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Another Saturday Night

My 3 and a half month old daughter had a blowout yesterday waking up from her nap with mom, shit up to her nipples and all over moms lap and a little on the bed
The real fun starts when they start crawling and walking. At 3 months old does have some benefits since they just lay there and haven’t started causing chaos yet. I think they start to get really fun around 15 months to 2. You start seeing their personality more.
Going to an 80s themed charity bowling event, and gonna get bombed. My impromptu Thomas Magnum get-up is decent, and I'm feeling pretty confident with the bulge I have in these tight, short shorts.
You don’t happen to live in downtown Omaha, do you? A guy walked out of his apt on my floor tonight dressed like he was going to some 80s thing.
You don’t happen to live in downtown Omaha, do you? A guy walked out of his apt on my floor tonight dressed like he was going to some 80s thing.

In Swimtown?

50% chance Grindr Date 50% chance going to a Gay Club...

The real fun starts when they start crawling and walking. At 3 months old does have some benefits since they just lay there and haven’t started causing chaos yet. I think they start to get really fun around 15 months to 2. You start seeing their personality more.
She really smiles a lot and makes a lot of noises and moves her arms and legs around a lot. She seems to want to be mobile already but just isn’t quite sure how to do it yet, so I’m already mentally preparing myself. If she’s anything like me then she won’t be able to stay still for very long
My 3 and a half month old daughter had a blowout yesterday waking up from her nap with mom, shit up to her nipples and all over moms lap and a little on the bed
Blowouts are amazing!!! like how does an ass pack that much of a punch to shoot shit with such velocity that it would probably knock a grown man over if it was un-diapered
hole blow GIF
She really smiles a lot and makes a lot of noises and moves her arms and legs around a lot. She seems to want to be mobile already but just isn’t quite sure how to do it yet, so I’m already mentally preparing myself. If she’s anything like me then she won’t be able to stay still for very long
My kids all were walking before they were one. When they get closer to two they start talking more. It’s fun to see that.
My kids all were walking before they were one. When they get closer to two they start talking more. It’s fun to see that.
Not that I wasn’t excited before, but It makes me happy to see her develop as the weeks go by and see her happy and physically developing and just her figuring her environment out. It’s cooler than I thought it would be. Don’t know how else to word that to make it sound not bad lol
Lol several times I have felt her fart in my hand while holding her and I swear they feel similar to mine
I had a buddy (didn't have kids, didn't know anything about kids) over once when the oldest was still in diapers, not talking so she must have been 1...she had shit herself and you could smell it through the diaper and my buddy was like, HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! what is that? did she just shit herself? Yes Brian...she shit all over herself (but luckily it was contained). He wanted to watch me change the diaper, which I gladly let him watch. Once he saw that seedy, runny, loose, nasty shit in the diaper and my daughter just smiling away as I wiped her all clean...Brian almost threw up and swore off kids. To this day he still doesn't have kids...my oldest daughter is 22
I had a buddy (didn't have kids, didn't know anything about kids) over once when the oldest was still in diapers, not talking so she must have been 1...she had shit herself and you could smell it through the diaper and my buddy was like, HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!! what is that? did she just shit herself? Yes Brian...she shit all over herself (but luckily it was contained). He wanted to watch me change the diaper, which I gladly let him watch. Once he saw that seedy, runny, loose, nasty shit in the diaper and my daughter just smiling away as I wiped her all clean...Brian almost threw up and swore off kids. To this day he still doesn't have kids...my oldest daughter is 22
I’ve had two of my kids puke all over me. I’ll take the nasty shits over that.

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