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What do you bring your accountant?

Amen. My CPA has me fill out a multi-page "Questionnaire" every year ... in advance. Because I'm OCD, I've replicated it into an Excel Spreadsheet broken down into separate worksheets for each relevant tax area which I send to him - along with the stoopid questionnaire and supporting documentation in .pdf form - in advance of our meeting. This Friday morning's appointment ought to last about 15 minutes.

Me: "Did you review the materials I sent you?"
Him: "Yes I did. Thank you again for doing that."
Me: "Any questions or any areas that are unclear to you?"
Him: "Nope. Seems pretty straight forward."
Me: "Call me when the return is done, and I'll run you up a check. L8R. Oh, some online accountant buddy of mine asked me to bring a gift. Here's some brownies that I baked for you. You should eat them at home and not drive for a while. Bye."
I've changed the world for the better.
I've had some odd gifts before but today takes the cake. So far this year I've got

A bottle of wine
A bottle of whiskey
Homemade BBQ sauce
Deli tray
Cheese cake

Today 2 Viagra
Older guy that was talking about Viagra during last years appt. We were laughing. His wife was super embarrassed. So he brought me a couple today.

Depending how much he enhances my bank account, some cocaine and perhaps some hot delivered cookies.
Actually, 2 accountant itt

Make that 3, but I got out of the Public Accounting game a long time ago... Much respect to those who can stay in that world, but it wasn't for me. Spent most of my life as a Global Controller before falling into a cushy Director of Finance role.
Make that 3, but I got out of the Public Accounting game a long time ago... Much respect to those who can stay in that world, but it wasn't for me. Spent most of my life as a Global Controller before falling into a cushy Director of Finance role.

Still in public after 5 years. No idea if/when I’ll leave.
My accountant just told me I'm getting a refund and won't have to pay in this year. Point for the good guys

Still in public after 5 years. No idea if/when I’ll leave.
Are you on the Audit or Tax side? I interned with a small firm in Lincoln during my Junior and Senior year doing mostly tax and a few audits in the summer. When I graduated, I went to work for BKD on the audit side. They knew I had some tax experience, so when tax season rolled around, they asked if I would help out there (not really asking). So I got audit's busy season and tax's busy season and it burned me out something fierce. Once I had my 2 years, I bolted.
Are you on the Audit or Tax side? I interned with a small firm in Lincoln during my Junior and Senior year doing mostly tax and a few audits in the summer. When I graduated, I went to work for BKD on the audit side. They knew I had some tax experience, so when tax season rolled around, they asked if I would help out there (not really asking). So I got audit's busy season and tax's busy season and it burned me out something fierce. Once I had my 2 years, I bolted.
I’m strictly audit. If I was forced to help the tax team, I’d be gone.

I have coworkers in the tax department who will work 100 hour weeks multiple weeks in a row. I don’t think I’d last very long doing that haha
I’m strictly audit. If I was forced to help the tax team, I’d be gone.

I have coworkers in the tax department who will work 100 hour weeks multiple weeks in a row. I don’t think I’d last very long doing that haha
I prefer that over audits. I still do them in the summer and fall but I hate it. We also do governmental audits so its the worst kind of auditing. I don't do much of anything in May and June.
I prefer that over audits. I still do them in the summer and fall but I hate it. We also do governmental audits so its the worst kind of auditing. I don't do much of anything in May and June.
With technology these days, we’re traveling less and less. I’ve been to one client over the last year (primarily due to covid but it’s proven we don’t need to be on site). Otherwise I can see how one wouldn’t like auditing (I suppose there are other reasons too).

We actually have a government contracting department that has been lucrative for us and allowed us to double in size in about 6 years. I’ve helped a little but mostly hate it.
Negative. Mid sized firm in Omaha.

Had a Deloitte offer out of college, which is what I wanted, but actually chose a different firm after meeting with all of them. Very happy with my current employer.

Gotcha. I spent 4.5 years at pwc in tax before moving to industry. My group at pwc actually wasn’t awful hours wise, but the hours and pay are better in industry. Now if you stay and make partner obviously it is very lucrative in public.

good to see we have a few other accountants here. Thought it was just me and @Jim14510 for a while.
I'm not really picky. Clearly they can see that I like food, alcohol, and sex.

Guy last week tried to give me some cash because he was going to bring me a bottle of liquor and forgot. I wouldn't accept the cash of course. Same guy brought me a bunch of fly tying material one year.

Sounds like I'm just blessed to have such nice clients. Maybe it's that I'm such a fantastic accountant that they feel they're underpaying so they feel guilty and bring me gifts. Probably some of both but mostly the latter.
What can I bring to help you save me
More money?
I've never got hookers and/or blow before.
all stars lol GIF by Lifetime

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