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As a kid, what's the craziest shit you ever did? (1 Viewer)


Yells at Clouds
Elite Member
Not me but cousins kid drowned a couple of years ago in the Missouri. Him and his buddies would get their flat bottom boat going as fast as it could go and then throw the anchor out the side of the boat. Obviously the boat sank and him and his buddy swam for the shore. Buddy made it. Cousins kid did not. Might have been fine if it was July. Problem was it was May and the water was pretty cold.
We used to "anchor dive" off of the back of my Dad's ski boat at Beaver Lake. It's roughly 85' deep down by the dam, and we'd tie a 100' line onto the stern of the boat, the other end onto the anchor, grab that sonofabitch and dive in face first. The goal was who could ride the anchor down the longest. It's really cold, really deep, and really dark when you get that far down in lake water. Fortunately, we always made our way back to the the surface, but man, there were some burning lungs on a couple of those trips to the top.


Prolific Beaver Murderer
Elite Member
Liquid drano bomb in a glass bottle that gave me stitches in my forehead and arm.
Not exactly a kid but when I was a freshman in college me and my buddies got a kick out of making drano bombs (with plastic bottles) in the dorms and throwing them out of our windows. This wasn’t a daily thing, but something we did several times over the course of a few weeks.

One evening in my friends room we made 4 of them and chucked them out of the window per usual. One of them didn’t detonate. Didn’t really think anything of it. Next day in class we are told the dorms have been locked down because of a bomb. They brought a god damn army to diffuse this drano bomb. There was a ridiculous number of cop cars, fire trucks, the whole 9 yards. According to the news later a bomb squad was there and “diffused” the bomb. I.e. they unscrewed the lid. The news was running all these absurd, overblown stories about it. It was truly incredible.

I felt pretty bad because my buddy got a citation for it and got kicked out of the dorms. Luckily he didn’t get expelled completely. I never got tied to the crime even though I was probably just as guilty.


Offensive Lineman
Started out as taking the .22 and spot light late at night to shoot rabbits. Turned into shooting outdoor lights. First in the country then in town.

Liquid drano bomb in a glass bottle that gave me stitches in my forehead and arm.

When the roads got icy enough tied a rope to the trailer hitch and skied with one of those round plastic sleds through downtown Yutan. 25-30 mph. Worst was hitting a dry spot.

Throwing empty beer bottles at cars going the opposite direction on Hwy 92.

So amazing we didn't hurt ourselves worse or someone else.
We should have tried to arrest you with our fake, not so fake police car. My friends and I bought and old crown vic cop car because one friend had a set of cherries on their farm. We hooked up the cherries, a teardrop, and a pa then headed in for one stroll through Pioneers Park. Turned the cherries on a few times and a girls head popped up from a lap. One car load of kids opened the doors and ran into the trees with some sort of smoke coming out of the car. We then got pulled over by three cop cars half way home to Milford. We got a slap on the wrist, car taken, and a giant ass chewing by the chief of police of Milford. His son was the driver. I’m pretty sure if he weren’t along, they would have thrown the book at us. Pretty dumb

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member

1. My best friend at the time in Elementary School lived out in Ashland. There was a ditch at the end of the driveway. One day we hid in the ditch and any car that drove by we would throw rocks at. We ended up smoking one car and apparently broke the windshield. They somehow must not have seen us stand up and throw them cause they slammed on their brakes, got out, and yelled at us to show our faces but we never did. I remember it being a gold van

2. Period of time me and my baseball friends were really into air soft guns. One day in a friends basement, I shot his replica UZI air soft gun and accidentally popped him just below his eye on his very upper cheek. Was really close to being a bad day. He was our lead off hitter

3. My dad and I each had our own dirt bike when I was growing up. He had a CR 250R race bike, Honda. I had a Kawasaki KX 85 race bike. I was 12, got pretty good on it and thought it was ready for that mammoth of a Honda. Used to ride them at the track under the South O bridge. Took it off a small jump one day. Pulled the throttle back too hard when I leaned back, Honda took off from under me and bounced on the ground and flipped twice, landed about 40 yards away from me with the throttle smashed up and in so it still ran while spinning in circles on the ground, and I just stared at it kneeling on the ground wondering how much trouble I was in as my dad raced over from where he was at to save the day. We headed home after that


Prolific Beaver Murderer
Elite Member
Nobody died Jim you're good.

@Kaladin didn't even know what MLPFC meant until like 10am this morning. Don't even begin to think you need that guys approval
What does it mean? I still don’t know.
angry my little pony GIF

Dble E

Elite Member
Ive got way crazier but the most innocent harmless prank is:

Got hammered one night with a few other buddies when we were seniors about 3 weeks before graduation and rearranged a few orange construction cones/barrels and detour signs that sent US hwy 77 traffic down a gravel road that turned to dirt after the first mile. My dad farmed some ground with a little cluster of timber in it about a quarter mile away from where the gravel ended so we parked there continued to drink and just watch and laugh.

.After the first couple of semis went down that road it turned into a real cluster fuck quick. First one tried backing around the corner to turn around and dropped both trailer axles off the culvert and had it blocked. We had to get home before the wreckers and law showed up to unfuck that rig and get everyone else turned around

Gawd damn...I like it.

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