someone from Grumpy Old Men. No idea what the guy looks like, just gives off that vibe. You can tell he really dislikes Dean for whatever happened back then and thinks he runs HOL like crap. Typical old man stuff. He’s held it in long enough I suppose.
this one was probably the best:

Read every word... ol unc laid it on you pretty hard, Lee!
That was glorious
I have received PMs from the oddest bunch of idiots. The one that is the most jaw-dropping stupid and absolutely ridiculous is the one from jeffhnelson. Some in one of the Covid threads may remember when Indy flew off the handle about suicide. I think @ThomOsborneMD @slattimer @faux Sean Callahan and @Elizabeth Reed were there.

Indy actually PMed me multiple times like a tough guy and called me out multiple times about our differing political opinions.
I had a breathtaking interaction with lbcoc/GBHusker one time. He shit all over Jordy Tshimanga after the UCF game where Jordy was like +34 bpm. I pointed this out to him and suggested he might not want to talk about basketball since he didn't really understand anything about it. And then he got me good by showing how triggered I was by following me about the board for two days. Changed his handle to GBhusker around that time too which didn't help his case because I made fun of him for dropping a take that was so dumb he changed his name in shame
anything with @ungle gus has been fantastic for me personally. he wants me @dead.

@uncle-gus to me:

yore a circus act. a phony. ya might be a Husker fan, i'll give ya that much...yore a message board star, with a circle of crones (some of them yourself), with an agenda to belittle everyone, including the team you proclaim to love...you think yore better than everyone...you play to the masses (lemmings) on here to get yucks. i imagine you've done that yore whole life...you were the guy in grade school who got yuks & popularity from the dumbasses by makin smart remarks about the unpopular, the nerds, the different, the shy, the afflicted, the poor...

if you worked solo you prolly couldnt survive. you need yore buddies to support you...you post seldom anymore cos i'm in yore head & afraid of what to say...you provide no value to this board despite what you think, & ne'er have...

you don't discuss Husker sports like the better posters on here do; whom you troll and belittle....now, what say ye?
I was @disappointed that you didn't react to my nomination of him in the Scroller of the Year thread.

I then logged onto RSS to see that he had started some sort of a thread, which I clicked on immediately only to find that it had been deleted after 4 replies. Can only imagine how terrible and nonsensical it was.
I was @disappointed that you didn't react to my nomination of him in the Scroller of the Year thread.

I then logged onto RSS to see that he had started some sort of a thread, which I clicked on immediately only to find that it had been deleted after 4 replies. Can only imagine how terrible and nonsensical it was.
didn't see. i'll hop in.
Lost my mind once with stormking after one of our many losses a season or so ago...was then that I realized there was no point engaging him at all.

other than that...meh
I enjoyed ridiculing and mocking @nebfaninwisc to no end. Was also very enjoyable to catch ShamIam in blatant lies. Got bant on the UNLV board for posting the Sam in a bathtub of dildos after he got bant and went to the UNLV board when Cotton was hired.

As far as pleasant interactions...there are a few coaches on RSS I enjoy sending DMs back and forth.
I enjoyed ridiculing and mocking @nebfaninwisc to no end. Was also very enjoyable to catch ShamIam in blatant lies. Got bant on the UNLV board for posting the Sam in a bathtub of dildos after he got bant and went to the UNLV board when Cotton was hired.

As far as pleasant interactions...there are a few coaches on RSS I enjoy sending DMs back and forth.
The nebfaninwi dude and IHateKstate had some epic farewells
Obviously Sam as well

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